7 more days bros

7 more days bros.

After watching the last stream i'm kind of hyped again.

>inb4 shill

Any others anons looking forward to it?

Other urls found in this thread:




>Don't talk about video games

fuck you

>m-my thread is s-special it deserves its own thread

Every other thread is shitting on the game. This thread is for people that are looking forward to it.

What if i wanted to discuss the game here without seeing the same pasta every few minutes?

This thread will turn into people shitting on the game.
We don't need this many threads.

Also the game is shit.

>Also the game is shit.

Did you play it? Oh and you can stop saging a thread about video games i'll just bump it when it hits page 10.



How's that working out for ya?

Not sure why it's not bumping. Maybe the mods are auto saging it?

pretty good

bumping for op just to get this faggot mad.

To stay on topic, yeah I'm excited for it. Seems like most streamers arenT really checking planets much

Not even mad. Just don't see the sense in spamming the board.

>poorly implemented random alien algorithm
>shitty filter on everything
>boring gunplay
>can't see your feet
>can't fly around the planet
>planet has limits (can't go all around it)
>not actually multiplayer
>shit textures
>abysmal ammount of content

It's not spam when it's a fucking thread about video games.

It is when there's a dozen other threads on the same game, retard.

Where the fuck did you niggers come from?
Go back to whatever forum it was.
>It's not spam when it's a fucking thread about video games.
Well now it's confirmed that you're new.

Yeah, all which are shitpost. There's a lot of other threads you should crusade against but i won't bother linking them.

I chose yours because it was extra shitty. ;)

>Where the fuck did you niggers come from?

Sup Forums, i occasionally browse /tg/ and /vr/ as well. How about yourself?

I'm gonna try it out just because I dont trust Reddit.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not extremely overhyped. I'm going to rent it for about a day from redbox and if i like it i'll buy it.

kill yourself you fucking faggot

>stop talking about things I don't like

The others are shitposting generals. Can't we have one thread where people who actually want to play the game can talk? You can go congregate with the other people who were never going to play the game regardless of how it turned out.


So what interest you most about the game user? Personally i'm getting it for about $20 bucks using an old giftcard. I just want a game where i can fly around and check out weird planets. I have Elite and i just enjoy these type of games.

>>can't fly around the planet
I just watched a stream of someone doing exactly this for like 15 minutes
>>planet has limits (can't go all around it)
Please provide evidence

After being smashed repeatedly in the back of the head with a trowel and losing all ability to think critically, I am also hyped for this game.

I would've thought of buying this if it had base building or costs to live at

Space combat and strategy games usually don't interest me because I find space boring. Being able to land on the planets and explore is what caught my interest especially with the huge variety. I can see myself getting lost in this game for at least 50 hours minimum, hell I think at this point I could watch streams alone for that long

Honestly I was going to pirate this to start but I watched all these interviews with the devs and I feel like they're really down to earth and love what they're doing and I couldn't help but pre-order it

>if it had base building

I recall reading an article where they said that might be a future update. I'll try to dig it up.

*Or citys to live at

They said base building would encourage people to stay put in one place, which is the exact opposite of the point of the game. You're supposed to see as many planets as you can stomach, not set up shop in one corner of the galaxy and stay there forever

Too much emphasis on building really puts me off too

It does cost to love, resources which makes more sense than mkney. Also your ship is your home, if you had a house you would have no reason to explore.

But what am I supposed to do when I find a beautiful planet once I'm done with it just leave it?

Going by the leaker's final vid, the game seems like a more colorful Noctis IV, which I love.
I'll get it if I have the chance.

Does anyone know the minimum specs for this yet?



NMS is the epitome of "it's the journey, not the destination"

No one is

Why shouldn't I just pirate this game, shills? No multiplayer and obviously I don't really want to support that bearded hipster and his mini army of nu-males.

I think you should definitely pirate it first, especially if you're skeptical. I'm personally on the fence, the leak hasn't really swayed me but I was never sure this was a game I wanted to play to begin with. I'd kind of like to see it in person first.

What happens when the journey ends. I'd like to settle down

You stop playing. Does it really matter what planet you ended on?

>Why shouldn't I just pirate this game, shills?

OP here, not a shill. I have a toaster so my only choice is to get it on ps4, if not i would just pirate the gog version.

Why are you acting like anybody gives a shit if you pirate, faggot?
go attentionwhore somewhere else

What I'm hyped for.
>revving up some underground opioids to achieve maximum comfort while exploring funky planets

What can suck a dick
>your mom
>that FOV and draw distance


The LOD is my only complaint. I'm hoping the PC version is much better in this regard

well...granted its procedural...time to die

Anyone else thinking the leak was actually a marketing stunt? They're getting a shitload of free advertising because of it, all the shitposting just makes other people who didn't know about the game more interested

Just a theory..


Sup Forums was already giving it a shitload of free advertising shitposting though.

There weren't 6 threads at the same time until the leak happened

This is just insane

Sup Forums is known idiot that think trolling the game non stop to front page will stop the game from being advertised

It was the perfect storm of memes. We had a Category 5 meme game merge with two meme fronts of faggot overhyped redditors and cynical loser anons.

>Mother of god

what was the last stream?

Reminder that "aliens" emote about the same as disney automatons with lazy text boxes

Streamer was actually taking his time and going to different planets instead of trying to rush to the center. There was a great variety of shit and a lot of the planets were actually exciting and cool to wander around. He also got into a lot of ship combat that looked cool.

nothing positive came from the leak though, the found its easier to get to the center than we thought and that everything lacks depth

if it was a marketing stunt it was planned in-depth (making ebay listing and having someone buy it) for no payoff

Kys, such a shitty theory. I mean why tho? Now there are more people who are not buying the gave anymore and done are even cancelling their order :/. Don't see how this would've helped them financially

Oh and I didn't actually mean to put kys lmao

works for starbound

What I find annoying (at least from what Ive seen) is the fucking AI helper chiming in every 2 mins
>Suit energy is low
>Radiation level rising
>You cant warp
>Your inventory is full

>if I write >inb4 shill in the OP post noone will know that I'm an actual shill, I'm so smart :)

Get a real job, bro.

>using the word faggot unironocally

I hope you're underage user

all but one planet was fucking wasteland, what are you talking about

the one that wasn't was just snow, with the occasional tree instead of dirt or sand with rocks

plus the constant "Your inventory is full"
I don't mind having to manage an inventory but having to do it every couple minutes is fucking awful


>55 FOV

>Now there are more people who are not buying the gave anymore and done are even cancelling their order
According to whom? Some shitposters in a Sup Forums thread? "Lol pre-order cancelled xD" Yeah, no, that guy was never going to buy it to begin with.

NMS has been at the top of the Steam top sellers list for months now and it hasn't changed because of the leak. The leak is just causing it to trend up because now so many more people are talking about it.

How many people do you really think are going to decide not to buy a game based on some retarded 12 year olds on Sup Forums?

Instead of exploring out into the center of the universe as fast as I can, I'm going to go to find a nice a planet and study everything I can about it.

I'm going to look out for food chains and animal behavior. Prey and predator relationships. The whole nine yards. I want to be able to see at a glance what an animal is doing and why. The moment I can accurately know how a planet's ecosystem works I'll move on to the next nice and interesting planet. I'll be a scientist instead of an explorer.

While you're all out there conquering the universe, I'll be isolated on a tiny spec of dust, looking at a spreadsheet on my second monitor and making notes on animal behavior. Yay.

You literally posted the same thing like a week ago.

Do we actually know if animals will interact with each other? Not to shit post but I don't want to get my expectations up.

Well it's procedural so it will run on a 0-100 system of aggression most likely so after the first few cycles of random animals I should have it down.

>its ok when its dark souls/pokemon/overwatch does it
I pity you

I think the game still looks interesting, its nice to have a game thats a single player experience in space

I'm just wondering if it'll be particularly advanced, or just a "attack others" or "not attack others" type of thing.

kek man nice one
to bad there's no ecosystems

Is there a link to this stream's VOD? After a quick search I couldn't find anything.

you can't you stupid shit, the game sucks and you have to live with that

please stop posting NMS threads, this is the worst shit to flood Sup Forums since Undermeme


the game doesn't have advanced animal behavior. it procedurally generates, say, a random spore-esque quadruped with hotdog lips, duck feet, and deer horns, colors it with no regard to the surrounding environment/ecosystem, and plops down a handful to walk about aimlessly while the player is looking at them. they don't migrate, they don't have territorial conflicts, they don't eat, drink, sleep, shit, piss, mate, or even play in any procedural way unique to any class of organism. they don't mete out punishment, adopt young, nothing.


I wanted to do that in skyrim, with the animals running around and the insects.

I suppose next you'll tell me there's nothing behind the polygonal surface of the planets. It's just empty space

I think your expectations were unreasonably high for an indie game if you really wanted not only a complete ecosystem but a dynamic one that morphs with respect to planetary variables

i didn't.