Why is this community so disgusting? Why do I get blamed for literally every single game we lose playing Genji?

Why is this community so disgusting? Why do I get blamed for literally every single game we lose playing Genji?

Is everyone playing this a 12 year old autist? I'm coming from Valve games, I have never exprienced such a disgusting community. Is it normal for Blizzard standards? The funny thing is, III am the one who is "muted" atm, I can't even reply.

Git gud

>he votes for himself

>I'm coming from Valve games, I have never exprienced such a disgusting community.
this is the joke

>OP couldn't handle the banter

> coming from valve games, never experienced such a disgusting community

Either bait, retarded, or never played a game of DOTA, L4D2 or CS:GO

That's why I don't bother with comp

OW is the new LoL, what did you expect?

had this yesterday but as tracer

This happened to me recently in a game I played Tracer

Guy was fucking desperate for a double tank/double support but I quickly realised I was the only person actually doing anything useful on the team, with 4 gold medals, but of course it was my fault instead of the entire rest of the team who were permanently running in from spawn and making big plays like using a zenyatta ult to save himself and run away from a 1v1

Yes, there are times to switch to the fotm meta build, but there are times when you really shouldn't.

I've actually had a similar beef when I played Junkrat with another guy named Rice, and since Im rank 56 and playing in EU its probably the same guy.

L4D was outrageous from my memory. No game I have played have people been so votekick happy.

Literally sneeze at someone and you're going to get votekicked in that game.

>that objective time
>those objective kills
You're doing nothing wrong

Its pretty shit below 70. I was 77 but dropped to as low as 62 now I'm hoping to get back up there. Like only on 70+ people start playing properly and communicating but before that its a no no and thats what top 1% so what the fuck how can humans possibly suck this much cock?

too bad you cant play on civilized kr servers lul

>voting for yourself
thats kinda pathetic

I keep getting shitters on my team and it's destroying my life. At this point I just want to de-rank myself so I can shred the people who have fucked my rank repeatedly. You play solo or with a group?

i think i've lost most games with a genji on my team. i use to like him but as the meta game solidified i see that he is fucking dead weight to any team comp and its a massive risk running genji when someone like soldier can atleast pump out sustained dps

I get the same shit when I play Ana. You wanna play together OP? I can make your ult into an unstoppable machine.

>playing ana
that hero is shit just drop it

>but..but her q
nigger her other skills are shit you will only get to use the q once or twice

OWfags are from WoW, LoL, and waifucirclejerks. All of them lack the brainpower to aim and think on their feet.

I play solo but I guess getting to 77 was just luck of getting the better end of players into my team. Then of course eventually my luck had to balance out and went on a crazy losing streak dropping from 70 in a day.

Can't blame them
Genji was a mistake even the Overwatch account on twitter is making fun of him

>is shit

I carry any team I play on. The only thing that counters Ana is... Ana. You buff you team, heal incredibly fast, put the other team to sleep and keep them from reaching the objective, shoot from long, medium and short range.

She does it all, its not my fault you can't play her well or even know how.

Fucking go kill yourself you cunt, it's a team game.

Honestly, who cares? If you're doing good and contributing then who cares what shitters think? Just have fun and try your best.

the problem with ana is the same that genji and tracer you need to be a highly skilled player or you'll just be a deadweight and less

Genji should be deleted from the game honestly

Mainly because on lower ranks yea everyone shitters but when youre close to 80 you actually get people who try really hard. BUT its very hard (or luck based) to get there alone.

>You buff you team, heal incredibly fast

But your healed amount in that image is dogshit.

Don't bother, user. Sup Forums contrarianism knows no bounds. When the next character comes out everyone will shit on them and praise Ana as underrated.

>Use the Q once or twice

Her ult is ready in a minute flat if you're not garbage.

> Playing a casual game that succeeded extremely well with its marketing
> Complaining about the casual/underaged audience it attracts

It's your own fault, you fucking retard.

If you don't like it, go play D&D you fucking mongoloid.

I pick who I heal. I heal when people need to be healed. Lucio stands and slowly, poorly, heals whatever is around him. I burst heal tanks from near death to full health in the matter of a second. And I can do that while putting whatever is attacking them to sleep AND shaving off health of anything that touched that burst heal on the other team.

Literally nothing compares.

Also, pic related

not him but ana is a secondary support she need a lucio or a mercy in the team


refer to Learn to aim and not die.

Wow you're premium mad
>spending 15 minutes making a collaboration because some guys were mean to you
I sure hope you've got some cream for that absolutely destroyed asshole of yours

This game was made for people who don't play video games, like it can't get any more casual than what it is.

But that doesn't stop people that are so entirely retarded from always being on your team and blaming you for everything.

I got yelled at for being Widowmaker and then Mei. Then the team said they needed me as Reinhardt to do the "Reinhardt trick", which as it turned out was just sitting on the payload with his shield up.

The community for this game might actually edge out Sonic and CoD as the absolute worst.

>get the tank, don't want it
>fuck up, be point blank on the enemy and can't score any hits
>die without hurting anyone, get votekicked

Shit sucked. It's also funny how Valve has an issue with melee hits not going off when you want them too and OW has the issue of melee hits extending at least 3 times longer than their visual range.

I am legitimately sorry that happened to you OP. It's a pretty fucking terrible community at times. The only solution is to be able to give 0 fucks about what those retards think, or to just play with friends. Hopefully you can still enjoy yourself despite all that.

To be fair, if you have no Reinhardt on your team, you shouldn't be considering a Widow or Mei.

I think you did great op, but these guys are right.

found the problem, germans can't be ninjas

Maybe stop maining heroes, in a game where you are supposed to swap to accomodate the situation.
Noone cares about you Naruto skin main.

>Lucio stands and slowly, poorly, heals whatever is around him.

confirmed for literally never playing overwatch

I fucked up and decided to play drunk one night after getting back from the bar. When i woke up the next day, I saw that I had dropped 12 damn ranks. I figured I would just get it back. Nope. Dropping in rank made sure I kept getting paired up with low rank shitters. They quit all the time and every team has a Genji and Hanzo who fuck up constantly. Nobody stays on point. One by one I watched my rank drop even lower.

Once you're in the slums, you stay there apparently.

Why the fuck would I vote for the enemy team

>Don't vote for myself
>One single guy votes for me

> ru?
> no
You have been kicked from the server

It's the lack of a scoreboard in competitive.
I don't get it. I mean, hide it in quick play by all means. But you have to be able to analyze individual performance in competitive.

>I'm coming from Valve games
ya im coming on ur slutface lel

>luciofag detected
have fun doing nothing while I shoot my orb of discord at tanks and actually help the team

every game
>someone instantly picks genji
>stands three points back throwing shurikens at opponents in another timezone
>when he's finally got ult(time, sure didn't hit anything), rushes in on his own as the rest of the team is crawling out of spawn after a fight and dies miserably
>goes back to waiting for ult

>shuts down the majority of the other ults in the game with one of her normal abilities

>Buy to play games have better communities than free to play.

There must always be a Genji.

It gets really fucking old really fucking quickly having to put up with a Genji in every single game. Sometimes they are fantastic like the OP to a degree but most of the time they are terrible only because its Genji they are nothing more than the most irritating frustrating shit to deal with.

I know this is OW and I know all of the characters are shit simple to play and survive with but fuck me wall climbing, double jumping, dash resets on kills, spread stars, three stars, the deflect on a tiny cooldown and an Ult that can kill 3 people with no effort what so ever.

Fuck Genji, fuck people that play Genji. Fuck Seagull for letting shitters think that they could ever play the character at that level.

77 is like top 500 no?

>we have no healer
>I switch from McCree to Ana
>our Reinhardt switches to Lucio
>I switch to Reinhardt
>He switches from Lucio to something else

Shit can be infuriating.

This would help a fuck ton. It's sad seeing all these people get multiple golds only to have their team assume they're the reason they're getting fucked over.

I have very little time in comp but I can easily see the need for a scoreboard there.

gold objective time is pretty funny for genji.

I also love how the people bitching are Lucio/Reinhardt...people who should be on the objective.




>abloo abloo why won't people tell me I'm a good boy like mommy does

Got my comp rating a few days ago. Rate me.

>Stop playing champions I don't like
Holy shit, what a turbo autist.

Even in comp play I generally chose whatever character I feel like. If half of these people actually cared about playing comp how its supposed to be played they would get a team together. I'm not saying I'm trying to sabotage my team, but comp play with a bunch of pubs is basically a quick play game.

>Playing competitive with random people

You deserve everything that happens to you.

>Rank 64
>Solo queue with high 60'school and low 70's
>People this high still fuckin suck
Are the good players only in the 80's or should I realize that everyone is a retard?

when you you faggots LEAVE?

Whatever she does, Lucio does better, it's just a fact and with the recent Mercy nerf there's no use running anything other than Lucio/Zenyatta in comp.

When you stop sucking dicks
so never

>stuck in 60 elo hell
>i will never get the top 500 spray

>stuck in 60 elo hell

Try the 30's and see the true hell

>sub 75 talking about anything
>i got these shiny medals and a worthless card so i'm doing well and i will keep playing this way!

If you're not top 500 and/or playing with a premade and communicative 6-man, get off anime man.

I'm not even trying to be a dick, but come the fuck on. Play Zarya, learn to shield ,and you can honestly carry yourself solo queue up to at least 60.

Source: I did it. Sitting at 69 and things are starting to get to the point where you gotta have a decent team on point to win.

Same issue here. In quick play I also run into high 70s all the time and they still suck.
I don't even know what the fuck is going on.

I had a rank 82 play Ana and not hit any heals all game then shit talk me for playing Tracer in KoTH

Zarya is hard man
I can't land her projectiles on anything, and I miss my ult every time

People say Hog is good for solo q so I don't know

How do I git gud at Genji?

>need to be highly skilled
no user. You just have to not be dogshit.

You don't
Just don't

Why do you have to make your team suffer your weeabooness?

lower your sensitivity

I did the same thing man, calibrated 50, got all the way up to 68 in one sitting only playing Zarya.

Now it's hard to win by my sheer power, enemy team plays around me a lot more and team needs to be good to actually get shit done.

If you're in competitive and need a second tank you should probably get off those heroes to do it.

If it's QP just mute everyone and do what you want.

I just don't like having characters with 0 play time

I have a 0 play time with Bastion and I don't think I'm missing out.

>Get 40%+ heals as solo Ana
>always nano boost the Reinhardt or Q user
>make flankers sleep for the max amount before combo killing them
>tfw can barely play her because always some Hanzofaggot trying to play her like a defense sniper
>tfw feel she is best for control point maps and other maps are either Zen or Lucio
>tfw metaretards who can't even pkay their characters ask me to switch even though I shit all over their performance
>"it's not about individual performance"

Team comps don't work if you don't know what you're doing with them. This is why I enjoy 1v1 ganes so much because I can fuck with the meta and expirement properly.

ehh I think most communities are like this, I still remember GW1 PVP, when you play RANDOM team-arena (note that there is a dedicated place to form your own desired teams), and yes even so people would get super buttmad if you not played the way it was ''inn'' today, you got massive butthurt for experimenting even if you won the match and essentially made the most kills in the team. Even if we won 10 matches in a row you would still get votekicked and temp banned from pvp just because people were offended by the skills you used. I dunno people are like this , the world elitism couldn't be more fitting term for this

don't get it too much on you just play for yourself, and ask more closed friends if you want to play more serious

It's actually not elitism, it's ignorance.
Ignorant, bad players are too stupid to think for themselves and figure out what works, instead they follow the meta closely because they percieve it's the best way to success and to win, thus if you deviate from the meta you are playing wrong and are viewed as "bad" in their eyes, it is nothing more than ignorance and stuipidty combined.

that's so true, it's such a shame 90% of the community was this, because the idea was actually a lot of fun

even now the most active gw1 players are these guys

I mean goddamn, everyone was such a fucking copycat, it became so bad you could easely tell what skills someone would have just by looking at their class/subclass (even though you had over 8500 skillls you could possibly combine), based on this you could easily create a anti-build against this that normaly wouldn't work but it absolutely destroys them, fucking retarded warriors with spears


Tracer is a tickler. She would be a threat if I played Mercy

Its called being a scrub

someones been confirmed for not playing overwatch, and it wasnt who you think it is

>overwatch babby complaining about his community
Heh you ain't seen shit yet kid.

>Double star faggot gets matched against no-star and single star people.
>thinks he has the right to brag about his results regardless of context
>despite the fact that he is essentially on the same skill level with people who spent half as much time getting better at the game
>votes for himself at the end



I didn't see any point in plying competitive Siege and I certainly don't see the point in playing competitive Overwatch. Too much time to invest in getting good enough compared to actual reward.

Then again I don't play competitive anything.

This desu. There's enough salty crying in quick play mode, why the fuck would I want more of it?

>Being beta enough to vote for other, inferior, players

If a healers healing output is low it's most of the time not because the healer is bad, but because the team is actually good and can kill stuff before taking excessive damage. You get the highest amounts of healing done in low skilled games where the enemy has trouble finishing off your teammates.