"Piracy is not theft as I am just making a copy of the product."

>"Piracy is not theft as I am just making a copy of the product."

Other urls found in this thread:


Wrong, it's making a copy of a legally purchased product. If you can't understand, that means you are copying something already owned by another person, and they are giving it away, therefore making it not illegal.

>"Terms of use/contract law does not exist."

Let me copy your homework user, don't worry its L. E. G. A. L.

You dont own your videogames. You purchased a licence. It's valid only for you. And it can be revoked at any time.

>w-why is it an exclusive?!!!
>p-pc port when?!!!!

my copy:
original copy:

my copy:
original copy: < >

See the difference, OP?
Didn't think so

Don't mind me just costing ubisoft a sale

>buy stick
>break stick in half and give to a friend

>$0.45 deposited

>"Free as in Freedom, not Free as in Free Beer."
>"I support the FSF."

This only works if you were entitled to play the game without paying. You aren't. That's like busting into a Baseball Stadium and saying it's okay for you to be there, because the team loses nothing by you being there. That isn't the point, retard.

>You purchased a licence
I don't why people are okay with this.

This is literally the way IP has worked since forever. Lrn2CourtsofEquity

I still haven't denied anyone their property by removing it, you're one trying to do that

>Piracy is not theft as I am just making a copy of the product
well yeah it's not wrong
but it ain't right either
games are also produced by a business interested in making money
and I don't have money I'm interested in giving since I don't have a job
any of you pirates in this thread (myself included) please remember:

>Support the developers. If you like this game, BUY IT!


It's not a matter of property per se, it's a matter of contract law.

This is what freetards never seem to understand.

Contract law can exist between two parties, freely made, it doesn't even need a central government to enforce it.

Richard Stallman is fat, he's Jewish, he's disgusting.


kys tripfag

Corporations are not entitled to my making a purchase. If I want to play their game for free, I will. If I want to pay for it, it's going on my shelf.

I'm not the one saying piracy is akin to thievery, I'm saying you're comparable in the sense that both parties feel entitled to a product they don't own. The only difference is that a thief actually has to try to accomplish his goal, while you surf piratebay for 2 seconds and let other people do the work for you.

And that's why I pirate: I'm not going to pay for something that can be revoked from me at any time.

You would be a fucking fool to give up money for something like that.

>"Piss-soaked boot leather is the tastiest thing on earth"

>Buying games

fuck off Kroni

Got no problem with piracy provided the pirates just admit that the ethical justification for it is flimsy. I did the same when I was a poor student.

I just can't stand the moral righteousness of the Stallman crowd. The entitlement is just disgusting, the fact they think they're fighting some sort of Herculean battle is pitiable. Thank God for Denuvo.


excuse me while i pirate your attention

(((They))) agreed not to sell games anymore, just licences. They starved us out until we allowed them to feed us shit.

>"the word 'fascist' now has no meaning other than 'that which is not desirable'"

>- George Orwell

The US and Western Europe are lawless shitholes you faggot. Actual fascist states are not.

Not a single game license I have ever purchased has been revoked in 28 years of my being alive.

>le racist anime girl

I didn't say anything about fascism. Defending a "capitalist" way of fucking you, yourself, over is top cuck behavior.

>pirate a few songs
>have to pay a $10000 fine
>steal a physical cd
>have to pay for the cd and get a slap on the wrist

If piracy is theft, explain this.

>i don't know the difference between theft and larceny

Oh, it shows.

Publishers often refer to copying they don't approve of as “piracy.” In this way, they imply that it is ethically equivalent to attacking ships on the high seas, kidnapping and murdering the people on them. Based on such propaganda, they have procured laws in most of the world to forbid copying in most (or sometimes all) circumstances. (They are still pressuring to make these prohibitions more complete.)

If you don't believe that copying not approved by the publisher is just like kidnapping and murder, you might prefer not to use the word “piracy” to describe it. Neutral terms such as “unauthorized copying” (or “prohibited copying” for the situation where it is illegal) are available for use instead. Some of us might even prefer to use a positive term such as “sharing information with your neighbor.”

A US judge, presiding over a trial for copyright infringement, recognized that “piracy” and “theft” are smear words.

Oh boy this thread again

>trump is racist
How does virginity feel like?

Intellectual Property rights and associated laws have existed for as long as courts of equity have existed, for as long as contract law itself has existed.

Bernouts ITT, are amusing.

Funny, because only pathetic virgins support him.

Piracy is how the edgelords who crack games and upload them to sharing sites describe themselves, because when you're a 400lbs, 30-something virgin, imagining oneself as some sort of ravager of the Caribbean is a comforting lie I suppose.


You can call me and yourself whatever you want, but at the end of the day I'm not the one blowing hundreds of dollars on video games.

>SJW nu males
>getting laid
How much is hilary paying you?

>calling anyone a virgin

wew lad

fuck off kroni

fuck off kroni

who is this qt

Nu-males are betas.
Alt-right Sup Forumscucks are omegas.

Really makes you think...

>can be revoked at any time
Yes because this is something that regularly happens to me and thus makes me very worried. Thank you for being the one to remind people of this in every thread about piracy because it is important and more people need to know as the number of revoked game licenses is so high it could very well be called an epidemic.

>if you don't support trump you support hillary

Typical trumpcuck logic.


I clear $6k a month, I don't buy anymore than say, 4 full priced games a year.

It's not a big deal for me. I pirated games when I was poor too, now I'm not, I don't. I never used to pretend what I was doing was some kind of battle against a corporate elite of some kind because I'm not a spergy freetard who needs to invent fantastical narratives about his own pathetic life.

Fuck RMS and fuck Judaism too.

Your average trump supporter.

Hilary supporters are all ugly fat virgins who thin they will get laid for voting in a corrupt liar


>George Carlin

Literally "Tips: The Comedian".

So edgy he openly talked about how much he loved black people.

fuck off kroni

Why are you posting political garbage on the video game section of an Icelandic waterboarding forum?
Do you have nothing better to do?

>Disney XD

Sup Forumsddit everyone