Fuck guys, how do you pick a class to main?

Fuck guys, how do you pick a class to main?

I can't fucking decide. Warrior, DK, Mage and Warlock all look great to me.

i have both a warlock and a dk. im finding that dks are a lot more fun to play right now

I feel you, user. Expansion is getting closer and closer and I also have no idea what to roll. I haven't even narrowed it down like you.

Don't go with a Warlock, they are inevitably going to be nerfed to shit due to the recent outcrys.

Yeah, it kinda sucks that Artifact Power isn't account wide (or at least a percentage of it) but just limited to 1 spec. Makes alting a nightmare.

Watch some class reviews on yt, maybe that helps you.

i am going to main shadow priest
or so i think

the insanity mechanic looks interesting and i never did anything else besides tanking and healing so its going to be a nice change of pace

Honest tip from someone who's been playing this game for ages. Do not pick a class that can only fulfil 1 role in a dungeon/raid as your main.

Hunter, always roll hunter

Melee hunter main.

>Thinking warlock look great

How bad is your taste? Every spec feels like trash to play and all their flexibility is gone

This. Playing a pure DPS class will always cuck you to some degree.

>They removed the action camera


>how do you pick a class to main?
Try the ones you're intrested in and see what you like. Don't watch videos of gameplay to decide, a class may looks fun when someone else is playing it but you might end up hating it.
No point spending, hours or days or weeks trying to decide only to finally pick something and find out you dont enjoy it. Also, ignore fags who say
>its not viable
>muh dps
the most important thing is that you have fun
dont worry about if you only want to dps, most people will be completely fine with that, unless you're planning on doing harder content with people who take their roles very seriously. But if you're new, its fine to roll dps and get to grips with the basics. If you're a good enough at your role, noone will ask you to roll tank or healer anyway, although the game could always use more of both

Unless you have friends.

What class has the best class order campaign?
I've been enjoying playing monk and paladin, but I'm really not expecting much from the monk quest line.

Also, level 100 boost on rogue or priest?

Yeah, but come on, let's be realistic here...

I'll roll with my Warrior. Don't even care about things like balance. I just always liked the idea of playing the class that just relies on their weapons and armor.

Oh gosh I know user! I just can't wait for the next masterpiece from ActivisionBlizzard™!!

This is actually the best way to pick your class. Play what you think is cool.

Reasoning like this is why I'll always play my mage. Throwing fireballs, casting portals etc have always given me a hard-on

I want to be like you, but I'm an autistic minmaxing faggot and I hate it. If I play a class and it doesn't feel like the strongest to me I always reroll. I do this every fucking time and never get anywhere because of it.

It does help that fire mage is incredibly strong atm/in legion
I do have a Dk I'm gonna level, just in case of a nerf or something

playing outlaw rogue and loving it. people keep screaming at me that I wont be able to raid or be in the top 10 players worldwide but I'm to busy rolling the bones to give a frigg
whats the highest level you've reached? and what classes have you tried then abandoned?

I picked shaman because I wanted to be different, when I started in 2004.

and what will you do when both fire mage and DK are inevitably nerfed beyond repair or fun?

Warlocks are shit. Demo is fucking useless in raids and pvp, Destro has been gutted from what it was before and affliction has the most aids thing since aids in Soul Effigy
>Blizz ever nerfing mages
If they nerf fire they'll buff arcane to higher levels of stupidity

I've never liked Shaman but enhancement looks like a fucking blast. How you finding it?

I'm kind of in the same boat and got burned by it.
I started out during WoD playing WW monk due to them being OP as fuck and subsequently getting nerfed into the ground or rather into a very specific niche relegating me towards playing a melee class with close to zero AoE potential except very specific cases, mediocre single target damage and pretty good cleave when you have 2 or optimally three targets that live long enough.
It was incredibly frustrating since the WW priority list is fairly complex and required you to manage your cooldowns well and actively on the spot while keeping up buffs for doing optimal DPS and if you do not play optimally and do not utilize FoF, there is sudden movement or anything that interrupts your burst and cooldown windows you are done for and don't contribute much in terms of damage while other classes were fairly safe against this.

In the end all the little nerfs eventually piled up and took out most of the gear scaling so other classes were clearly better than WW monks and their was very little use for them in a semi-hardcore raiding guild, which is why I quit during BRF mythic progress.

Think of it like this:

Geared character that's been played/geared from the beginning of an expansion by a player that has experience with the class >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> newly rolled FOTM class

This always has been and always will be the case. Whenever a class gets popular there are TONS of shitters in BG/Arena/Raids who roll that class but just preform poorly.

what class is the best for tanking in dungeons/raids?

I have 6 100s, and I don't plan on getting alt weapons for any of them. I'm going to max out the primary weapon and thats it.

You should play the faggot with a dick up his ass. WoW rulez. Blizzard 4lyfe. Suck dicks for tricks.

>Thread that gives very compelling arguments as to why you shouldn't care for balance when picking a class.
>Ask for best tanking.

sorry some of us dont play in shitter guilds

I contacted support and told them I won't buy legion if they don't give me 14 days free right now do you think they'll give it to me?

Why not ask your guild mates then, you homo?

i don't care what this thread is about, its in general a wow thread and i want an answer you cunt. doesn't matter anyway, not like im gonna play the game for long anyway.

>not like im gonna play the game for long anyway

Why not pick a class that's fun for you then?

Bear, now leave fotm shitter

>There are people who are unable to compete unless they play the OP classes.

Seriously, git gud.

ffff blizz i was about to nut and now the servers are down

if i want to main holy priest,do i have to level up as holy?i think so because i suppose i have to upgrade the spec weapon.Im talking without any knowledge about the exp

i've tried playing wow but kept getting bored and quitting. the only reason why im playing wow is because my mom plays it and shes got 18 or more characters that are level 100 and bought a $400 figurine of her rogue character. i don't understand the interest but i at least want to go on a whirl 1 last time.
i visited this board everyday and you guys post shit all the time so it doesn't really matter if i have a say as well.

How feasible is it to play like 2 or 3 classes?

>My mom got 18+ level 100 characters
Why the fuck not ask her about the ''best'' class then, lmao

you dont get your artifact weapon until level 100, if you're starting from level 1 you'll want to play Holy in groups, dungeons, practice your rotations on dummys etc but there is no reason why you cant switch spec to solo level or just for a change of pace

Is it worth it to level as a Prot Warrior for the AP? Or should I roll Fury first and switch at cap?

maybe the game just isnt for you. If you're not baiting there is no point asking for the best tanking class, what if you dont enjoy it? its a game, games are meant to be fun, so pick something you think looks fun and maybe you wont get bored this time

what would you rather do?
do that.

i've tried playing as a horde cow beast hunter, an undead rogue, some night elf guy, dwarf hunter, an orc and a human. it's just the combat is boring right click on an enemy, spam 1-10 and wait until it's dead and do a bunch of quests that revolve around killing x or going to x and getting a quest from him.
guess your right senpai, i'll just go find a game that i'll like.

>Always loved how Paladins felt like a melee/ranged hybrid
>Blizzard goes ahead and removes pretty much every single ranged spell we have and also fucks our mobility even more

>judgement is still ranged
>execution sentence is ranged
>new holy power generator is ranged


>suddenly our life revolves around this
>takes 6 seconds
>thank christ this is ranged at least

May as well play unholy dk then I suppose

Not rolling dice and dealing with fate.

What do you guys think of Survival Hunter? I like the play style and fantasy, a cool change.

i've played shadow since vanilla

new shadow is shit

we were supposed to be the armour mages and now we're just any other mage, also new shadowform is absolute shit.

prot has 1 second ques for dungeons level 15-99

so it's faster.

Is doing dungeons 90-100 faster atm? I'm aware of that garrison pot and the other BoE pot

Don't fall for this meme, I like Hunters too but they are going to get FUUUUUUUUUUUUCKED for Legion. Survival is going to play like a bucket of hot piss (aspect of the cheetah is the worst sprint cooldown bar none, harpoon is literally just warrior charge, after that you have dick all for mobility tools so enjoy getting kited, also enjoy trying to get people to set off your traps now that you're running after THEM and not vice-versa), pets in general are continuing to be whitewashed into a walking DoT with the removal of Master's Call and the further casualization of pet abilities so Beast Mastery is going to be even MORE boring and braindead as fuck, and Marksman is getting some needless meshing of old-Survival and a bunch of shitty wind arrow moves, though it actually looks and feels the most complete out of any of their specs it will likely get dragged around the dirt with undertuned numbers because Blizzard never bothered to give a fuck about Hunters this expansion when their OTHER Hunter class is the golden baby expected to net them a massive amount of sheckles for the release.

TL;DR: If you want to melee Hunter, make a Demon Hunter, they'll get everything you do and more. If you want to range Hunter, settle into a private server.

it is as prot, because 1 second ques

How much does Blizzard spend on these daily shill threads?

Best healer for legion?

>demo is useless in pvp

I want you to take some time to play with the talents and abilities and rethink what you said

Affliction > Demo

they get people to do it for free :^)

desu if they paid my subscription i'd make a thread daily :^)

they're all good unless you're trying for toptier raiding
if you are raiding i'd say shaman is a solid choice
for dungeons shamans are probably bottom tier though

keep us posted, I'm mildly interested to see how this goes

Do you multidot much as elemental?
I've already settled on monk as my main but I want a second character to fill ranged slots and I can't stand multidotting

>left sage on
Fuck, have a bump