Sup Forums caused this.
This is what happens when you call someone a fake gamer for too long.
Sup Forums caused this
Just bad lighting/makeup and age/gravity. Happens to every women in existence.
Pretty sure that's caused by lighting and lack of makeup. Age too
She's always been ugly.
>"hey look guys, I'm a kooky GAMER girl tee her! W-wait, why isn't anybody giving me attention?"
The sooner this cancerous faggot dies the better.
no it's cause you bullied her too much
"Sup Forums attacked me over a fun video I made.
I cried for days"
Women are milk, men are wine.
what happened to that poor camel? ):
>still looks better than her completely reasonable OC
I enjoyed that DLC in everything except for her.
who ?
caused by calling them anything you like for too long, its called aging.
So, this is the power of... makeup
truth hurts pussy
What's the point of this thread?
>that thread where an excerpt of her shitty autobiography was posted where she inserted a bunch of her terrible twitter posts
>and the user who tried to blindly defend her who insulted it saying whoever took all the screencaps was pathetic
You cucks are selfish fatties who deserve the worst
Well, is Sup Forums wrong?
This is what going outside does to your body. Please remember to stay inside, Sup Forums.
What's the point of such huge tits?
No, BBC hurts pussy.
To hold more hopes and dreams i guess
quality milk
Also time and unedited screenshots.
a lot of milk
Did Sup Forums steal her make up?
They're venom glands.
Felicia has been saying on Twitch that she's so depressed lately that she's stopped washing herself.
it's actually pretty sad to watch...
Found the cocksucker