Darkest dungeon

So what does Sup Forums think of this game

It's shit

rng grindfest played only for muh artstyle

You know damn well what Sup Forums thinks of this game.

I didn't but i'm getting the sense you guys hate it


My entire roster consists of 12 level 6 DD survivors, and I still have 1 more DD run to finish.

Fuck this shit.

>Sup Forums never hating something

I personally think that it's a fun game, but of course, Sup Forums is a hivemind of saying everything is shit.

Most people who've played for a while love it, the people who played it for an hour or two hate it

People who understand that RNG games are about risk management and mitigation are a tiny minority

Fuck you guys. I like it.

>inb4 muh art style

Why aren't you just getting more heroes?

The first about 7-10 hours are amazing, then it turns to a shitty repetitive grindfest. If you haven't played it yet - go and try, it's great fun until it's not.


The only reason this game gets any hate is because of mongoloids running into it without any forethought or planing and blaming the "bullshit" rng.

rng adventure for people between 12-21 that like artificial fun
no redeeming qualities besides artstyle

i had to mod it to increase the level thresholds (by 1, so lvl3s can do level 1 missions, etc), and remove the one DD run per character thing in order to make the grind bearable.

yeah im casual, whatever

game's quite RNG bullshit heavy but i still had lots of fun

I don't know what you're trying to imply but the art style is the only good thing in this trash heap


Unfair as fuck though.

look I pretty much agree with you, but getting wiped from 5 crits in a row late game is really frustrating and there really isn't a way to plan around that

the rest of the RNG is fine though

RNG bullshit of the highest caliber, but the overall aesthetic is great.

I love it, 50+ hours so far since I got it on the last steam sale. It's a better Souls game than DaS3.

I like it, but it has some serious serious flaws
the "rng" is easily mitigated by proper risk management, which is the essence of any roguelike game, and proper longsight
However it becomes a heavy grindfest
Despite this, I had serious fun with it

They should have fucking told me that my heroes will become douchbags once they reach a certain level and refuse to go in lower dungeons.

It's so you can't just babysit weaker heroes and level them up too easily you autist

>Backstories as told by the narrator is nothing short of god-tier
>Impending sense of terror and general mystery
>Excellent characters with unique backstories
>Occasionally excellent gameplay (Hit-or-miss for many people)

>Diceroll gameplay that instead of giving both sides an even chance to fail, the player usually falls short thanks to barriers in the form of corpses, stress, sickness, etc.
>Painful grinding and lategame
>Battles that can easily result in the loss of hours of progress at the will of a crit (At the same time, the player can easily crit in the same fashion)

Personally, I love the game, but I can see how it frustrates Sup Forums's more casual population.

Love the fuck out of it, one of my favorite games.
Addicting to play. I've beaten it three times already. Don't listen to scrubs complaining about RNG, they just can't take the DARKNESS

This to be perfectly honest

I can appreciate a challenge but the game gets so difficult and grindy just for the sake of saying "lel this game is soooo hard XDDD" and it isn't fun after Moderate level dungeons.

>RNG is completely out of control.
>Diseases are too difficult to get rid of, it's cheaper/faster to just kill off that character.
>Class balance is horrible. Hellion, Plague Doctor, and Jester are incredibly overpowered. Highwayman, Vestal, and Leper are borderline useless. Every other class only functions in niche or gimmicky groups.
>Stress does nothing until the point where it just makes you character worthless.
>The balance between the different areas is horrible.
>Character progression is trash. Everything is just numbers increases.
>Combat "strategy" consists of just stunning and nuking everything to death.
>Boss design is uninspired horseshit. Unless you look up a guide the boss it will kill your entire party if you don't have the right comp.
>Enemies all have 1-3 attacks and extremely limited A.I.
>Bleed and Blight do the same fucking thing, with the only difference being that Skeletons are weak to Blight and immune to Bleed, while everything else resists Blight and is weak to Bleed.
>It's exceedingly easy to exploit the RNG once you get the trinkets to do so.
>It's grindy as fuck despite there being no real progression.

How do I the Brigand 8/12/16 pounder? How do I Vvulf? Why are the human enemies the hardest enemies in a game about eldritch monsters?


>Bad boss design

Because humans ARE the monsters, user

People fucking loved it when it came out. I bought it. I hated it. I refunded it.

I can appreciate that not everyones tastes are the same. But XCOM / Darkest Dungeon kinda games where it's all RNG and reacting to RNG is dull as fuck to me.

>tfw no plaguefu to smite

>Plague Doctor
>incredibly overpowered

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8 outta 8.8 I can't w8 4 more of your h8

I may let you smite me, valiant and noble user~

>tfw no hellfu to sit on your face and powerlift your body

Risk management simulator.

Learning how to play is really fun. Once you know how to not get screwed by RNG the game becomes really boring because it just devolves into a grindfest

Its good, just wish there was more. Sad that they produce content so slowly, but I guess thats just what happens when you're a small company.

I want to revel with hellion whilst vestal watches sheepishly

I wish I could get musclegirl to protect me

... what actually IS this game?

I've seen parts of it but can't tell what is going on for the life of me.

think of final fantasy 1-6.

each side queues up attacks/abilities and then results happen

Vestal is fucking useless. Her stun sucks and her heal is worse than the Cultist's, who does a ton more shit than she does. She's literally a shit version of the other healers.

Leper is trash because he can't deal with being shuffled and his accuracy is trash. He also has no CC other than a knockback with shit accuracy.

Bosses are crap. There's no arguing this. The hag, for instance, just requires you to have skills that hit the back row, but if you don't have that, you lose. So you better look up guides, since the game makes no effort to tell you anything.

Try playing the game.

Jester invalidates the stress mechanic, his buff is incredibly overpowered to the point of ridiculousness, and Solo+Finale 1-shots every non-boss while also debuffing the entire enemy team's accuracy.

Plague Doctor is just fucking broken with all the CC he has, along with DoTs, Healing, and Debuff removal. The fact that you don't see it means you're probably slow in the head.

Roguelike dungeon crawler with an amazing narrator and cool art design and turn-based combat against eldritch RNGods

RPG with very little content stretched out by alot of RNG.

Most people ragequit and leave hilariously mad steam reviews, but at least they're spared knowing they didnt miss much.

honestly I haven't played either class much since I found a party that suited my style, I'll give them a try later user, thank you.

>Most people ragequit and leave hilariously mad steam reviews, but at least they're spared knowing they didnt miss much.

>Overwhelmingly Positive

Please need to just git gud honestly. Been an original backer and the game only got easier with the updates.

>that narrator
holy fuck I could listen to his smooth voice all fucking day long, its so satisfying when he tells backstory


The cannon really sucks, you need something that can hit the cabin with a lot of damage, like the leper, and something that can take out the match man every turn, like the arbalest or hellion with iron swan.
A marking team can take out vvulf, especially the bounty hunter because of the bonus vs. Humans.

Bretty good game

Something something humans are the true monsters


The hag. As another user said, if you don't have the ability to hit the backline, it's a wipe.

anybody install that pitch black mod?
i put over 150 hours into dd and its pretty predictable and boring now


>tfw you don't remind yourself

Held items make some of the lower-tier characters less trash. They also make the high tier characters even more game breaking, but credit where credit's due, the held items have some decent synchronicity.

>stun buffs on Vestal, so she can actually do something between heals in the back line
>accuracy buffs on Leper (which generally debuff dodge, but that means shit to the Leper's base 0)
>bleed buffs on Jester
>intentionally putting bleed chance drops on the Cultist, so he becomes the best healer bar none

common shitters

rare shitter

my nigga

how the fuck is it a souls game

>casual population
>it takes skill to be lucky at RNG

what the fuck am I reading

Let's say you have a 10% chance to finish a dungeon by pressing random buttons.
A redpilled player can increase his chances by playing cleverly to 80%. A casual shitter (You) might get up to 30%.

>get chances up to 80%
>get the 20%
>rightfully get upset
>"you're casual :^)))"

I see this game also has an awful community


I know you're being ironic, but there are lots of people who think that

>difficult game = dark souls-like

t. shitter


I like the game but my visuals constsntly get replaced by white boxes and no amount of verifying the cache permanantly fixes the issue

>it's not unforgiving! you can run away anytime!
>btw if you run away from the darkest dungeon, all your high level OP stuff team dies
from challenging to artificial difficulty in one update

You could've retreated.

refer to

>lose 1 (one) party member
>keep all your shit


>tfw no party of waifus to bang after dungeon raiding

wtf i lost 3 of them

It was fun while it lasted but I have yet to beat it
>have "A" team and a suicide squads
>have a retardedly OP strat where my abomination was hitting for over 70 on two targets
>game does partially nerf this, so the opness can only be used for bosses and whatnot, but even then I was still doing high 40s low 50s.
>beat the first darkest dungeon easily
>my fagget party despite never running into much trouble won't rego into the next dungeon
>Game wants me to farm for a gazillion hours to beat it

This. 24h on counter here and tired of it. Endless same grind over and over. It was fantastic at first, though.

bleak atmosphere, challenging combat, and consequences to dying. DaS3 has too little of the aforementioned and Darkest Dungeon has them in spades.

This seems familiar, but I...

>>Bleed and Blight do the same fucking thing, with the only difference being that Skeletons are weak to Blight and immune to Bleed, while everything else resists Blight and is weak to Bleed.
>everything else resists Blight and is weak to Bleed.
The Cove mobs would like to have a word with you, champ. No Plague doctor/blight in the cove is a suicide run.

Also certain bosses require you to use dots.

Such a cool little detail, skeletons and pelagic life are bleed resistant due to no blood in the former and scales on the latter, and yet blight easily due to no skin on the former and limited exposure to the surface world with the latter.

And yet the swine men are resistant to blight due to living in filth and susceptible to bleed because they're fat fleshy pigs

Can someone enlighten me, is she a paid mod or something?

Poor man's XCOM

it's an arbalest reskin for cuckstarters

She's a prettier version of the sheboon archer

google Musketeer for non backers


Flavor of the Month

Fun, on low levels you can fuck around with any party/skill setups, then once you get to higher difficulty you either GIT GUD or cry about unfair RNG while your rectum shatters beyond repair.
Wayne June is based as narrator.
He's also working on Dota 2 announcer pack

>rng complaints
every tiem

I love the game, its style, its narrator and it's a cool concept, but holy fuck, it can be unfair at times.
>Send team I used in the Darkest Dungeon on a regular expedition
>The first group of enemies they come across crit my abomination twice, blight him and immediately put him on death's door and the blight tick finishes him off
>All of them took their turn first and there was literally nothing I could do

The game isn't supposed to be fair, but I just haven't had any interest in it since then.

should've used +initiative artifacts