Who's your favorite Pokémon, Sup Forums?

Who's your favorite Pokémon, Sup Forums?

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it's mlp







Although I get that it's a joke, it always kind of made me roll my eyes.
It's something only someone who doesn't play the games would say, it's on the same level of "So how about that airplane food?" as far as humor goes.

It's like saying "Man, there's so many words, how do you even remember them?"
Guess what, you use them all the time.

the one and only


The sexy one.
I forgot it's name tho.



not pokemon tier

I want to drizzle chocolate syrup on ice ninetales' sweaty paws and lick them all over like they're lightly salted ice cream

They're floof, stronk and cuddly.


Lucario or Vaporeon



Well I guess that's that.



another one

I'm really surprised that barney fag hasn't appeared yet.



>Haha guys I'm gay!


stupid game better release before i die of old age

>those thighs

>being a literal pokefucker
Go back to your containment board.

You don't use all the pokemon, though.


This is why I dont get why people hate smogon so much, when this shit happens. VGC is and will always be a shit format.

>want to play competitive pokemon
>vgc has the good animations, and its nice to battle with the team I cultivated myself
>meta is shit, only 6 viable team

>plug and play, no hassle or bike sims
>easy to access rankings
>can play with the mons I want because of the tiers
>elitist community, massive circlejerk
>simulator itself looks like shit

>caring about visuals in a turn based rpg
Holy shit youre worse than those fags that complain about fps drops in the main game. Fitting that you posted fedorabird.

with Espeon close second

>Dude I love being able to count the frames of animation when I play videogames
>meme hat meme

Console shitter detected.

Gen 1: These niggas right here

Gen 2: Heracross and Feraligatr are my faves from Gen 2

Gen 3:Swampert and Zangoose

Gen 4 and beyond: Who gives a shit or a fuck


need more pokewifu

>not playing 2 of the best gens

Into the Trash

You're what's wrong with the pokemon fanbase

What is it like being born in 2001?

Only the cutest one


Kill yourself.

Hey barneyfag, I see you're posting another thread so you can point out how the picture you posted is from derpibooru.

I like bulbasaur by the way, but of corse you didn't make the thread to talk about that

I dunno, I bet you could answer that, considering your shit taste.


Why? He was complete fucking trash in gen 1.

And yet, look what you posted, faggot

fight me, I loved him in Sky, he makes a cute sound, he looks soft and was my first pokemon from my nuzlocke

and most importantly, I'm a retard just like him, that's the most important part

The best mega design, and the one of the few good designs from gen 6?

Yeah I know my taste is good, no need to echo that back to me.


>being this much of a delusional faggot and posting deviantart-tier images

whew lad

Absol. Though it's a difficult choice among my top ~10 or so.


Still the best 1973

R8 me lads

>posts a tumblr-tier image
>can't wew correctly

>Meanwhile, this guy considers Gen 1 a bastion of good design
I sure hope you are trying to be ironic. Otherwise, neck yourself.

Is my taste shit?

I'll do this too then


My nigga


Good taste

Not bad.

I only like obscure pokemon, you've probably never heard of it

>turquoise jade

This little fucker right here.

would you fuck your favorite pokemon though?

Consensually, yeah

Back to you my friend

Glad to see gentlemen with refined taste

My favorite, no.

I would fuck my second favorite right here though.

Nigga I'd fuck 90% of the pokédex

Nah. Not my thing.

>Tfw he's trash in gen 6


Been my favourite for 13 years, now.

If you don't love jellicent, you are a cuck.

>not running bulky helm set
>not running sub dance
>not running surprise scarf

Not his fault you suck. He's good as ever

where do you fuck a voltorb

>Hoenn was 13 years ago


Yeah, that's an odd feeling.
>Tfw started playing Pokémon 17 years ago


Sit on it and make it vibrate, or let it stimulate my dick with electric impulses.
Gotta be creative




Metagross is my absolute favorite though

Based Nidoking. These are my favorites bro

>No Taste the post

Erotically or otherwise?

This is important.

you want them for fighting and fugging


Patrician taste bro

I don't know who that red cannapillar or Trex is but they seem cool.


>all that furbait



>people sexualize zangoose

never underestimate the powers of furry autists

Generally speaking, Eevee is best. It's hard to pick one of them though.


ofc i would

>Who's your favorite Pokémon, Sup Forums?


Where there's a will~


Why pick? Just have a harem.

Die you degenerate Barneyfag