Explain to me how he's balanced
Explain to me how he's balanced
i dunno i'm not a filthy ruskiruski
Listen mate, stay out of my way and maybe you wont get hurt, but i doubt it
fish ou'a wa'er
shit game + shit characters = balance
>/threading your own post
how to spot a redditor 101.
Who the fuck wants to play bloodcyka
Explain to me how HE'S ""balanced""
>heres a long range hp drain better hope theres a wounded creep near by otherwise you're fucked
>oh no i'm under attack good thing i have my passive which means i attack twice when my opponent attacks once WOOSH WOOSH WOOSH WOOSH
>oh no he's getting away good thing my character is notoriously known for having the blink dagger to the point where its a loadout item blink lol come get it better hope i dont have blade mail woosh woosh woosh woosh good duel gg
>oh man this is an intense fight we're both almost dead oh wait i have my ultimate so I can instant kill you if you're at 400 hp BOOM lol now my cooldown is gone and i can do it again time to rape your team with my buffs
Remove him.
spotted the trench noob
Dota is 80% positioning, 20% rote knowledge and reflex. Slark punishes players with awful positioning, but really isn't that hard to shut down.
Don't let him free farm, the longer he takes to get his shadow blade the longer your supports have to find answers. Ground target stuns and nukes are really strong. If he rushes shadow blade, he won't have very much HP and is easy to burst down, even during his ultimate.
try using more then one stun and silence then rape him in the fucking nose since he needs items for survivability. He can waste his time farming and tread water but he will never reach greatness if he cant get his kills. If you watch your back and make sure hes not picking off your supports to get fat hes just going to steal his own carries farm to stay a minor annoyance.
Hes got a lot of versatility for four abilities though no doubt about it. But hes definitely dependent on snowballing to be a threat past mid game.
I remember him being a snowballing carry. But with the introduction of echosaber he's oretty much a late game carry.
Literally reverse polarity on a 10 second cooldown. Except Axe actually kills you even without backup.Typical Icefraud balance.
Just shut him down and buy some fucking sentry wards. If you can't shut him down because the rest of your lanes are getting fucked then odds are you're screwed anyway. And learn to stack stuns on the guy, you can hear when he procs his darkpact.
Here I thought DotA was 90% being able to gauge situations dependent on everyone's heros, hero levels, items, cooldowns and so on.
hey wow i can make ms paint comics too
nice job not addressing any of my points
>how to spot a redditor
this entire thread.
Only 4k shitters complain about slark. Fuck off 4k shitter.
why the hell are you making a thread about a reddit video game in here?
A Reddit video game?
What the fuck does that mean?
there's a few leftovers who still think ASSFAGGOTS is acceptable on Sup Forums
they're luckily a minority now
First you need to explain us how he isn't.
Slarks dark pact can purge anything put on him including incoming stuns with AOE damage.
Slarks pounce is an effective escape ability because it can pass trees and high ground. As well as it serves as one of the strongest "roots" that can't be disjointed.
Slarks essence shift makes him a complete right click carry, the more he attacks you the weaker you become.
Slarks shadow dance serves as practically 2 separate ultimates. The passive healing when not detected (as well as the ability to spot wards or invisible heroes) and the active ability to evade all damage including the wells turret. This ultimate can be used as an escape ability or an aggressive ability to win fights.
Of course, if you've played the game you already know all this. What makes him unbalanced is the fact that his kit makes him too strong. None of his abilities are situational. He's slippery as fuck, and deals too much damage without being a glass cannon like drove ranger. Characters like life stealer and juggernaut may have built in bkbs but Slarks has a built in diffusual blade and heart. I don't think Slarks is blatantly op but I definitely think he needs to be nerfed. I also find it absurd how much his ultimate can do, it's passive lets him run away from a fight only to come back seconds later with full hp again, even if it's on cooldown; the cooldown is only 60 seconds so he gets 4 seconds of invulnerability as well as the regen passive getting him back too full hp.
He's fucking annoying. Everyone says to stop him from farming but even with a 30 minute shadow blade he'll eventually get his picks and a skadi. By then he's practically impossible to kill because he'll only engage in team fights, if everyone focuses him the rest of their team will be there to finish the fight.
His Dark pact is what makes him bullshit. Playing against a Slark who knows when to use it can be a nightmare.
>silence, purged
>hex, purged
>stun, purged
With some bad luck he will even counter initiate and kill some of you and runs away with some help from his supports.
He can be dealt with if you pick Lina or Lion but if you fuck up your shit even slightly you're really screwed.
He becomes average hero at same mmr chen becomes average hero.
But yeah he is up to 3500mmr 40+min game destroyer.