Which do you like best? I would ask this to people and deem them worthy of my friendship based on the answer

Which do you like best? I would ask this to people and deem them worthy of my friendship based on the answer

Other urls found in this thread:


Crash > Mario > Sonic> Banjo

BK 1 > SM64 > SA > Crash

Nothing tops the good on Crash Bandicoot.

I've only played the original.

If your answer isn't crash 2 we can't be friends

Mario > Crash >>> BK >>>>>>>>>>>>> Sonic

Only contrarians and hipsters would not pick Mario.

Why is Sup Forums so desperate to show off how much of a special snowflake they are?

n64 owners: BK > SM64
Ps owners: Crash > Sonic

Most people owned only one of these consoles for this generation.

For people who did have both:
BK > Crash / SM64 >>>>>> Sanic

SM64 all the way, if Sup Forums doesn't like it I'm sorry we can't be friends then it was nice meeting you


Mario 64 really is the best here

Are we talking the franchise or the particular game? Because Sonic Adventure is ass.

Super Mario 64 was and will continue to be the best. Banjo is a good runner up. Crash barely takes advantage of being in 3D and is far too linear. Sonic Adventure was a mistake.

if it was Crash 3 then it's a different story, but SM64 is my pick.

and if you don't like then that's okay i guess

>deeming friendships based off of what videogames mascots people grew up with

you are an ignorant bigot

the one that doesnt star a furry

>basing friendships off of mutual interests and opinions

yeah what a whacko

Banjo > Mario > Sonic.

Never played Crash, so I can't judge it fairly.

>ignorant bigot
so are you.

Go and emulate that shit my man, it's tight

The first three are good games, worth playing in order as they improve - or at least add something - as they go on. From there it falls from grace, but for what it's worth the kart racing spin-off is amazing.

>Friendship arises out of mere Companionship when two or more of the companions discover that they have in common some insight or interest or even taste which the others do not share and which, till that moment, each believed to be his own unique treasure (or burden).
Do you even understand friendship, bro?

>deem them worthy of my friendship

Crash 2, Banjo Kazooie, Mario

Never played Sonic Adventure.

I haven't played BK since I was a kid so I won't judge. So I'd consider Mario/Crash > Sonic.

I remember loving Sonic Adventure the first time I played it, a couple years ago. But replaying it more recently I realized it aged really bad. Adventure 2 is a lot better.

I also finished Mario 64 two times in the last 3 days, it's still great.

Sonic adventure > Mario 64 > Crash >>> Banjo shitty

Anyone who picks Mario is a normalshit. Mario, based on sales, is the equivalent of Skyrim and Call of Duty (aka a shit series only lied by normalfags)

As characters or games?

For games, I'd put Banjo>Mario>Crash>Sonic

For characters, I'd do Crash>Sonic>Mario>Banjo

Wow, you're kind of a fag

The numbers don't lie.

i wouldn't want to be friends with a retard

if you liked crash 2 instead of crash 3 then I dont wanna be friends with you

but its sonic adventure>crash>banjo>mario


They are not the same style of games.
Mario and Banjo are 3D Platformers.
Sonic is a Linear running game
Crash is a 2D platformer for the most part.

the numbers don't lie because they don't mean anything in this context. take your pointless argument somewhere else.

crash 2, the rest are shit

If your choice isn't Mario you're not in a position to dictate terms of friendship

>I would ask this to people and deem them worthy of my friendship based on the answer
That's autismal as fuck

that said,

Crash 2 = BK > Mario 64 > > > Sonic adventure

if you like Crash 2 then i really don't see how you don't like the others at least a little bit.

Crash 1 is bad. Really rough and the saving system make the game not enjoyable. The last stretch, where you need to complete 3 of the hardest levels in the game, simply to be able to save, is ridiculous.

Banjo > SA1 > Mario 64 > Crash

What do you mean the argument is pointless?

Why is it that you see LE GAYMUR GIRLZ XD all over adore mario and pokemon? Why is it that Mario games were the highest selling games on every nintendo console? Why is it that Mario is ingrained into video game POPular culture? It's because Mario is for normalshits that know nothing about games just like call of duty. It's a fucking brand.

not really people have different tastes and to me those other games are shit

Popularity has no correlation with quality.

Spyro > Super Mario > Crash/Banjo >>> Sonic
How could you forget fucking Spyro?

oh, i thought you were referring to the other games in the image. if you've beef with other Crash games then i don't understand that either, but i guess they improved as they went along. and you've got a point with that pacing, Crash 1 lost sight of what was and wasn't fun more than a few times.

Dude. Stop it with the memes. Mario is popular, yes. But it's not bad at all. Stop trying to be the hipstiest of hipsters. Nobody care that you dont like popular things. We get it. You are a special snowflake.

I'm so glad I'm a normalfag jesus christ.

I can think of a million platformers better than Mario.

Rayman, N++, Gex, Crash, Banjo, Sonic, Cool Spot, Greendogg, Voodoo Vince, Abe, Quackshot, Ducktales, Earthworm Jim, Toe Jam and Earl, Conker, Sly, etc.

>Sup Forums has been invaded by normalshits

Oh fucking god

Imagine being this much of a faggot that girls playing your games means you hate it now

Although probably you're just a furry faggot who can't relate to a game with a human main character

and there it is, the worst opinion in the thread

Everybody on Sup Forums is a normalfag. They just act like they are specials.

Sup Forums is the fucking 700th most popular website on the net. Millions of people come here. Everybody know about Sup Forums. If you are on Sup Forums, and play video games, you are a normalfag.

Unless you eat bird brains while screaming about the giant blueberries trying to kidnap your daughter otter, you are part of a group. And you are normal.

i guess that's fair enough. your loss, i suppose.

a game is what it is. who cares about the ephemeral shit, just judge it for what it is. if you don't like the game itself then that's on you, but don't drag that unnecessary bullshit in to justify your deeper prejudices

Yep. And I've been norming the shit out of this place. I can't wait to turn your life around and make you a well rounded stable individual.

>Falling for the bait so easily.

Thanks for the (You), fool.

>But it's not bad at all
And how many platformers have you played?

You probably only know of Nintendo ones because they keep reusing the same characters throughout history like a brand. Why are you on a site for enthusiasts if you don't know anything about the history of this medium?


64>crash 2>SA
Haven't played banjo

Why can't I hold all these replies?

it's cool that you like those games better than Mario 64, but i don't really care.

I'm 27 and have played over 406 confirmed games. A lot more.

So I would say... around 100?

None of the platformers you listed are objectively better than Mario.

the fuck is this?

>Haven't played banjo
And these are the people that infest this board. Normalshits that only play what's popular. I can guarantee Banjo far exceeds Mario 64, as well as confirm many platformers excel far more than fucking mario. Please, get some fucking taste or at least learn more about games than what's at the surface level. Are Halo and Doom also the best first person shooters to you? Are Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest or Chrono Trigger the best rpg's? Is fucking Skyrim the best western rpg, faggot?

>opinions are all over the place


Banjo > Mario 64 > Sonic Adventure > Crash 2

None of those are even close to Mario 3 or World.

Have you ever even played Cool Spot or what about Pitfall?

>Literally anyone who answers with Crash [any entry]
Dropped friend right there. Is it possible to have a worse opinion?

My Backloggery. I use it to keep try of my backlog.
It's pretty good, but you have to invest some time if you have a big collection, since you have to type every game name.


either varnish or a naked loli. the internet isnt too sure.

N++ and Super Meat Boy far exceed Mario

I've always use How Long to Beat for that. Its less streamlined but I like the option for organizing them somewhat accurately by length so I can figure out what I have time to play next.

i didn't want to outright shit on your opinion, but i'd consider a lot of what you suggested B-tier platforming games at best. i really don't see how Cool Spot, for instance, even comes close to whatever Super Mario game you feel like comparing it to. it's not a bad game, and if you enjoy it more then nothing i say can take that away from you, but man - shit's simply on a different level in just about every way.

I recently played Sonic Adventure on my Dreamcast. I used to love it as a kid but looking back, that game was a glitchy mess.

For me BK = SM64 > Crash > SA

Mario far exceeds N++ and Super Meat Boy

What's your beef with Crash, friend?

Yeah, I use it too, but less often. I just input my times from time to times. Like, I just finished Apotheon in 9 hours and 5 minutes, so I'll add that to the How long to beat and ect.

Crash 2 and Sonic Adventure is out of the question. I'd probably have to say Super Mario 64 because even if the camera has aged kind of poorly, no 3D platformer (other than Sunshine) has came close to the depth of movement. There's so many different ways you can traverse a level and so many different things you can do, the game is still fresh. Also amazing music and fantastic level design.

Banjo is still a great game though, I used to consider it better than SM64 because I preferred the aesthetic and charm of the game, but after playing more SM64 and fucking around with speedrunning, the game is really just unrivaled in terms of satisfying movement in 3D platformers,

I'm 32. Games have been around for more than 40 years. Play more games and actually explore the medium before you feel like you have anything to say.

>0 completed for Genesis and 2600
You should get off Sup Forums and go to reddit instead. That seems more your speed.

Banjo Tooie>SM64>Banjo Kazooie>Crash 2>Sonic Adventure

>Genesis games being fun

And I played them, just on compilations on the Gamecube and Xbox.

Most games on the 2600 are unfinishable anyway. They are party casual games for the most part, like Tank or ect. Does Jetpak even have an end?

Also, please, stop it with the reddit meme. You sound so stupid by using Reddit as some kind of boogeymonster. Been on Sup Forums for 9 years now. Pretty sure I'm fine right here.

I'm 63. I've been playing games since their inception, and I've played thousands of games to completion. Get the fuck off my board, normie.

You haven't completed Haunted House, Adventure, or Raiders of the Lost Ark? ave you even PLAYED any 2600 games?

Banjo > Mario 64 > Crash 2 > SA

There's thousands galore. Demon's Crest, Time Dominator, Tin Head, Rocket Knight, fuck even Blizzard blew the shit out of Nintendo with Lost Vikings. PLAY MORE GAMES


Are you seriously going to try to argue that Gex or Abe is better than Mario? I haven't even heard of some of those other ones.

>I haven't even heard of some of those other ones
That's all I needed to fucking hear. Once more, why are you on an enthusiast board if all you know is the most popular stuff? Do you know anything about games? Why are you here? Why are you even talking as if if you have any worth to your words?

Crash 2 > Sonic Adventure > Mario 64 = Banjo Kazooie

>being that triggered
Top kek

SA > Mario > B&K > Crash

Mario 64 > Crash 2 > Banjo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SA

Played crash 1 but controls felt kinda rigid and the save system was terrible, does 2 control better and is it just me or is this something other's feel?