Can anyone explain how/why the bushes dance in Mario 3?

Can anyone explain how/why the bushes dance in Mario 3?

Other urls found in this thread:

They're hills. They dance because The Hills Are Alive

The Mushroom Kingdom is magical.

Because it's cute and fun.

No wait. There must be some logical, lore explanation that makes sense in-universe and totally justifies it. Otherwise it would totally break the immersion.

its just an ill Dugtrio and one croaked.




Cant you hear the music?

>one croaked

It's not that, I just realized why it was named dugtrio.

They've been building up speed for 12 hours.

It's a play. That's why the curtains draw. They're little toads dancing in plant suits.

finally some1who takes this thread seriously and has a logical answer. was that so hard?

literally the first thing that happened when I opened the gif

Your comment made me search for the music on youtube, and I found this video of orchestrated remixes:

I love it. Man the melody of the first song is just so good.

>duo of heads = two heads

>trio of heads

I've heard that Miyamoto copied his idea of map from disneyland, maybe he copied too old cartoon from them when every character are always moving/dancing even when they do nothing important at screen. That's just a theory.

they aren't bushes they're just green marios


>Mario is a propaganda play against Bowser to hide the inequities of the mushroom kingdom by creating a fable for everyone to believe in

>everyone is in on it, including bowser
>all just to keep the ruling party in power

Nah, it's
MOLTres, molt for molten
ZAPdos, zap for electricity
ARTICuno, artic for cold

SMB3 (NES) had such awesome sound.
The all stars version shat on that sound and it sounds like what you think excrement smells like.
Music is muffled as fuck on SNES as well...
A proper BADUM! sound on NES is a Schleack! on SNES.



Hitmon Lee = Bruce lee
Hitmon chan = jackie chan

Fuck off memer. He's dead. It would be impossible for me to still be alive. Get over it.

That one's the dumbest because Bruce Lee wasn't a boxer and Jackie Chan was a goofy martial artist who was amazing at drunken style, and adept in many others.


Glad someone copied that post I made.


Still one of my favorite memes after all these years

It's windy.

It's a stage play. Not everything is supposed to make sense.

>Articuno will never be corrected to Arcticuno, for Arctic
>Feralgatr will never be corrected to Feralgator
>Vespiquen will never be corrected to Vespiqueen
There are more as well, I'm sure. It's just annoying to see misspellings due to character space, but they continue to still go on.

Snes has objectively better music you shitlord.

Go back to having instruments cut out whenever you collect a fucking coin or have a max P meter or do fucking anything, shitlord.


I think it's a reference to Chinese boxing, or Wing Chun, which Bruce Lee trained in.

What did they mean by this?

Bruce Lee practiced Jeet kune do

>Venomoth and Butterfree will never have their sprites swapped back after the devs accidently swapped them in Red/Blue.

Nothing will ever be as bad as Battle Network character limit abominations.

Oh, sorry. Abmntons

How can you say that about literally me?

What you mean to say is:
It have a better soundchip, but Nintendo are cunts and doesn't allow developers to use a different MIDI font so everything has to use the stock shitty "instrumental" MIDI Nintendo offered.

Yeah, after Wing Chun.
He was trained by Grand Master Ip Man himself

You act like you need to blame the character limits for the spellings in Battle Network.

But multiple games have different soundfonts than each other.

Compare Mega Man X1 to X2. Or those to Star Fox, then to Castlevania 4 to like, Earthbound or FF anything.

Even if they were the same soundfont it was very robust.

Yeah it was kind of terrible, wasn't it?

But the series is so charming I can't help but forgive it.

The joke programs were the best/worst part of the series.

This still bugs me and I don't even play these games anymore.

>Beedrill is a wasp
>Vespiquen (vespi = wasp) is a bee

>bugs me

Hahaha, nice one, like bugs bunny[\spoiler]

they'd need to swap the wings. butterfree's wings look more butterfly-like and venomoth's more moth-like.



That's probably why they made the mistake in the first place


There's also the dratini magikarp one



Time to crash the thread with no survivors.

do moths come from the same type of cocoons?

Aw shit oh fuck

This is explained to me every time and every time I forget the answer and get confused again.

You are confused because the conclusion is presented wrong. It gives an incorrect impression of what had actually happened.

To figure out what went wrong, just go through it step by step.

>10 + 10 + 10 = 30
Three people gave 10 zenny each, for a total of 30 zenny.

>10 + 10 + 10 = 25 + 5
The actual bill was only 25 zenny, so the clerk gives the bellboy the 5z remainder.

>10 + 10 + 10 = 25 + 2 + 3
The bellboy keeps 2 zenny, and gives 3 zenny back to everyone.

>10 + 10 + 10 - 3 = 25 + 2 + 3 - 3
>9 + 9 + 9 = 25 + 2
Subtracting the 3 zenny from both sides.

You end up with each person paying 9 zenny. The total they paid was the room bill (25 zenny) plus the 2 zenny the bellboy pocketed. Both work out to 27 zenny.

The end of the joke makes the mistake of attempting to add the money the bellboy pocketed to the amount the people paid, but that doesn't make sense. The people didn't pay money, receive some back, and then give some to the bellboy. Rather then people paid and then received some money back. The amount that they paid was the room bill, plus what the bellboy kept for himself.

Maybe this time I'll copy this post and have it for next time. Thanks user.


Silly riddle presented falsely. They don't pay 9z. They pay 10, they get 5 back, out of which 3 goes back to them, 2 to bellboy.

30 = 25 + 2 + 3

The question is confusing because people are automatically splitting it into 9+9+9 when no such split is happening because 5 was taken making it 25. They get 1z back so yeah each payed 9z but you aren't supposed to add the bellboy's 2z to 27, but rather subtract as it is part of the subtraction, not the addition. It actually breaks the equation.

10+10+10 - 3 -2 = 9+9+9 -2
27-2= 25
25 + 3+ 2 = 30z