Why aren't you playing user? the latest patch fixed EVERYTHING

why aren't you playing user? the latest patch fixed EVERYTHING

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what game?

Can't try it until tomorrow since i only got veteran pack. Haven't played since Christmas so not sure how much have changed for better or worse.

do the devs know how their own game mechanics work yet?

Is this yet another Fable spinoff?

no its like Runescape but with even more mindless grind

>even more mindless grind
>even more
is such a thing even possible?

>not perfidious albion

Clearly anglo propaganda

Never even heard of it before. Convince me to play it.


I'm waiting for pantheon. Is it 2020 yet? Wake me up when it is.

>more mindless grind than Runescape
Is such a thing possible?

yep. looks generic as fuck

if you dont believe me, just see for yourself


remove extra dots

No, I don't want to give your channel hits.

>implying kripp comes to Sup Forums

congratulations, this is the stupidest post I have read all day

your mother must be proud of your ignorance

>sponsoring streams on twitch
>sponsoring posts on Sup Forums
just kill this game

playing it so far, love it, already midway throught t4 content

It really doesn't matter too much.

Do you get this upset anyone else doesn't put as much zeal in watching other play video games as much as you do?

the game is dull, snoozefest, so boring.

>Sup Forums sucks Ragnarok and Runescapes dicks all day long
>muh nostalgia
>muh real grind
>much challenges
>tree of savior and Albion come out
My theory is, 95% of the anons who have "nostalgia" just copy paste shit they read on their first couple of months here, with no concept for what they think they're fond of

How is character creator in this? Can you edit face, body, heigth, tiddies etc.

you posted the wrong image op

tree of savior sucked because it had WoW quest systems.

both garbage

I have tried to like Albion, but fuck this game man.

Skill system is fucking whack.

Graphics just too goddamn shitty I can't get over it.

PvP is just constant gank squads and huge armies.. Whoever has more numbers wins. Fucking impossible to be a solo player, have to join some shitty guild and be a faggot with other faggots. Fuck it.



not really a theory my man, its fact.

So, when does this go completely F2P/accessible to non-Founders or whatever they're called?

I had my eye on it since I can't afford a monthly subscription game right now, and mindless grinding sounded fine for my downtime.

Fable : The lost chapters

Didn't they change it to b2p?

if they did, it was after I initially looked into it. Oh well, there goes another option that isn't fucking GW2.