Kotaku is next, right user?
Kotaku is next, right user?
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No you faggot they were bought that same day by Ziff Davis.
Pretty sure IGN owns it now. As shitty as they are, I'd prefer them running Kotaku than letting retards like Patricia Hernandez and the nu-males keep writing.
who gives a shit.
they're scum, but it's not like the problem's fixed because one person is maybe going under.
kotaku will stay, but who knows, it "could" become a better place after most of its staff get fired and replaced under a potential new direction
>Court ordered Hulk to seize Gawkers assets after discovering that Denton lied in court about the stock value
This shit is the gift that keeps on giving
somebody will buy it, its just a matter of how denton weasels his way into the company again.
in a perfect world, everything would have already been seized and all gawker sites would return 404 errors.
>under a potential new direction
If you think a change of direction could save kotaku then you're too new to have seen when their main output was boob clickbait in the form of single paragraph articles about statue porn and japanese elevators
would Sup Forums give kotaku another chance if it actually changed or it's doomed to forever be a hated meme site regardless of its content?
Is this the end?
That's not how 404 works user.
>some billionaire is spending his personal fortune to ensure that Gawker bites the dust
How much oy-veying has there been recently?
never said anything about saving it, just that the content might change
I think they're a little bitter
>you will never be this salty in your life
it is very cathartic to see gawker get shit on. Though I still have some issues with the idea of a billionaire very publicly trying to ruin a person/company because they don't like them.
When a tabloid tries to destroy your life for no reason beyond that they can and you have the resources to get even, you get even.
I would be against it if he tried to hide, but Thiel making his intentions 100% clear means it's fine by me. It's not like Gawker deserves to live after all.
Seems like a basic talk shit get hit scenario to me
Someone posr the video from the court
Exactly correct
Revenge is a dish best served with a bodyslam
Pic related: How gawker expected their cheese pizza sex tape joke to go over in court
Hey it shows dont fuck with this billionaire or he'll ruin your life.
What Gawker did to Hogan is the equivalent of you living your life quietly, just trying to get by and then some motherfucker enters your house, comes up to you and punches you in the face.
They deserve it 100%
Nothing is going to save Kotaku now. If they get bought out and just change the staff, best believe that it will be more sjw writers. Kotaku was cool 10 years ago when I started reading it then around like 2013 they went extra hard retard. No saving it now.
The main Gawker site changed and is now just political news I think.
what does that mean exactly?
can HH go around to their offices and just take stuff?
Kotaku Then
>"Haha I live in Japan and you don't" articles
Kotaku Now
>A house fly wouldn't leave me alone at lunch. I WAS NEARLY RAPED.
gee i wonder who could be behind this post
I never understood why people give so much shit about this.
He is trying to ruin them for the same reason Hulk does. They've slandered him just as they did with many other people. It's just that Hulk's case was the most solid one. And the fact that someone is giving Hulk money to do this thing doesn't make HIS case any less legit.
If anything it is sad that your shitty judicial system requires you to have a fucking billionaire fund you to be able to do anything about a company that completely and illegally obliterates your reputation and career for views.
What's next for her, now that Kotaku is gone?
Yes. He can go around the office and just wreck shit and take everything he wants. He'll just go up to the printers and fax machines and just pick them up and walk out with them.
Based Hulk.
This song will be playing the whole time:
>It's a fowl thing they did.
>it's a fowl thing
That's the case with every billionaire or person with power though.
They tried to ruin his career and destroy him because so outrageous 'news' and click bait.
They should have known better but let's face it, leftist nu-males who write feminist horseshit are idiots that live in a safe space echo chamber
c'mon user, i was serious man
I like this image. This is a great image. Can I save this image?
She never needed Kotaku to begin with, just that cock-gobbling mouth and a wonderbra.
Kotaku will never die as long as sjws still exist
Kotaku was cool back when they stuck to the original point of the blog, which was to bring weird geeky news from Japan with -none- of their worthless opinions injected into it. The moment their articles' percentage of content started to be more opinion than fact, is when they started to go downhill.
Simple is always best.
but with Nathan Grayson and Patricia Kong out of work, who's going to promote and white knight her?
So am I.
Let a man dream.
Welcome to america, where the leftwing have a vice grip on all public discourse.
Can't wait for trump to win so the libel laws get opened up.
>who's going to promote and white knight her?
Has she sucked cocks at IGN or GameSpot yet?
Is he using a fucking Questionable Content avatar?
Jesus fucking Christ.
They'll most likely be picked up by Polygon
>"Male tears" mugs are almost exclusively sold by right-wing groups
>"Male tears" means cum in some Slav language
>These idiots still buy them and drink semen out of them
promote what? what has she done since becoming a professional victim thanks to gamer gayte
Gain weight.
being a professional victim of gamergate.
Polygon, RockPaperShotgun.
Her hit video game "Depression Quest" sold 250k copies on Steam
Now THAT'S depressing
big media corporations like gawker lord their massive legal department budget over regular plebs so they can't do shit and now somebody with a bigger wallet is finally wrecking their anus
well a price tag of...free.
also, inb4 some mod gets pissy and deletes this thread.
I think she's got a movie deal in the works.
why would they delete a thread that mostly has people shitting on SJWs, Zoe Quinn and Kotaku?
Is Sup Forums anti-gamergate now?
I do wonder what will happen to the Kotaku cancer club.
Some of them, Totilo especially, will be saved by polygon and rps. But there's not enough room in the lifeboat for everyone.
Who do you think will end up flipping burgers? Personally I think it's Schrier. Corrupt, dishonest fucks like Hernandez and Grayson usually find a way to ply themselves if you know what I mean, but Schrier is different; he doesn't come off as criminal, just mind-bogglingly stupid with one of the biggest cases of dunning-kreuger I've ever seen. I just don't see him being able pull himself up by his bootstraps.
Maybe because none of that has anything to do with VIDEO GAMES.
Sup Forums doesn't lean one way or the other. the mods on the other hand? Moot-level cucks.
but anti-kotaku threads on Sup Forums have been a thing since 2007.
I don't get it.
When the hero of your childhood becomes the hero of your adult life.
pretty much he can take all the stock shares and profits made since the video
It's why a massive restructure was done because he have to go after the workers now to get the maximum amount.
Why is the emperor eating pizza backward?
Because he's a madman
because, it's stuffed crust.
Nonono, everyone used to love kotaku until Sup Forums invaded. /new/, what's that? Slowpoke? What's a pokemon got to do with anything?
that pretty much is Kotaku
he is done. Whatever is left of Kotaku is a shell of what it was.
I swear he just does whatever will get him attention
Why do leftist liberal people support evil men like Nick Denton?
it's how he makes his living, being a "Geek Culture" Attention Whore.
Because leftists are evil
Because he did commercials for Pizza Hut.
Because they think it's okay to be evil as long as you're doing it to somebody you hate.
I went to Ghazi to check out the butthurt but it seems like they've dropped all pretenses about being a videogame board.
maybe if we're talking about japanese yen.
God, you faggots are morons. No, the economic issues of the common law legal system has fucking nothing to do with the one political issue you have clearly ever comprehended in your life.
If anything legal aid and right to representation is a socialist policy, and the right wing approach would be to leave things as they currently are, which leaves corporations with obviously a lot more power in court than an average joe, because the taxpayer wouldn't subsidise the weaker party to even the field.
Hogan is being funded by a Silicon Valley dude who founded Twitter or something.
>gg won again
thats worse clickbait than here
PayPal, technically.
>the right-wing is about muh taxes
Cuckservatives not welcome.
Peter Thiel got outed as a gay man by Gawker years ago, but it turns out he's a tech billionaire so he helped pay Hulk's legal fees to take down the clickbaiting scum.
Now SJWs are extremely butthurt at this gay man for destroying the Gawker empire.
>tfw you'll never get 150 million just because some people saw your penis
lol i remember that.
Good on Peter. Gawker is such sad garbage.
You realise that everyone who talks about Trump or libcucks is trolling or retarded, right?
If you ignore them, they'll go away.
>haha people who disagree with me aren't real
Right wing is traditionally low government involvement, low regulation and consequently low taxation. Unless you are defining what it means, wanting to even the playing field in court where both sides have uneven means to financially support their case is decidedly left wing.
That's just a fact, I know retards love their tribal politics and genuinely think they can just sit in their camp and villainise everything that the other tribe does as evil, but if you're not a teenager or a fucking idiot you quickly realise that's not how it actually works.
>people who use buzzwords to be inflammatory aren't worth dealing with
Fixed your inference there, friend.
>Peter Thiel got outed as a gay man by Gawker years ago,
I remember that, what the fuck was Gawker thinking by doing that?
You're right, I'll start by ignoring you.
>Right wing is traditionally low government involvement, low regulation and consequently low taxation.
This is what Americans actually believe.
How long before wwe welcomes him back? They don't have a problem referencing Hogan or directly making fun of his situation. JBL is going to ask Booker T what he thought of Hogan's rant next week.