Is Granblue Fantasy the next big thing?
Is Granblue Fantasy the next big thing?
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I want to fug the oppai loli
It sure makes my dick the next biggest thing
no my penis is
>next big thing
Is not on downward lately?
Well it's still growing, but we'll have to wait and judge the growth it gets after the anime
what a perfect way to get the thread 404'd again
The game is shit tho
>implying this thread was made for anything but asanagi posting
boy u sho is dumb
>152cm is the tallest one
Fucking manlets, i'd feel just uncomfortable with a girl that short, 175 literally god tier.
I'd care if it was an actual game. All phone games are specifically designed to suck all your money out of your wallet. The same applies to Fate G/O, KanColle, and so on.
If they had a "full vers" like Puzzle and Dragon on 3DS where you pay a one time fee and then everything is able to be unlocked in game without ridiculous grinding, then I might care.
I used to play it a lot for a year or so. But then i realized i only did it for the cute pictures and stopped playing and got the artbooks.
>not wanting a 190cm ripped amazoness to cuddle with
Fucking queers i swear.
Armpit girl a CUTE
Patrician fetish to be honest fampai
at least post someone not-shit
My brother from another mother
No, it's waifubait where everyone playing it wants to fuck an old man inside a little girls body.
those armpits look shit
watch and learn........
It's absolutely terrible aside from the porn, just like Kantai Collection and Shinrabansho.
Such nice designs wasted on mobage trash.
I want to play as these girls and go on lewd adventures in a RPG and make them high class prostitutes.
.....i need this just because flan
There's a whole race of them.
>I fucking missed this event
Fuck I want that delicious Aoi Yuuki voice
Nice gameplay. I guess I shouldn't have expected as much from mobile game shit.
what's up cucks
It's been a big thing for a while.
Fairly sure Fate is doing as good if not better than it at moneymaking right now.
>he will never experience Aoi Yuuki talking in a sultry voice or in drunken slurs
I pity you.
Next big thing like Touhou, Kancolle and iDOLSHITM@STER, right?
Hahahahaha, fuck no.
FGO ranks higher in terms of income and downloads on Japan's iOS and Android stores.
>she'll be introduced to GBF too
>after getting the shortstack treatment
Fuck Cygaymes
you never played a turn based rpg before or something?
So, which one would you fug?
>that bulge
Big breasts are better.
Magisa, because I'm not a pedophile
Cagliostro is cute! CUTE!
>You will never be a girl in Asanagi's world
>actually liking shortstacked
Are you gay or something?
god that's disfigured
It's transcended being a puffy vulva to become a puffed up vulva
It's a puss bulge user, the doujin has no futa, save for a random character in the ending panel
Big vajeyjay.
NOLF 3 never ever
Its like you want to get amputated or killed
>nobody knows who you are because everyone has the same fucking face
Maybe you should just kill yourself instead.
But it looks like it feels so good.
FeMC is top cute, I'll give you that.
well it has overwritten kancolle pretty much, although there's still a lot of people that play grand order