Does a better SRPG even exist?
Just wish I had not wasted my time playing shit like Dark Souls and MGSV and lost planet last gen, I could have been playing this blissful piece of love. Didn't even notice when Sega got gud again.
Valkryia Chronicles
Yeah, it's called Sakura Taisen series, the thing Valkyria Chronicles just copied.
>No custom modes
>No multiplayer
>No map making
>No waifu making
I enjoyed it but man.
It makes me fucking angry sometimes.
Valkyrie Chronicles + Advance Wars, make millions.
I don't even want all that shit, it's good as it is, all that crap would just make it worse by taking away from the core of the game which is a solid fucking war campaign and the best polishing I have seen the entire last gen
What do you mean by custom modes anyway
Valkyria Chronicles plays nothing like Sakura Wars, are you dumb?
>taking away from the core of the game
>What do you mean by custom modes anyway
I guess that was just me asking for map making twice, when I think about it.
There's no real replayability if you didn't just use Alicia to win 80% of battles for you.
I want more, but the only 'more' VC got was VC2, and I have enough weeb high school sims in my life as it is.
Well less development time spent on the stuff that matters to put it simply
In my dream Valkyria resources wouldn't have been a problem.
I want to believe someone will pull it off, and pull it off well.
All I have left is dreams.
I'm playing through it right now and finding it quite mediocre desu.
Besides the obvious problem with scouts the AI is quite dumb(just yesterday I had it throw a human wave attack at me, a sniper human wave) and pretty much everything is scripted based on triggers when you cross an invisible line, meaning once you know where it is you can often position Alicia and a couple support units just behind the line and punch through whatever curve ball the game throws at you when you cross it in the next turn.
I also didn't like the book/VN format, but that's on me for not reading more about the game before buying it.
Now that you got introduced to the genre you can start playing real ones like Jagged Allience, Xcom, Silent Storm and 7.62 HC.
VC is babby's first.
why do people keep saying that VC is an RPG of any kind? Literally the only RPG element in it is the fact that you can level your troops, and even that is done in a completely un-RPG-like manner.
Someone please explain this lunacy to me.
you play the role of a battlefield commander
it's a meme game favoured by reddit
The difficult spike at some places in this game is unreal. I personally had to retry a few times but I feel bad for others that experienced it
There's this sub genre called SRPG, check it out some time
First time I really struggled was approx chapter 6 with the desert level with all the tanks & respawning enemies. Lots of trenches and a flat area. It was a slog in the end.
Do you know the correct strategy for that level? I ended up just sniping what I could and losing more and more soldiers pushing on.
That game is so russian it hurts
It is a good pain
>start playing real ones
JA2 controls are so clunky, I just can't get into it
Vandal Hearts
FF Tactics
Shining Force 2
are all better
VC is a squad-based tactics game, not an SRPG.
>stage-based progression, you just pick missions to play
>no exploration/overworld whatsoever
>units have pretty much no personal growth, player assigns exp personally as he pleases to troops in bulk
>main character doesn't level up and has no progression AT ALL
fucking XCOM is closer to an SRPG than VC. Call of Duty multiplayer is more of an RPG than this game.
The way you have to play this game for an optimal score at the end is very confusing. Yes, your scout managed to dart across the battlefield and get to the enemy main camp in two turns. Congratulations. How does that equal victory for your side and not horrible death for the scout in question?
I did it recently and found it really simple.
1- Snipe everyone in sight on turn 1
2- Advance ground troops to take out survivors, lancers and reinforcements
3- Advance tank + engineer to take other tanks
4- Cap the middle point with scouts
5- Retreat slow units(snipers mostly) and recall on the intermediary base
6- Park a couple of scouts near the rock in the far west
7- Scout rush after tanks are down until you get the enemy base
Just be sure to always end your moves with your units properly concealed(not necessarily crouching, just blocking LoF does it) and the AI can do nothing against you.