So know that CSGO is decreasing (number of players, tournament viewership) and thanks to new gambling rules it will continue to do so, what's the next game that everyone plays? Overwatch?
>inb4 LoL, I know its the most played game >inb4 OP is retard. I know its pretty fucking far from dying but its decreasing and as someone who used play a lot and reached global, I can feel that the community is getting bored of it.
Owen Gray
god i hate pasha
Charles Peterson
why? because he's better at video games than you and more /fit/?
get cucked.
Levi Martin
he's an overrated meme pro like shroud and kennyS
Chase Nelson
how the fuck is kennys overrated? he singlehandedly carried titan and was considered the best player for a long time. still one of the best awpers
Jace Richardson
well user
same shit happened with quake 3 and i played the shit outta that from 99 til about 2008.
people get bored of shit over time
i still like the game, but i cant really find servers that aren't bots or Russians anymore, same with UT99
Bentley Jenkins
Hell yeah, fuck this stupid memegame and its tryhard, dickwad, "le epic esports team xddd" players.
Isaiah Scott
damn, who is this cum chum?
Nathaniel Powell
Biggest csgo betting site is still up and isn't going down anytime soon
Josiah James
Normies are always better at everything than the neckbeards, it makes sense that once they make the move to video games they start dominating.
Chase Young
"still one of the best awpers" kek
Evan Bailey
when is Counter-Strike 2 coming out jesus fucking christ its been like 18 years.
Connor Sanders
Rainbow Six Siege
Levi Peterson
Hopefully this, it's so much more interesting to watch and play.
Mason Cox
The game is great despite ubisoft Imagine if some competent company had it
Samuel Robinson
just look at hbox. king of normies. king of melee.
normies will take gaming back from elitist shitlords
Dylan Martinez
bull shit, all 3 of them are legit my friend
James Thomas
>counterstrike 2 >implying literal autists wont scream out in anger if they dare to add/change something. If the revolver added so much anger imagine a full blown sequel that added tons of shit. autists are 90% of the games target audience. Which is why they keep releasing the same game over and over again for the past 18 years with a but with newer graphics.
Kevin Gray
I would hope this but I don't think it'll happen.
Jordan Bell
so what's this gambling meme now, csgo had a massive playerbase because it's the sequel of a famous multiplayer game (see also dota2) and 90% of the playerbase is in because of the name or coming from the previous game, if you think gambling had anything to do with the game popularity you are so deluded it hurts
Elijah Perry
>"how do you do, fellow kids?" - the post
Brandon Gray
tbf the R8 was broke when it was added, same with the CZ for a long time
i dunno why they keep fucking this up with the pistols.
they should remove the 5-7 or make it identical to the tec - or give both teams the tec and make it cost 800 in either case
giving both teams access to the dualies and having it cost 500 was a good idea. tec/5-7 should be an improvement on the dualies but you cant buy utility with it in in pistols round
Cameron Lewis
Dualies were always available for all teams...
Carson Perez
csgo didnt skyrocket in popularity like a year after release after they introduced the skin market. in 2012/early 2013 it had like 15-30k average players which is fair considering it stems from a popular franchise, but the real boost came later.
Hudson Phillips
lol. in 1.6 dualies were T only, CT had the 5-7 as equivalent
in GO, both teams have dualies and the unique guns are now starters and 5-7/tec9. but the tec is clearly an awful lot better than every other pistol currently
Christian Barnes
>lol. in 1.6 dualies were T only Really? I don't remember that at all, then. >tec is clearly an awful lot better than every other pistol currently Ehhh, Five-seveN is more accurate, Deagle is cool too if used properly, P250 is cheap and Dualies are a joke weapon.
Luis Jones
Did Valve do anything about the pro cheaters in this game yet?
Hunter Anderson
I use dualies a lot in GO, theyre pretty excellent for the first 3 rounds, good as anti eco, or if you use a sniper rifle on T and can guess based on the eco situation that the CT team has only bought kevlar no helmet because they know awp and ak will kill with a headshot anyway and cant afford to waste the extra 350 for helmet.
deag is a meme weapon
tec9 beats every other handgun. theres a reason high level pistols buy strats involve donating a tec to a player that also buys kevlar. absolute terminator status
Christopher Campbell
ubi really had something going there, but fuck they are incompetent in fixing shit and balancing. it takes them ages to come up with updates. not to mention anticheat which was only implemented after like what 6-7 months post release? that anticheat aint good either its the same as dayz have