Are there any RTS games where base building and settlement management is almost more in focus than the actual combat?
Like, imagine Sim City mixed with Age of Empires.
Are there any RTS games where base building and settlement management is almost more in focus than the actual combat?
Like, imagine Sim City mixed with Age of Empires.
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Well you could try actually playing Age of Empires lmao.
Anno games have almost non-existent combat
Caesar 3
But its still there right?
I love C&C and AoE style combat too, except I suck at those games because I always spend too much time base building/planning.
Caesar 3 and Stronghold/Stronghold Crusader
Both are great games.
Anno has naval and land combat, the latter isn't really relevant until you're towards the mid/lategame
Oh and Grand Ages: Rome might also be right up your alley, it looks pretty too.
OP here.
My god why have I never seen this before.
Bought and paid for, downloading on steam now.
I see the 3rd one got a lot of flak.
The second is also shit. The first or Crusader (if you like sand) are the only alternatives.
Keep to the original and Crusader.
Play Anno, user.
Don't bother with the 2D ones, they're shit.
Anno 1701 is kinda nice, but outdated.
Anno 1404 is still pretty solid and very nice.
Anno 2070 is GOAT ELDER GODS TIER, pic related my industry island.
Anno 2205 is pure shit, casualized consolized garbage.
...and this is the town supplied by the industrial island.
The hippie bastards side of the city.
Last screen, this is the luxury tech city built with an actual layout in mind and other stuff, not just random shit scrambled together like i did with my metropolis.
i liked the second one, but lots didn't. crusader 2 is okay but the programming is shit.
fuck that looks like shit
Has anyone here tried Clockwork Empires and Banished? Can't decide between the two. Both look like pretty neat Village Building Sims
Banished is a finished game that basically "ends" after you have survived a couple hours with nothing left to do but make a minor mistake that leads to hundreds starving. Clockwork Empires is an unfinished piece of shit that has promise, but lazy cunt devs. Play Banished.
>Something Something game where base building and settlement management is almost more in focus than the actual combat?
Oh, well, my friend, what coincidence, I have just the thing for you.
Is there an RTS that focuses more on base building and exploration/survival as you take more land for your people?
Played banished quite a bit, it'll entertain for 20-50 hours, maybe more.
There's some bad game mechanics, you basically have to follow the same build plan every time or you'll starve/freeze to death.
Then later in the game you'll suffer ridicolous problems with old age and entire generations dying off.
It looks nice and is very comfy if you get a working city up and going though, there's a decent amount of mods too.
Not OP, but I haven't played Banished in a long time. Is the AI still retarded, as in "Dont feel like harvesting food while starving" retarded?
>Clockwork Empires is an unfinished piece of shit that has promise, but lazy cunt devs.
Ah that sucks, I liked Dungeons of Dredmor. What are the chances of it leaving Early Access this year?
AoE is about rushing a big OP army and building a bunch of castles on enemy lands
>generic "future" buildings + bloom
Anno used to be a cool game once
Just get the original stronghold and stronghold crusader (1)
but uplay, user
Yeah, and they still pick the stupidest fucking jobs in relation to their house distance., to the point where you have to build the houses first and then the workplace.
Banished is great and the CC mod add hundreds of hours of more content if you're an autistic city-planner
Shut your whore mouth right now, Anno 2070 is absolutely greast, Anno 1404 is a close rival for that shit.
You can remove it with mods.
Why do they all add up to 9? Is there a specific reason?
2070 is my favorite too user, ignore the master baiters. They'll never get to build their own rRapture
This shit makes me laugh until I cry.
designer choice
I still weep to this day thinking how great Anno 2205 could have been.
Fucking retards, Ubisoft is cancer.
What you need OP, is some fuckin' Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom.
Truly the comfiest game ever.
This. Best of the sierra city buildiers. Also the forgotten gem of the series, Outpost 2
Go for SettlersĀ® 2: 10th Anniversary
Because everything is either underwater or covered in smog
Be prepared to piss blood on a /certain/ campaign mission.
Rate my castle.
That's just the bloom, you can disable it in the options.
Besides, the game is heavily pollution-oriented, the more smog and pollution an island has, the shittier it looks.
Caesar 3 is comfy.
>Clockwork Empires is an unfinished piece of shit that has promise, but lazy cunt devs
Lately they have been making actual progress and changes when it comes to gameplay.
They are all comfy. Emperor is the comfiest followed by zeus/poseidon
>play anno1404
>having a grand time
>build a second oriental town for indigo
>guy forcus settles there not long after
>starts building a army there
>starts attacking my little town for no damn reason
>Lose town
fuck guy
Sounds like you like "Turtling" OP. Focusing mostly/entirely on defense and base building rather than attacking.
SupCom allows you to win via turtling.
What was that one fairly new game where you controlled a bunch of refugees or exilees or some shit and you could generate maps with seeds?
not if you are playing against smart opponents though
>SupCom allows you to win via turtling.
t. shitter
Elite: Dangerous
wasn't supcom like 90% rushes and if you didn't know how to deal with them you just lost immediately.
There aren't many other games where turtling is a valid strategy.
no senpai it was set in medieval times
Sort of, rushing is probing the enemy's defense and economy. If you can't handle a few T1 units 2 minutes in, you're done for but rushes are rarely aimed to end the game.
Because it's a pointless and passive strategy that just relies on execution of boring builds.
I like city builders as much as anyone and played the shit out of Zeus/Anno/SimCity but RTSes are a separate genre.
>in a game where you can build artillery stocked with nuke projectiles that can shoot across the mapp
>buying gog games
joking, I got the witcher 3 and a bunch of other games there
>"buying" games on a site that is basically a legit pirate dealer
i bet my shit you buy the air your breathe as well
does this count?
I remember my first game in Prison Architect
That's amazing looking!
Looks about right for me too. Although letting everyone go can be on purpose sometimes if I want to restart. Revolving door prisons ftw.
I really like to play those.
But the amount of min-maxing is way too high for me.
Especially if you want highest-class residences. There is only few designs that allow for that.
Stronghold 1/Crusader/2, AVOID THE REST
Settlers (pretty much all of them)
Grand Ages Rome
Caesar 3/4
Pharaoh/Cleoptara/Children of the Nile
(the last 4 are all games by Impression Games)
You still have combat in those but economy and building is more important.
But that's pretty much it for the best in the genre.
rate mine
Age of Mythology, kinda?
It's a pretty game but a bit tedious
>play campaign
>hope map has gold mines
>spam plazas and fancy stuff
Only Stronghold 1 and Crusader are good.
Crusader Extreme is just an official mod of Crusader with all food/population/etc limits removed which turns into an unstable clusterfuck and was basically done as a cashgrab, avoid Extreme.
Stronghold 2 is basically Stronghold 1 BUT NOW IN 3D, so any hate you see for it is just bias.
Stronghold 3 and Crusader 2 (running on same engine as 3) are utter broken bugged garbage, avoid like cancer.
Legends was a stupid fantasy spinoff, it also has a lot of bullshit in it similarly to 3 and Crusader 2, avoid.
>that one bit of land in a water
>play your cozy city
>fucking titans raze it to the ground in 3 hits
>chinese mythic units literally eat your buldings
Titans and Tale of the Dragon were a mistake.
>play zeus campaign
>Have to build temple
>no marble supply
>have to conquer and vassalize some dickhead to get marble
>do it
>you now get YEARLY 8 BLOCKS of marble (kill me already)
>warehouses are full
>have to wait an extra year because you missed a shipment
send help
What do chinese civs do? I don't wanna buy a DLC but is it any good?
that works only in early missions
then you start hit ones when you need to please pharaoh and gods at the same time withing really limited time frame. if fail pharaoh - he'll send troops. if fail gods - they'll send disasters.
unless you learn how to min max and get resources the optimal way - you are fucked
>That one little square of land in the middle of the moat
I fucking cant,it just wont map itself.
It's shit, don't bother with it.
I mean, the campaign is cringy as shit, it looks like a bunch of 12 years old made something with very few knowledge of the scenario editor of AoM.
Chinese units are either extremely overpowered or completely fucking useless, and the fact that the only oc models are those of the buildings, while everything is just a shady reskin, really doesn't help at all.
Their divine powers are interesting tho, but they're very situational.
An attempt was made, definitely, but compared to the forgotten and african kingdoms, this dlc sucks ass.
Not true, what fucks you is not having anything to trade with aside from stuff like barley/beer and pomegranate, you just need beer and income to please the gods and pharaohs only suck when you have to purchase the resources from elsewhere, but either way you still wind up spamming plazas and statues, I think it's also a side requirement to all monument missions to have a certain level and number of apartments
maybe, it was awhile since I played game. Just remember that mission I never managed to beat.
tho I actually neglected quite some trading if I remember correctly, maybe that's why I had problem with that mission
Is there anyway to legit buy Anno 1404 without having to use Origin?
All the pirated copies I found are full of Russkie computer aids
Play competitively, turtling never works.
You will be swarmed with T1 until someone snipes you with bombers.
Only sea and 81 maps are valid for turtling and only because they force you to.
dude, it's on gog
what the fuck are you even on about
this dumb fuck deleted all his farms cause he no longer has acces to them because of the stupid ass moat he dug
That's why you fucking raid them instead of conquering. And doesn't conquering them force open a trade route anyway?