Which one had the best soundtrack?

Which one had the best soundtrack?

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8 has the best soundtrack in the series.


I think so too.

8 > 9 > 10 > 7 > 6 personally


VII had my favourite songs.

this one


VIII, no question

It's also my favorite FF

what's your favorite tracks from 8?

>single best song

>overall soundtrack

I really hate ff8 for a lot of reasons but it absolutely has the best sound track of the series. Has all my favorite music minus Jenova.



Man with the Machine Gun, Liberi Fatalo, Balamb, Find your way
Almost all of them are amazing

Forgot Force Your Way


1:00 always gets me so fucking hyped breh

I put that shit on repeat and just listen to it for hours, still pumped the entire time.

>Getting a lionheart renzokuken on omega weapon to this song

FF7 and 9 can't even compete

8 even though it's the worst of the three.

Probably VIII, though IX has a few tracks that are fucking incredible.


This and Crossing Those Hills are perfect.

best song from ff8 coming through

OST 9>8>>>Game as a whole 9>7>>>>>>>>>>>>I really want 8 to be good since I like the music a lot, but damn the gameplay systems are retarded making the game piss easy and the plot is beyond shit.

FVII definitely had a better soundtrack than VIII. Haven't played IX yet though.

8 > 9 > 7

9... easily. You guys disappoint me.

out of actual curiosity, as I have never played any FF games, what is the appeal of the series?

I keep seeing people talking about how some FF games have shit stories and such, but the fandom confuses me

Crystal Chronicles desu

9 is Uematsu's best work and it does an amazing job of capturing the history of the franchise in just one soundtrack.

9 is the overall best
7 has the most nostalgic pieces
8 has the highest average quality level per piece

Battle themes are shit tier. Only Town themes are good there

Also I never played 8 but I heard the soundtrack and I liked a lot
But personally I still prefer FF4 soundtrack

>Battle themes are shit tier.
Generic fights are hit and miss, but tend to be catchy.
It's the unique battle themes where you get the good shit.

>town themes
I personally tend to find them forgettable myself, unless it's shit like this

8 undoubtedly has the best soundtrack even if everything else about it sucks.



Play one and find out. You can't go wrong with any of them except FF13.

But ff13 has the best ost

That doesn't mean much when even the worst Final Fantasy games have top tier OST

>FFXIII is the worst FF meme

how can people say this while II exists

>implying anyone gives a shit about the NES titles

Very good choice.

Favourite game

Best scenery
Nice diesel punk art style
Better gameplay
Nice mechanics

Timber city theme is good.

>FF8 remake comes out
>all the battles are now Triple Triad

Would you guys still play it?

I would rather buy the IRL Triple Triad set instead.

>all these people saying FF8

Are you all 14 or something?

You can count the good songs in FF8 on one hand and it's full of shit like Laguna's battle music.


I was 11 when it came out. Truly a nice blockbuster rental and pizza rolls.

They're JRPGs with high production values.

That's really the only trait that is shared between the games. The series constantly re-invents itself and adopts entirely new mechanics, so there are bound to be some games in the series you like and some you dislike. This is also why the fanbase is so fractured.
