Why didn't Diablos make the cut in MHGen, Sup Forums?
Monster Hunter
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Nobody wants Diablos anyways
Why are the intro quests so damn insufferable?
I just wanna hunt monsters, not listen to these boring characters ramble and all three ancillary systems that seem dumb.
What's a good metric to judge the speed of progression in a MH game? How many quests and such until you fight Rathian?
Because 4u is better
Universal threatened to sue because he looks to much like the dinosaurs from Jurassic park.
With the newer games, I measure progression by how long it takes to fight anime sparkle puppy.
Does anyone who browses Sup Forums play this game?
>people complain MH doesn't tell the player enough about what they should be doing
>introduce more thorough tutorials
>people complain the tutorials are too long, and often mash through the text and have no idea what they're doing regardless
Because MHXG. Keep up will you?
The intro quests in Generations were actually pretty sparse to me. I didn't have to do any of the training. It's just there.
Hunting Monsters is what I want to do, not wait 4 hours to do a bunch of pointless busy work quests
Why Sup Forums? That's a fairly particular question you got.
Training quests for MHGen like how to capture and shit are put aside and made optional, if anything he might be talking about the absurd amount of gathering quests.
>get the quest Desert Brawlers to unlock Coal Hearted for zen and charm runs
>decide I try at it solo since I don't have internet atm
>kill the crab in 12 min, went rather well
>rathian took me way to long, cart to it once aswell
>have 18 min left to get niblesnarf
>fucker just jumps all over the place
>finally get him to limp away for sleep
>check the time
>30 seconds left
>fucking run
>put down the trap
>pitfall slow as fuck
>time runs out as I watch it set
50 min, wasted
>Introduce more through compulsory tutorials
Village MHG quests still start slow and tedious but at least the guild has a nice repertoire of monsters to fight. I appreciate the fact that training quests exist and there's no stupid MH4U-like introduction.
Why do you ask, fellow Sup Forumsack?
Probably the worst aspect of the game is how bad failing hurts
Because Sup Forums gets the memes I have in my prewritten chats or whatever and I don't feel the need to tell them multiculturalism is bad.
Well I didn't expect Astalos to be an actual challenge.
Also why is it so fun to slam dunk a monster Sup Forums?
electric seregios is ridiculously easy.
How is Best monster anime?
Yeah but with shit armor he almost OHKO's me.
>tfw your bomb callout is 'religion of peace'
>HR 1 hunter
>Noob to Magnificent
>Go online
>Everybody is Aerial Style mount spamming shitters
Holy fuck. It's like if Insect Glaive was every weapon. I want out. I don't like this at all.
tell me about it, i failed 3 times rathalos deviant lv 2 because that fucker would never limp.
We all had to start somewhere, Hunter-person.
Self-serving my Head
Try hunting with /vg/
Barely anyone Ive played with there uses aerial
Because he's a crap first gen wyvern
Rathalos/ian are the only first gens that should be in games now. everything else can be replaced
The aerial hate I see is overblown. I haven't had any issues with these people and I stick to adept/guild typically. Thought it is pretty fucking funny seeing them eat shit trying to land a hit on a small monster.
/vg/ can be a mixed bag. Sometimes it's autism elitist speedrunners and other times it's sperglords who aren't any fun to hunt with.
But I guess I'd take that over JE SUIS MONTE every time.
Can we keep Yian Garuga? I love how intense the fight is.
I'd rather have Diablos in the game than all the rath shits and garuga
Only if we can kick out YKK and maybe Gypceros
>Mfw the mob monsters was turned up 1000% in aggro
What the fucking fuck
So is the Silverwind Set the best armor I can get for Glaive? I'm using a Hidden Scythe and, with some luck, I could get a Talisman with Razor Sharp and slots to add Weakness Exploit. And Narga armor looks cool as an IG user.
But I feel I'd miss Mounting and Hearing. Any other IG users around?
>tfw you just hate everyone and everything
pic related is me
>mfw I solo'd that quest in 20 minutes
I'm here, user.
>Evade Extend
Silverwind is more for Swaxe. Try Silver Sol for a similar alternative.
Imagine how cool it would have been to get a fated four style cinematic intro for every monster
Bird Asses
SA without evade extend feels horrible
My ID is 5387 - 1801 - 7080
I know mouselook when I see it
That's just MHO
Are you guys watching the Monster Hunter anime too?
>mfw these fags start walking towards you immediately when you walk into an area
Because most people who complained about not enough in-game help already slogged through MH4U. Now those same people don't need any more help. It was their fault for putting these quests in MHX instead of MH4U when we all needed it.
>better hit that guy who's beating the shit out of the monster that killed and was eating my friend Larry 30 seconds ago
why are herbivores so fucking retarded
>they start running
>If you're further away they start running
Top Kek!
No, I read the manga awhile ago though
is this the Fairy Tail guy?
I checked it. Is ok but I'd lose Crit Eye +3 which with Hidden Scythe gives 70%, and I still get Crit Up.
Who makes these jiggly line images
I didn't know Lucy and Natsu were Hunters.
>Nothing but girl hunters
No, I have eggs in mind
Use the Hayabusa Feather instead of the helmet for an easy CE+2. Gem in the missing points for the other skills.
That's what most speedrunners are rocking for most Blademaster weapons.
You n00bs. He made RAVE too, a much better manga
What does Sup Forums think of procedurally-generated hunts like Everwood Expeditions?
Jesus Christ call me a casual but I fucking hate these assholes and all small monsters entirely
I don't think you know what the word means.
Would actually be cool for a change of pace freehunting location if they had good pre-asembled areas unlike 4U
Overall, give me my Moga Woods back perhaps with three other villages with separate freehunt locales, one per climate
One good thing about the Everwood at least is that it had a good amount of open, flat areas, but you weren't always guaranteed a nice set of areas for your GQs.
If the Everwood had more variety in areas it would be nicer for freestyle hunting.
>monster moves 3 pixels out of range of your ultra charge or important last hit
That's almost as infuriating as monsters clipping through fucking everything.
>Land a fully charged Brimstone Slash III right in the head
Ive just had comfy people
Mostly because Im still at HR 3
Havent had a lot if time to play
Where are the fossilized bones in the first hunting area?
also how does this weapon upgrade system work? what's with the levels?
Let's see...
>Crit Eye +2 + Hidden Scythe = 60% Affinity
>Weakness Exploit and Crit Up only need one slot each one
>5 slots left for Razor Sharp, Mounting and Hearing, which only require 10 each one
>Can get a Talisman with slots to have all three skills
That actually sounds nice.
What weapon types is Adept good with?
All gunner weapons and Hammer.
Best but Hunter
Levels for path splits
leveling ups sharpness and attack
I think there's an overall upper limit for the level ups
>mfw never did Everwood because it was always shitty YKK and Garuaga monster quests so I never did it
God I hate Gen 1 monsters, I traded in 4U for Gen and stopped playing 4U after beating Shaggy
But Guild is best for that...
Every Gunner weapon
Long Sword
Dual Blades
Charge Blade
Hammer, HH, and IG is a matter of preference
Adept GS knocks fucking everyone into the air
this could have been so much better if it wasn't an all girl big tiddy anime squad show. I am so sad.
Always red
Never dead
The endgame GQs are about Lv140 Zinogre, Rajang, and Teo quests
Guild is fine, but not really no
Style + Hunter Art Usage
Striker: 49 (45%)
Absolute Readiness + Sakura Slash III + Critical Juncture III: 39 (79%)
Sakura Slash III + Unhinged Spirit III + Critical Juncture III: 7 (14%)
Absolute Readiness + Sakura Slash III + Unhinged Spirit III: 3 (6%)
Adept: 43 (40%)
Sakura Slash III: 22 (51%)
Critical Juncture III: 18 (41%)
Absolute Readiness: 3 (6%)
Guild: 15 (14%)
Sakura Slash III + Critical Juncture III: 7 (46%)
Absolute Readiness + Sakura Slash III: 6 (40%)
Absolute Readiness + Critical Juncture III: 2 (13%)
So coming over from mh3u and mh4u
Is there a way to speed up palico growth? like how you could feed cha cha and kayamba steak to speed up their mask mastery.
Adept charges your spirit gauge in two hits.
You lose your normal spirit combo and one art, but adept is fucking god-tier for LS.
Dual Blades since you can demon dodge after adept evading instead of sprinting like a dumbass
I have a strange request
Can someone take me on an HR5 volcano tour?
I'm HR4 but need mats unique to that area
10 7804 4518 9395
Sure, gimmie a tic.
>The fucking hitbox on spinning meteor
I'll never not be mad, what were they thinking?
> Female ingame
> "Excited by dual"
They always let me pick the quests I want and need.
>Tfw they ruined Nibelsnarf by putting him in the worst map imaginable
I hate Dunes so fucking much
Original detail of the game:
>frontier 2 for pc and ps4
>over 2 years in development now
>game is set for release as early as 2016
>unreal engine 4
>target market is currently japan, with other regions potentially being added later
>capcom korea with ncsoft veterans
>reference to "next mh game"
Capcom denying game's existence
>Frontier 2
Nothing of value was lost.
Who cares, it wasn't going to come to the west anyway