>Duke Nukem will never get the Doom treatment >It will not be revisited by passionate enthusiasts who grew up with the franchise >it's now a dead franchise because Gearbox released a hodge-podge, unfinished version of Duke Nukem Forever instead of making a finished game >all so they could get some quick $$$ to fund Memelands 2
Well people still occasinally make custom levels for EDuke32, plus there's the custom level version of Forever which is better then the actual Forever.
His current situation with Gearbox making their own Megaton Edition of 3D with added present time meme lines and shit is not the best, but with the amount of money they've hemorrhaged from Battleborn doing fucking terribly in every way possible they might drop the IP off somewhere for cash to make Borderlands 3 with. But here's hoping.
Owen Ward
maybe Hulkamania will destroy gearbox somehow? Battleborn did blow up in their faces pretty spectacularly
Elijah Roberts
>gearbox sells duke to id it would be pottery, either them or machinegames making a new Duke would be awesome.
Grayson King
>implying Duke's personality and character would be accepted in 2016
Leo Myers
Daddy Duke and Duchess could work. Simply switching gender roles sounds dumb but it could work imo.
Sebastian Nelson
This is so true now that you mentioned it
It's always been doom this doom that Romero this Romero that but nothing on the dick kickem
Why is that?
Jaxson Hill
The only notable things about Duke are level design and edgy humor.
Leo Stewart
> custom level dnf ive never heard of this and really love dnf as is. please tell me more,sounds great
Grayson Rogers
The only constant in the universe is change, senpai.
The game you once enjoyed and loved has long been forgotten.
You need to face facts:
The Duke Nukem franchise is dead.
Enjoy the fact that you even got to play it back in the Golden Age of PC gaming but don't dwell in your nostalgia.
Think about it from time to time, say "Groovy!", "Hail to the King, baby!" and "Shake it, baby!" then carry on with your life.
It's okay, senpai; I miss him too.
But even Duke himself wouldn't want us crying over his grave; he'd want us to kick ass and chew bubble gum but we're all out of gum.
Jackson Robinson
Probably because Quake was more revolutionary per say, even if it came out some months after Duke 3D, so id got all the praise. Also Doom was the first big famous FPS game take took off everywhere.
Daniel Davis
>implying you wouldn't enjoy and play Duke Nukem in SJW Hell where he feels out of touch with the modern world and modern gaming and gets real down before deciding fuck that he's the king and taking on the media and offending everything he can with modern culture. Oh and also the aliens are behind it all somehow and they've stolen our women and messed up Duke's perfect shoe shine and that's one step too far...
>and he's the only man who can save us all
it can be a real satire of modern trends that Forever was too painfully out of touch to be and a bad ass shootan
Logan Mitchell
Because Duke is objectively worse than Doom. >Build engine held together by chewing gum >Blizzard level design that's only redeemed only by interaction >Shit weapon roster excluding the pipe bomb
Ryan Hughes
It recreates most of the early Forever trailer content. It's good fun.
Ian Lee
where? how? is it a mod or a standalone?
Benjamin Gonzalez
Wouldn't it be wonderful if somehow the rights ended up at Bethesda?
James Cook
>held together by chewing gum
Parroting what John Carmack said about it doesn't make you cool, kid
Caleb Roberts
Duke 3D is boring as fuck. I finished Forever twice because I had low expectations and was blown away from how FUN it actually was despite 2 weapon limits and such.
MiniDuke in the kitchen is still one of my favorite levels in all of vidya.
Grayson Jackson
A mod used with the EDuke32 engine. You need the Duke 3D files.
Nicholas Butler
>the Doom treatment Being turned into a shitty Painkiller ripoff?
Blake Gray
But that very same constant ensures that Duke can one day come back user. After all, Gearbox might sell his IP due to Battleborn turning into a big fire for their money (not to mention season pass).
Or even if we never get the Duke IP, a indie dev can some day rise up and make NOT!Duke Nukem like with Freedom Planet. There is always hope. But it's not going to happen if you accept defeat and let Duke's charm die.
Joseph Garcia
I bought that Duke Nukem Forever game for 1 dollar on the humble bundle and I thought it was a better game than Half-Life 2.
Noah Ortiz
3DRealms and Gearbox basically put Duke in his grave. The 90's fps revival should have kicked off with Duke but in reality that didn't happen and Wolfenstein ended up being the one.
Imo, Blood should get all the accolade that Duke does if not more but it's fucked even worse by 3 or so different jew corporations who won't give up the rights for even a proper re-release.
Parker Carter
>Indie dev
What, a fucking Duke game where he questions the morality of being a white male fighting the aliens, because perhaps the women of earth *want* to breed with the aliens and it's 2016 and it's their choice to do so if they wish and Duke's a massive racist? Fuck off with that shit, indie games are disgusting agenda-pushing pieces of shit.
Aiden Barnes
>it gets made >women throw a fit about a game they won't play >polygon throws a fit about a game they won't review well >white knights will throw a fit about a game in hopes of snusnu >the devs will most likely surrender to the demands
Video game characters aren't allowed to be jerks anymore. Everyone needs to be able to buy this game. E for everyone.
Adrian Ward
If anything now is a better time than ever to bring back Duke Nukem. He's the antithesis of political correctness. He'd be a hero out of time the same way Doom 4 and Wolfenstein TNO's heroes were. Aliens taking over the world with commercialized political correctness could provide for some hilarious commentary on the current state of the entertainment industry, especially video games. It could once again borrow themes from movies like They Live, which has always been a staple of Duke Nukem. We need Duke to come in, kick ass and make the world into a joyously filthy playground again.
Ethan Brooks
Adrian Price
>Aliens taking over the world with commercialized political correctness could provide for some hilarious commentary on the current state of the entertainment industry, especially video games >implying Gearbox has a single cell of balls in them
Matthew Rodriguez
>Aliens taking over the world with commercialized political correctness could provide for some hilarious commentary DNF already tried that, sort of. President and generals telling Duke he can't attack the aliens, times have changed etc.
Adam Williams
I feel the same way, senpai.
I also enjoyed Duke Nukem Forever more than HL2 (with the exception of Ravenholm but even that old 20 minutes into it).
Parker Jones
Duke can sexually identify as a fucking piece of garlic bread and I wouldn't give a shit as long it had good gameplay and let us skip it's story.
Daniel Johnson
>sexualizing garlic bread
Get out you filthy sodomite.
Lucas Richardson
Good point
This was also around the point when people started to brush off of shooters and rts games were starting to become a hit right ? Wasn't starcraft hyped up during this era?
I don't remember it being bland but I was really young at the time I remember wolfenstein spreading like a virus thoughbeing mentioned everywhere in school the pokemon happened He wasn't edgy at all...I always considered his character to be based off of 80s action movie cliches
Christian Watson
>Not knowing what other kin are.
Nicholas Foster
>Duke Nukem will never get the Doom treatment
It's called DNF. Le epic D44m is good meme.
Chase Wright
You literally kill "pig cops", who humanoid pigs in police uniforms. That's pretty edgy, I wonder how'd that feel nowadays. Also, pixelated titties.
Evan Rodriguez
>DNF is a good game. >You can only carry two weapons at once. Shoo shoo shill.
Elijah Wright
Good thing you put "I thought" in there buddy.
Because I think that's ok I guess
Jeremiah Foster
You guys do realize that if Duke ever comes back they will cuck the fuck out of his character and personality? Like what they did to Lo Wang with SW 2013.
Noah Mitchell
A new Duke Nukem isn't going to get made unless Gearbox sells the rights to someone that actually likes the IP. They only published DNF because they were able to buy the rights and source assets for cheap and shove them out the door to make an easy buck. Actually making a new Duke Nukem game would actually require work, and now that the franchise has served it's purpose they will probably pawn it off so they can fund Borderlands 3. Hopefully a studio / publisher who actually likes the franchise will end up buying it from them.
The only reason I could see Gearbox holding on to the Duke Nukem rights is because they could make them more attractive for a buyout if things go tits up after Battleborn. They bought the rights so they could sell DNF in stores, which helped them fund Borderlands 2. It was easy money and they were in the right place at the right time, but they really don't give two shits about the series and would probably be glad to be rid of it since it is extremely offensive to the more sensitive members of their company.
Jacob Martinez
>deflecting this badly
I told you to get out.
Dominic Richardson
Things have gotten so much worse since then, though. That was the old fashioned hippie dippie let's-hold-hands-and-solve-this-without-violence era of political correctness. Now we're in an age of safe spaces, trigger warnings and censorship. That shit is ripe material for satire in a Duke Nukem game, but obviously Gearbox is not the right studio for the franchise.
Evan Rivera
>implying SJW trash have any power outside tubbler
Andrew Garcia
Landon Lopez
Doom 4 is all the good parts of old and new shooters. Duke Nukem Forever was all the bad parts, because the game was in development for 15 years. Every bad trend from the last 15 years somehow ended up inside of it.
Jace Gray
Stop it! Don't make me want this! I'm afraid Gearbox will announce a new Duke where he says he's ashamed of his past actions and is now a genderfluid transgender dukegender nukefluid or something.
Kevin Baker
>because perhaps the women of earth *want* to breed with the aliens and it's 2016 and it's their choice to do so if they wish and Duke's a massive racist?
They kind of had an idea for that.
David Thomas
>Fallout will never get the Doom treatment >It will not be revisited by passionate enthusiasts who grew up with the franchise >it's now a dead franchise because Bethesda forced Obsidian to release a hodge-podge, unfinished version of Van Buren instead of making a finished game >all so they could get save face and deny them a royalty bonus with an 84 Metacritic score
Why live?
Jonathan Hall
>Bethesda forced Obsidian to release a hodge-podge, unfinished version of Van Buren That's not what New Vegas is.
Sebastian Hughes
Fitting for a franchise that was just a shitty Doom clone anyways.
James Perez
Gearbox is currently working on a rerelease of Duke Nukem 3D which is why they've pulled Megaton Edition from Steam.
It will have an updated renderer and new artwork.
>They did. I'm not gonna say who they farmed it out to, but let's just say that all the medkits have stupid looking pills drawn on them now. From a code standpoint, and this is just my opinion, they are screwing the game up. They managed to break compatibility with all mods that utilize any .CON files released in the last 20 years. They also thought painting mohawks onto liztroops was a viable option to create a new enemy in the whole 2 weeks their "agile" development plan gave them to work with, but thankfully I was able to convince them otherwise on that one by handing over some art assets from a DN3D prototype. Yes, their product clearly suffers without my involvement. The maps are made by separate contractors. You guys will like them--they are nice maps. One of the mappers even asked me for help with something last night... and I helped him, because I like the guy a lot and making him waste hours of time on what m32script accomplishes in an instant wasn't going to hurt Gearbox any. >Unfortunately, the new lines from JSJ aren't that great. I don't think that's JSJ's fault. They're very deadpan. I don't think he was given any direction when recording them. No amount of post-processing is going to make it sound like he gave a shit. A lot of them are dumb lines ripped directly from currently popular media. I about cried when I heard him say "bazinga".
Isaiah Morales
Duke needs a new Time to Kill game for a proper revival. Fuck 1st person shooters, TTK was the best game in the franchise.
David Jackson
>Duke Nukem will never get the Doom treatment
You mean Duke Nukem Forever was a game no one wanted?
Samuel Miller
What am I even doing with my life
Carter Foster
I'd rather have a good modern Heretic game desu.
There aren't that many FPS games out there that involve magic.
>Gearbox making their own Megaton Edition of 3D with added present time meme lines and shit
Wait, what?
Lucas Brooks
>duke >edgy i can't even start to comprehend how much contrarian you are trying to be
Jaxson Smith
Hunter Morris
Gavin Young
Duke was actually edgy, not like this bullshit "they wear red and black and spikes, so edgy" bullshit. Duke is a prime example of the term used properly. The guy rips off a bosses head and shits down its neck. literally. He shoves a bomb in an alien queens snatch and makes an abortion joke before it goes off.
Anyone who can;t see that Duke was edgy is probably underaged. Edgy wasnt an inherently bad thing either. It was more about pushing boundries than being tryhard "cool".
People think Duke isnt edgy but Kill la Kill is, when the only thing close to edgy in KlK is the outfits.
Thanks for writing that reply instead of me, you did a better job than I would, too.
Lucas Wilson
PROPER Duke revival here we go
>Duke wakes up gasping for breath in his home after the end of Duke Nukem Forever >"Oh thank fuck it was just a bad dream" >takes a good look out the window >social justice dystopia running amuck >PRESIDENTRESS KILLARY REMINDS YOU TO CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE >men in the future have become mindless tranny dweeb enemies >apes roam the street, raping and robbing wherever they go >women are once again being abducted to be breeding slaves >behind it all are a reptilian elite with plans to enslave the human race >"shit, how LONG did I sleep for? Everything's gone to hell" >Duke grabs a shotgun off the wall and goes to fucking town
Duke travels west to east, liberating each place as he goes >LA ghettoes (apes run amuck) >New San Francisco (nightmare fuel sexual deviant enemies) >A Vegas level with lots of strippers >Texas where he single handedly closes the fucking border >Louisiana, this time with more apes >hops a train to DC to kill the first boss, Empress Killary >next up Jew York AKA REPTILE EARTH BASE >drops a nuke on Canada because he's sick of their shit >final levels in the reptilian space base, throwback to the classics >all the while he dropping duke-isms and being a huge shitlord
No developer has the balls to do this
Josiah Rogers
I can see how he could be considered tryhard, but thats not the factor that makes him edgy. Shadow the hedgehog THE GAME was edgy as fuck, but before that, he wasnt edgy, just angsty.
The game put swearing, guns and killing people in a fucking sonic game. thats edgy.
Edgy is going on SNL and ripping up a picture of the pope live. You wanna do some shit that gets a reaction, that makes you look or feel cool doing it. Being edgy is a "fuck you" to norms. (norms, not normies)
I would go as far to say, if the term is being used PROPERLY, Duke Nukem is more legitimately edgy than DmC. DmC falls more in line with the watered down use of the term.
I really wish people just used "tryhard" instead because I cant think of a good synonym for edgy used right.
Jonathan Nguyen
Don't worry I did the same thing. You did do the expansion pack dlc right?
Jordan Roberts
Sounds like a good duke game really.
Daniel Cox
>after the end of Duke Nukem Forever but the Doctor who cloned me DLC campaign was oddly decent
William Baker
>yfw duke will never be this edgy with memebox as the developer
They'd probably have Duke kill Donald Trump and praise feminism instead
Easton Johnson
Werent some of the enemies in past games feminists?
God a new well done duke would toally involve killing SJWs
James Sullivan
There was going to be a remake of the first game but Gear Box gave the studio a C&D, they ended up making RoTT
Gearbox said they were able to continue working on the game but they were not allowed to release any of the content because it might affect DNF sales and look what happened later DNF was a flop
Christopher Flores
Was Duke this much into politics? This sounds more like what Sup Forums would like, but I don't really know Duke Nukem that well.
Luis Lopez
Duke was always full of edgy "man's man" stuff but in the atmosphere of gaming today such a game would honestly be a great fit for duke. Maybe the Sup Forumsism is a bit heavy handed but it's very ballsy, very "fuck-you", simultaneously trigger gaming SJWs while stirring enough controversy to become a real hit game imo. Duke was always controversial
Oliver Rivera
Yep. It was better than the main game, surprisingly enough.
Also loved the ventrillo reference
Nicholas Anderson
I dont feel like duke would go for the "apes" thing. especially with the "fuck the police" killing pigs of the previous games.
Cameron Gomez
we should make it in Unreal, Gearbox can't C&D us if we only make it here and release it on torrents
Eli Ward
"Fuck the police" was very 90s social commentary, though. Times have definitely changed.
>mid way in the first level >duke walks towards the old LA police station >dozens of dead pig cops inside, windows boarded up, bacon on the fryer >there is a sense of total lawlessness >suddenly hordes of apes rush the player
The pig cops would fit in well with the Texas or Vegas levels though. Their meaning would change more though to symbolize corruption instead of the law
Nathan Scott
>Update Idunno man, "fuck the police" is back and bigger than ever. I do NOT think Duke would go all #blacklivesmatter on us, but i just cant see something like that. its a lot easier to imagine duke being sexist than racist, unless its in an "enemy of america" way. i could see duke shooting suicide bombers yelling ALLUA ACKBAR or something.
Jaxon Powell
You're just trying too hard to be Sup Forums. Duke is macho and offensive but that just comes off as pandering to Sup Forums.
Austin Morales
I liked DNF and the multiplayer reminded me of early 2000s arena FPS games. fite me.
Mason Cooper
>its a lot easier to imagine duke being sexist But Duke always respected women and their rights user.
Jaxson Carter
I wish, man. I wish.
Ian Robinson
Alright, make the apes albino, and drugged up retards instead. It doesn't have to be a race thing make it an idiocracy/BNW type thing