Is No Man's Sky the dumbest science fiction game of all time?
Is No Man's Sky the dumbest science fiction game of all time?
Shut the fuck up, nigger.
I'm going to fucking destroy you and rape your ass so hard you're gonna be bleeding for weeks.
I can't tell who's jewing who anymore
Is that picture on the right some creationist bullshit?
The only thing I agree with is the people who are interested in it aren't the people who are flipping the fuck out over it and after a few weeks shitposters will move on, and the people that wanted to play will enjoy it.
its an exploration game, not a sci fi game.
> gun barrel
so "you can do anything" part is just devolves into "shoot shit i dunno", as always?
yes. Unfortunately, their hilarious conception of a transitional form exemplifies the aliens of No Man's Sky.
come at me bro, we be rocketeers an sheeeeit
You know what MOTHERFUCKER? Bring it on you pussy. I am the leader of a local political party, we have people in the mayor's office and the police department. We have a fucking militia. You bring your bullshit around here you'd better bring the whole fucking army with you. You walk into our HQ and start shit you'll be leaving later that night in trashbags and dumped in the ocean.
Just try and come here. We're ready for you. There is an invisible army out there just waiting for the word. I say the word and this country is facing a coup tomorrow that will make the Bolshevik revolution look like a preschool takeover.
fuck you
What the fuck, man?
guys I played the beta
>saw a splatoon video like this before
why do I feel like I recognize that erect dick
Holy shit, I can’t believe it. This is the game I’ve spent years waiting for. LITERALLY YEARS waiting for it and this is the steaming pile of turds Hello Games puts out for us, like we’re some kind of idiots who don’t deserve a real game. Since 2013 I’ve been patiently glued to my computer waiting for news, updates, gameplay for this. Every VGX and every E3 I’d park my ass in my chair with my model Enterprises and Xwings and like a little fanboy wait for some glorious bit of info on NMS that would revolutionize the way I play games, but NOPE! None of that EVER happened… Now with just a couple days left all hope is LOST. It seems like a huge chunk of my life has gone by, and for what? For this, and empty husk of a game? Fucking Sean and his crew of goons couldn’t even be helped to do ONE thing right for the fans. He talked awfully mighty about endless universes and exotic planets and it looks like we’re just getting another fucking Spore in space. How long do I have to go for an actual game that’ll shake up the industry. I’m literally about to cry right now. I haven’t played any other games in anticipation for this one, and now I have NOTHING left to look forward to. I canned my copies of Dune and trashed my entire Babylon 5 box set thinking they’d be obsolete after NMS. God damn it Sean, I was your biggest fan too and you did this to me. Your peak was Joe Danger and quite frankly I think you deserve it!
i'll pay you $2000 for it
Oh you little shit!
Are creationists that fucking stupid (who am I kidding they are) and literally think evolution happens overnight? I miss that game
>all those pathetic same looking numales that any one of us could beat in fight just by one hit
Awooo, I regret everything about looking at that.
What was it, I missed it
>not having 4chanX
>not knowing fireden
Dude jacking off. Nothing much.
they could atleast adjust the textures or something
Well it's all gone now.
So is this just gonna be Spore 2016 or some shit?
>its an exploration game, not a sci fi game.
You're kidding right
My love for you will never gone!
huh.. really makes you think
Immunity cat ahah
that image is stupid fampai
Avatarfaggotry isn't allowed, by the way.
Man, I often wonder how many non jews the Nazis killed because they had jewish features (like that kids nose).
Plenty non-kikes have noses like that, myself included, and I AM German.
>numale mindbreak
>Being superstitious
Never again will you jew a blue number in the corner of you post out of me.
The nose isn't the only difference.
What Persona is that seacow?
good thread kids.
Protected by both Immunitycat and Psychic Rottweiler motherfucker. Not a card so he's not affected by Traps.
Tarantula crab is actually kinda neat
Better than the giraffe worm dog lizard from the earlier threads
Yeah, yeah, curly hair too. Like the nose, plenty of non-jewish people have curly hair or even a combination of the features that are considered inherently "jewish"
>the lollocaust
There are literal oceans of evidence for hundreds of sources and survivors, yes it did happen.
Just because the World War 2 generation is finally just now fading away and you gullible little faggot wannabe Neo Nazis are trying to discredit it like you have for the last 70+ years doesn't mean it didn't happen.
Your meme is shit, and your tinfoil hat idiocy is shit.
i'm ready for my debut in no man's sky!
Why would you kill the (forced) workforce of your war economy when you're fighting a war on many fronts at once and struggling to meet demand for munitions and basic materials on the best of days?
Why waste time and materials to build extensive camps and to transport many people and enormous amounts of fuel, when a simple bullet will do?
Post all the pictures of work camps and typhus victims and Soviet massacre victims all you want; I've seen it all before. And no, you can't work someone to death; exhausted and starving people are stuck bed-ridden. You'd only get a few days' worth of low quality work out of them to begin with, which is not very useful, is it?
>>Why would you kill the (forced) workforce of your war economy when you're fighting a war on many fronts at once and struggling to meet demand for munitions and basic materials on the best of days?
Because your leader is an over ambitious idiot, and you think that Germany is so overtly rich in human spirit that resources don't matter that much.
>>Why waste time and materials to build extensive camps and to transport many people and enormous amounts of fuel, when a simple bullet will do?
I'm willing to bet that many of the camps were pre-existing locations/buildings that were converted for the purpose, it's really not that difficult.
>You can't work someone to death
Oh my fucking lord...
ironically they weren't even producing anything useful. then again Hitler was using them as a scapegoat.
also, yes you can work someone to death, happens alot actually.
>A spider that can only be countered by heavy artillery
>you can't work someone to death
Annnnnd confirmed idiot.
I won't be replying to you after this post.
Do you actually believe the jews were behind Germany's war economy as slaves?
That guy standing up was doctored in. The original photo doesn't have him, nor are the others so emaciated.
>I'm willing to bet that many of the camps were pre-existing locations/buildings that were converted for the purpose, it's really not that difficult.
So much for your educated and qualified opinion!
>Oh my fucking lord...
Granted. Though the work in Nazi factories was nothing like pushing a crank around until you drop from exhaustion.
>ironically they weren't even producing anything useful.
So clothing, V2 rockets and many types of armament aren't useful?
Yes, Jews who did not leave Germany following the expulsion edict were interned and compelled to work. Auschwitz, for example, was a synthetic rubber & chemicals factory.
Germany's war economy relied in part on Jewish labour.
Good point - look at the silhouette edge of his arm against the wooden pillar.
>He thinks the forced labor was for Germany's war economy
>Not just a shitty, demoralizing activity used to abuse and torture people you intentionally want to be weak.
Keeping folks weak lowers the likelihood of escape attempts or even riots. It had nothing to do with gather resource for Germany's war effort.
I love how fucking stupid you holocaust deniers make yourselves look.
>>Though the work in Nazi factories was nothing like pushing a crank around until you drop from exhaustion.
No one thinks this.
They weren't put to work in factories you fucking dunce, they were forced to do menial, mindless physical labor just for the hell of it.
Prove it.
>all these people who actually reply to that shit
You could just kill them on the spot rather than maintaining a massive complex of pointless busywork and overly elaborate execution methods, matey. Oy vey, remember the masturbation machines!
>They weren't put to work in factories you fucking dunce
Haha, oh dear.
>Man, I often wonder how many non Jews the Nazis killed
the same as the number of Jews they killed, 0
I want weird creatures tho why do you hate fun
this, they would never be trusted with anything important, especially anything remotely relating to rockets. for obvious reasons.
really this aint hard
Interns assembling what appears to be conductors for V2 umbilical cords.
Interns assembling what appears to be V2 gyros.
Interns working on what appears to be an aircraft fuselage.
>in part
And that's why they killed then, they weren't essential.
>b-but it's not economically effective
Just like building camps all around Europe to keep jews, niggers, faggots, handicapped people and communists away
Reminder that killing jews wasn't meant to be practical in the first place, it was about race purity
>Oy vey, remember the masturbation machines!
I prefer the Holocoaster.
Interns working on the V2 internal chamber (the cross-section and use of plywood is a dead giveaway).
This must be that German efficiency I've heard about.
>Reminder that killing jews wasn't meant to be practical in the first place, it was about race purity
Except the German government had been working with Jews to get them moved to Palestine, even had a program to help them transfer their wealth there. They wanted the Jews removed, not dead, and had no problem with other races in and of themselves. They had entire Muslim units and high ranking Jews in the military.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo
>Implying they didn't just save the ones with technical/manufacturing skills for various jobs
>Implying they didn't just kill the ones who had no discernible use such as children, the elderly etc.
Gimme a fucking break.
I want Sup Forums to leave
>this is what Sup Forums actually believes
>then proceeds to hope for another holocaust
>which obviously never happened the first time, huh
An intern poses, looking into a V2.
That jew looks like Özil
>lol all they did was force them to work in shitty conditions for no pay and little food!!! That's perfectly fine!
Kill yourself.
>someone went this far for the sake of looking cool on a cantonese construction board
Nah the number is certainly nonzero, but it's also not 6 million.
You've changed your story from "they didn't get put to work in factories", then.
At least yours is more plausible now.
What did I miss?
It's not fine, it's fucking slavery.
The "little food" part came about when supply lines were interruped during the war, by the way. Hungry workers don't do good work, do they?
>Jews who did not leave Germany following the expulsion edict were interned and compelled to work
It's a rather common misconception that German jews were the main target group of the Nazis. That's just not true: German Jews were only about 1% of the German pre-war populace. Sure, they were deported and killed, too. But the polish, Hungarian and Belarussian jews were hit the hardest.
Oh, and millions of slavs. But who gives a fuck about slavs.
No, he doesn't.
Cruel and unusual treatment of prisoners is commented on more predominately for interest reasons. Prisoners were not unskilled criminals and came from all walks of life, their skills were utilised heavily in factories, under extreme supervision. The Death Camps were well supplied and heavily guarded, prisoners were malnourished, they had little reason to deter them further. That said spies did enter and escape from deathcamps successfully, along with prisoners, although ironically spies and survivor reports were deemed exaggerations beyond comprehension and downplayed as ordinary POW camps.
b-but muh six million
remember the seven million
>It's not fine, it's fucking slavery.
Wait... What? Are you the faggot that's saying it didn't happen?
I'm confused now.
I played the beta too, it got boring really quick.
No, he's playing you for a fool. This is his argument.
>jews weren't killed, they were used as slave labour
>britts bomb the railways = no food
>that's why people died
>death camps are made up
>as are all the testimonies from all the prisoners and camp guards
>and all the documentation and the confessions from the Nazis in charge
What was it?
You have to go back.