Your GOTY so far?

>Your GOTY so far?

No gaems, amirite?


Blood & Wine desu. DS3 was nice but not as fun.

this, best WW2 shooter since Cod2

your mum

Total War: Warhammer for sure.

EDF and yes I am a filthy secondary

Zero Time Dilemma.

What's it like? Just insurgency with ww2 weapons or what?


Probably DOOM. We'll see if Dude Sex Mankind Divided can overtake it for me

Its exactly just that.

Overwatch, honestly...
But that may well change after Mankind Devided.

pokemon S:M, the trailers alone are BTFO'ing everything else.

it's supposed to a be spiritual successor to day of defeat. they also have all the rights to port the day of defeat maps over


DOOM is the only game that came out this year I've played and enjoyed to any degree.

Between that and Dishonoured 2 I'm sorted for new vidya this year.

I must've jacked off like 5 times in a row when I finally found this gem yesterday and managed to get it working. It has a sequel too but I played that a few years ago.

You're right



What game?



It's an /ss/ simulator called OneSyota.

Probably SFV not played many new games this year and even fewer have been good.

Dark Souls 3. Still haven't played Doom and Inside tough.

So far, The Witness. Probably Dishonored 2 by the end of the year.

shut up brad

>Man vs Tumblr

Dragon's Dogma I think. Can't remember a better game this year.


GOTY as the one i played so far this year or only ones released this year?



Are we making witcher goty every year until we find something better?

This pic man
Someday im gonna fap to this

I think I fapped a couple of years to that game. It's definetly not a 2016 game.

Europa Universalis IV
Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator

Also Dragon's Dogma but I've played it a lot before.

Migu HD is pretty great.

DOOOOM definitely. I don't think anything as good will come out this year. What is there to even look forward to?

Rising Storm 2 and Bannerlord.


is bannerlord actually coming out this year?


This. DOOM surprised me.
>is super serious
>doesn't take itself seriously
>no idea how that worked but I love it

Bannerlord isn't confirmed 2016, it's probably a 2017 title

DOOM, even the MP is fun

Should I buy Doom or just rent it for the single player?

>people unironically saying Faggotwatch

Fuckin homos

You can do it man, I believe in you

A lot of these are placeholders and rereleases. I do a list like this every year. R8

Thanks just need the right timing thats all

haven't played many 2016 titles, I enjoyed Hyper Light Drifter the most despite its 30fps lock problem

I'm catching up with some classics I never played, just beat Doom and Duke Nukem 3D

if you dont want to play mp rent it..

>pokemon go wins game of the year

It can't, it's not a game

>60% remasters or games that aren't out yet

What a list

Fallout 4

Probably Overwatch, but I also really enjoyed DS3, Va-11 Hall-A, the new Sherlock game, and XCOM 2

Don't forget OW as GOTY.

Stardew Valley


Well look at our offerings for 2016. Not much has come out this year.
I can't help that remasters coming out this year are better than new shit.

I'm not even a shill and i agree completely.

>thinking overwatch is bad

Sort of unrelated but rate my upcoming games list. I haven't been home since may and won't be home since August 12, so that's why some games are older on this list yet I haven't played them.

On Xbone btw

Any good? Was thinking about buying it.

>they also have all the rights to port the day of defeat maps over
you just sold that game to me

only game from this year i've played was doom and it was shit
if SW2 turns out to be good probably that or deathwing if it even releases this year

I'm hyped for Shadow Warrior 2, the first remake game was god, even though its guns were underwhelming, I enjoyed the enemy variety and slashing shit up was good.

There's this video of SW2 where the guy is walking on a narrow corridor thing, which initially seems like a very linear level and then he suddenly jumps into buildings that were near that linear path, which looked like the background, shit was a nice twist.

is this fake or 4kids

>ps4: the list

It's all just remakes of old games. Ok there's overwatch, doom and dark souls, but that's a disappointing list.

BioShock wasn't even that good, just a dumbed down SS2.

Get some fucking taste. You list could pass as a Gamespot best games of the year.

Playing Dragon's Dogma now that it is on PC.

I like it, its breddy gud.

>This game is so good it's the GOTY despite being unfinished
How do they do it?

Star Fox Zero/Guard

No fucking jokes.


DLC is not something you can give GOTY to

Maybe DOTY

I have a general schema that dictates what I consider GOTY. To sum it up:

>no esports
>no DLC heavy games
>no sex fanservice
>no excessive violence and "mature gamer" pandering
>no story heavy games
>no casual crap
>no DRM

You know, for starters. Pic related, I think, would accurately sum up my feelings.

Dark Souls 3

Although it's significantly worse than DaS1.

>Lazy summer bonus episodes
>Poor performance
>Always online bullshit
>Marrakesh was a shitfest


Red Dead Redemption

Doom for sure. It's the best FPS I've come across since like....well a long damn time. I played through it 3 times in a row. And I never do that with any game.

haha, sure bro.
Glad you found a game "you" "enjoy" and are not being paid to shill.

Grim Dawn
Monster Hunter X


Either Memewatch or D44M.
Hoping for the latter because it would be weird for a multiplayer only game to be GOTY.

>best hitman game ever
>worst payment model in any game ever
Mixed feelings. Though it might be GOTY tier after it actually releases.

This year has really been pretty shitty.

>Battlefleet Gothic
>Total Warhammer

kys my man

It's actually been pretty fucking primo, my dude.

Xcom 2 is the only one I've played and it's shit compared to the first.

Firaxis sans expansions is a mistake.

Why are you so touchy bro? It's one of the few 2016 games i've played and it's my favorite. That was the question in OP wasn't it.

Nothing yet but Deus Ex, FFXV and Sun/Moon are coming out making this year's decision a really hard one.

>>he hasnt played Total Warhammer or BG:A

Anyways XCOM2 is pretty good. And this is coming from an XCOM grognard who has played OG+TFTD, EU+EW+Long Dong, and copycats like Xenonauts and some other garbage I cant remember.

>Lazy summer bonus episodes
They're both fun

>Poor performance
Works on my machineā„¢

>Always online bullshit
Alright, I'll grant you this one. That's bullshit.

>Marrakesh was a shitfest
It wasn't as good as Paris or Sapienza, but it was by no means bad. It was decent at worst.


I think it's too soon to call it the best Hitman game. It's still behind Contracts and Blood Money in my mind. We'll see when the season is over and they have 11 levels total. That will be a fairer point of comparison.

Doom 2016.
Then again, what other FPS games have been released this year?

Overwatch and Battleborn