What are your four favorite games on this system?
Thank you for reading and replying to my thread.
What are your four favorite games on this system?
Thank you for reading and replying to my thread.
demon's souls and uh...
Uncharted 2
The Last of Us
Ratchet & Clank : A Crack in Time
Hi there,
My favourite games would be Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, LittleBigPlanet and Heavy Rain.
Space Marine
Valkyria Chronicles
Jackie Cha- FUCK
Uncharted 3
Demons Souls
Yakuza 3
Yakuza 4
Yakuza 5
Metal Gear Solid 4
Any other game I like on ps3 is a game also on 360/pc
Motorstorm 1 & 2
Killzone 2
Uncharted trilogy
Demon's souls
3D dot game heroes
God of war 3 and ascension
Gran Turismo 5/6 (comfy as fuck night racing)
Infamous 1/2 + festival of blood
Ratchet and clank future games (A crack in time is the peak, but they're all great)
Resistance franchise (1 is great, 2 is good, 3 is excellent)
Siren blood curse
Sly cooper
The last of us
White Knight Chronicles (If you buy the second one it includes the first game for free)
Tokyo Jungle
Twisted Metal
Warhawk (still active at certain times, Goat multiplayer)
those were my favourites
There's countless other weeb games too if you're into those
Wipeout HD Fury is GOAT
Red Dead Redemption
Ninja Gaiden
Demon Souls
Last of Us
Tales of Xillia
Tokyo Jungle
Resonance of Fate
Persona Arena
Some other I don't feel like listing.
PS3 has a CFW, right?
Yes but it's inconvenient to install.
how so?
you have to be on 3.55 or below OFW
If not you need to hope your console came out of the factory with such a firmware, so you can use some hardware to downgrade
If your console came out of the factory with 3.60 or later you're fucked
Hey OP!
My favorite ps3 games would be
Demon's souls!
Little big planet 3!
Last of Us!
Thanks for the read!
Yours sincerely,
only works on old firmware and its a pain to downgrade
depending on the model you may have to take it apart and install special hardware to force downgrade the firmware. Some models it's impossible to downgrade
the feels are good when Yakuza 5 is free with a playstation plus subscription this month
Well that sucks, guess I'm not gonna bother with it then
My PS3 is a launch 60GB model.
However it seems to have a NAND type chip which in simplest terms means I cant downgrade as easily as later consoles with a NOR. So no E3 flasher for me.
I downgraded my NOR with ease but I don't think you can get a clip for a NAND model
Sengoku Basara
Yeah, im thinking of just getting a used slim so I can play a few delisted psn games.