Anybody else hyped for this?
>several new weapons
>new map and variations of old maps
>new player models
Game was fun till it died, barely anyone playing it now, hard as fuck to find a game late at night.
If there are still full 100 man servers everyday, it's alright for a milsim.
i imagine the numbers will go up quite a lot once vehicles are in
I've wanted to buy it for ages but it's £29.99 for an early-access milsim game with no vehicles and limited loadouts.
I'll probably get it when they add base-building. That might justify the pricetag.
I want to get, really I do, but...
>40 dollars
>Still in early access
>40 dollars
>Small fan/player base
>40 dollars
>Extremely limited loadouts
>40 dollars
>Rarely updates
>40 dollars
>end of july they say
What's the difference between ArmA, SQUAD or any other milsim for what matter?
>inb4 "what's the difference between FPS #1 and FPS #2" analogy
In case with other genres that try to achieve whatever the game designer wants, all milsims try to simulate one thing: real combat experience.
Why pick one milsim over another when they each are doing the same thing, why would I want to play SQUAD if ArmA has a lot more people playing it?
morons released it too bare and too early
Different game mechanics, different game "feel", different engines, different meta.
I thought this happened ages ago.
Guess I'm glad I didn't pick up it.
Never played SQUAD but I've played Arma.
Arma is really clunky and slow, maybe not as much now since you can finally walk and change weapons and shit. If SQUAD is more fluent, non buggy and has better visuals I might pick it up. Although the price is a little bit high for an early access game imo.
I'd assume people might buy this over Arma if it has better controls and not as laggy as Arma can get sometimes.
Also this might be another reason.
Nobody PvPs in arma outside of Wasteland which is like DayZ. It's almost impossible to find public milsim PvP and you have to join an autism clan to get it. With Squad you can just join a server, milsim is the whole point of the game, whereas arma is just a moddable sandbox marketed as a milsim.
>Extremely limited loadouts
I remember someone on Sup Forums defending this shit with " it was meant to be limited ". this game has a worst fanbase ever
This user has a point too. If you want actual tactical milsim gameplay in ArmA you'll either have to spend ages searching for a decent public server or join a private community who're often elitist and have delusions of grandeur and sperg out over everything. Just look at Shacktac, for example.
Have Middle Eastern insurgent forces EVER destroyed an Abrams and not just temporarily disabled one?
Those things are unspeakably hardy.
They cut it in half with a katana. What do you think?
So yous be saying, we sum kinna veehickel skwaaa?
Yessir! Let's give em hell sir!
>Paying 40 dollars for an early access game that rarely sees updates and has a very small fanbase
Na, I'm good, looks fun, but 40 fucking dollars for a milsim that's in early access? That's insane.
Did you buy arma 3 apex?
Not him but I bought it and then refunded it on Steam because it was dog shit.
i'm hype as fuck, i've been holding out for more content and this is the time to start playing again.
I agree that the price tag is a bit steep but i'm a sucker for milsim and they did a great job with Project Reality so I have faith in em.
i would have purchased this for $25-30.
$40 during early access is far too much.
Thanks I won't buy it, cause it's pretty expensive too
There's literally nothing wrong with faction limited weapons.
It has about as much variation as Red Orchestra 2 does and if they keep following Project Reality, they're probably have more because of additional factions.
something I really hate is that the quality of your game experience is entirely decided by your squad leader, sometimes you get really cool guys who know what they're doing and it's a very fun game but most of the time you get idiots who don't use their mic and you're wandering around doing nothing and it's boring as shit. All the good squads are usually filled up if you join in progress because players flock to good leaders and if you wait around for the game to start, which takes way too long, you have a chance of getting an idiot SL and then you can't join a good squad because it's full. that's the primary reason I stopped playing
PCI all the way. small, but an amazing community that wants to have fun, first and foremost. no pvp because only like 20 members though. most of them i see as my friends. martin whos the leader also made the very pop mod, head gore. great guy. im not getting paid for this lol
I bought it but I just couldn't get into it like project reality, maybe i just need to really sit down for it one day
so is this game worth buying yet or do I need to keep waiting because fuck alphas
He said limited loadouts, not faction limited weapons. There's like 5 guns you can use in the whole game, and 99% of the time you'll be using an AKM, Ak74, or an M4.
Why do these threads get shitted up by people who don't own the game? Best multiplayer experience I've had in a long time
I've got my moneys worth out of this game, if you have a group to regularly squad with the game is just infinitely playable desu. You can play the same map a million time and due to the somewhat emergent nature of the gameplay objectives and the size of the maps you encounter unique firefights every time and it doesn't get old.
This is the most solid early access game I've ever played and after this alpha 7 update it's going to be a no-brainer.
Wait until base-building gets added. Not enough content to justify the price yet.