Is "Git Gud" or any variant thereof, an actually good piece of advice to give...

Is "Git Gud" or any variant thereof, an actually good piece of advice to give? Or is it just dismissive of skill-deficient players?

>SJWs so triggered by 'git gud' they start saying challenge in video games is problematic

It's the best reply you can give
Some special snowflake fuck comes here and starts talking shit about some game everyone beat as if the game was the problem
The best way to tell him "there's nothing wrong with the game, it's you, and you're not rendering irrelevant decades of discussion and praise with your hot opinions" is git gud.

>Dark Souls is too hard for women
For the best, I think

It entirely depends on the context. Sometimes the solution to getting over a problem or obstacle is literally "do better".

git gud is just a condescending way of saying "practice more"
good advice would be to be all "you stupid cunt, boss X is weak to Y, so instead of hitting him with yer shitey fire longsword use Y instead. here and here is where you can get Y things"

no fucking shit you can bypass anything in any game ever through sheer skill, but that doesn't help the person in need
i enjoy being a massive fucking cunt just as much as the next guy, but that gitgud stuff is just absolute fucking cancer

christ at least tell em to stop whining and keep trying
gitgud is just so fucking cancerous that it blows my mind
it's the kind of thing that onlyafro faggots shout
haha lmao git gud xDD nice memes

no fucking shit
but you can give advice as to how to "do better"
like hey roll into his attacks instead of away from them
or like hey look at his face, his face telegraphs what attack he's going to use next
stuff like that

Git gud only works when the game is actually fair in the first place

this is weird because the only people who have ever fucking shilled souls games to me have been girls.

I just have no interest in playing them though.

Does she have bucked teeth because it's quirky or is this from a TF comic?

git gud at one point may have had meaning like, "this part is entirely doable but it requires skill"

Nowadays, it's just shitposting that doesn't take into account context

It's a dumb catchphrase said by skill-deficient players when they have absolutely nothing useful to say.

Some people are just fucking retarded.

An user posted today that he died during the opening sequence of Super Metroid, essentially a tutorial, because he couldn't get out of the shaft during the 5 MINUTE LONG escape sequence.

They can shill them at you ask they want because they know that it probably appeals to you. Ask them if they've beaten one and be completely surprised as not a single one of them has

is that fucking palcomix?

>like hey roll into his attacks instead of away from themor like hey look at his face, his face telegraphs what attack he's going to use next
Why don't you steal his game and finish the game for him then?

Let the person play the game himself and discover/complete the combat puzzles himself.

If you ever use the phrase "git gud" you're quite honestly a gigantic fucking faggot who should become an hero.

that's how i personally play my games
i want to discover shit for myself and i don't want people to hold my hand

but if someone's asking for help then just shouting le ebin gitgud meme at them isn't going to accomplish anything

Yes. How did you know without the blood red nipples?

Worse, it's from that fucking new Squirrel Girl comic.

It just means "Practice more and don't give up" which is pretty solid advice

It is going to accomplish something. The person will continue to play if he listens to you, or move and have fun elsewhere.

If he needs your help in every obstacle the game has to offer, then he is literally better off playing something else.

Helping him doesn't actually help him.

Sometimes there is no weakness to exploit and literally getting good is the answer. Or whining to the devs until they patch it to make it easier for your whiny bitch asses thank fuck I beat Evoland II before that happened.


Games like dark souls don't really have much cheese on a casual playthrough.

You don't just backtrack to learn suplex to kill a train, or grind to overlevel.

The only thing you can do is learn the patterns and know when it's safe to attack. This is entirely dependent on your build, so there's no one that can tell you what to do to optimize your play.

If you don't realize this, you're probably a shitter in bronze in LoL that thinks it's never their fault they lose.

Figuring stuff out for yourself is how you git gud. So gut gid.

"git gud" it just a generic response for some douche who expects some magic solution that will make what hes trying to do easy when the actual solution is to just run your head into it until you master it. you know, how games used to be played

"Git gud" compasses variety of different meanings. Generally I see it as meaning "Execute the techniques you already know in more efficient manner."
To use Dark Souls as example, you can take your time with most of the standard enemies, but bosses usually put you on spot and make you think fast.

Looks like something Archie shat out.

Both artstyles are completely hideous so I couldn't actually tell

Remember that guy who asked for csgo advice and people first told him to git gud and then gave him some tips? that's a good way of advice and willful person would actually improve out of it.

Now, remember that baby that cried DS has no pauses and everyone spammed "git gud" ?
that's dissmissing.

Yes. It means stop trying to look for something to exploit, and you need to just go head on and actually learn how to play.

DS has a pause, it's called quit game and it drops you exactly where you were.
I'll never get that no pause complain.
Want to see a game you can't actually pause? Play RE Outbreak

The only guy I ever met who literally said "git gud" out loud was an aspie who sucked at video games. I was playing FE: Conquest on hard and near the end of the game one of my units died. "GIT GUUUUD" he cried out, while literally on chapter five normal mode and restarting the entire game because "he didn't get lucky enough level ups."

"Git gud" just means stop being a bitch and re-think things, I believe. It just is unfortunate that the people who tend to say it are obnoxious as fuck online to the point of making a perfectly good concept become a meme.