Hey guys, so I have $65 exactly on my eShop account right now, and I'm on the fence with what to get. My friend wants me to get Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker as I'm a big Fire Emblem fan and he's a huge SMT Fan, amd the two series had a crossover. I on the other hand want to get Xenoblade Chronicles 3D, as Xenoblade is one of my favorite games from last gen, and I love the idea of being able to play it in bed. What do you think I should do anons?
Hey guys, so I have $65 exactly on my eShop account right now, and I'm on the fence with what to get...
Pls respond
I played FE: Awakening and it was lots of fun.
SMT: DS 2 was a good game with an interesting story but there is a lot of grind to it and fusing.
Xenoblade ive never played so no real comment on it.
well do you want a new game or one you already played?
That's the thing, I don't know what I want
Preorder Dragon Quest 7
I don't like Dragon Quest.
Buy it anyway faggot
>Hook up Wii U in bedroom.
>Boot up Xenoblade Chronicles.
>Play in bed with new Gamepad integration for the game.
>Purchase Devil Survivor for your friend.
If you won't do that, then get Devil Survivor because you have already played Xenoblade and also you wish to not squander your friendship.
If you want to play something safe you have played go with Xenoblade.
If you want to play a game with an ok story and some grind go with Fire Emblem, any of them.
If you want a good story with a shit ton of grinding then go with SMT: Devil Survivor 2, or shit go with Devil Survivor 1.
If you want no story and grinding to MMO levels of faggotry then get Monster Hunter.
Get Steamworld Heist
>Install CFW and homebrew
>Install freeshop
>Get games for free, functionally indistinguishable from the paid version
I think you read wrong user. I'm an FE fan. I've played all but Gaiden
I think you should have hacked your 3ds you dumb faggot
Was impossible. See, this 3DS is the fire emblem fates one. It was used and when I got it it was onn 11.0
Get cancer pirate trash
You can downgrade your firmware with a hardmod or if you know someone with an aleady hacked 3ds
I knew I could hardmod it, but because its the FE one I didn't want to risk damaging it. Thankfully I have a friend with a hacked 3DS
The 2 games are good.
What about some other exclusive eShop games?
how do you guys get suckered into putting your money into the eshop for later purchases so much? this is like buying a mcdonalds gift card today incase you want mcdonalds in a month so you'll be set.
>has a 3DS
>hasn't hacked it to get literally everything and more for free
Get 7th Dragon III Code VDF
It's a really good JRPG
>hes a cancerous parasite that doesn't support games he enjoys
You and other pirates are why handheld devs switch to mobile.
>implying mobile games can't be pirated too
whatever you say though goy, buy the games twice to make up for me.
Get hit by a moving truck and make the world a better place
It's sad that you can't make a 3DS thread without piracy talk anymore.
Please read the thread. I've explained why I haven't hacked it
Buy SM IV instead. I've played FEA for 18 hours and it got boring fast. Tried SMTIV right after that and completed it twice. Characters are meh and story isn't the greatest, but gameplay is fun and addictive and OST is top tier.
I've played Awakening user. Reread my posr. I'm an FE fan. Jesus
I say get SMT IV and Record Breaker, I love Xenoblade too but I don't think you should buy another copy if you already have it.