>He plays on easy

You don't do this right Sup Forums

>not playing on hard mode

I play on normal, then up to harder difficulties if I feel like it, which isn't very often.

>Easy is Japanese Hard.

>tfw you always play games on medium difficulty

>hard mode is locked

I play on hardest, but mod the game to change parts that I don't like. The resulting difficulty is usually still above normal.
For example in an RPG that wants you to specialize your character in melee or magic, I would give myself extra skill points so I can play an effective hybrid character, and then up the difficulty.

>playing games

You guys play games on hard, but you play your pathetic shut in lives on easy.

I think about that for a second.

Hard for good action games.
Normal for every other genre.

>there is no difficulty option

>implying most Sup Forumsirgins never leave tutorial island

Your mum is easy mode

I like playing on hard but depends on the game really, certain games only get tedious in harder difficulties, like some RPGs


>Hard and above just inflates enemy HP and cuts your damage down.

>playing any game with a difficulty option

>Sup Forumsirgins
>easy lives

Fuck off, idiot.

>you start grinding

Normal or bust.

Who've I got to prove myself to?

someone give sauce for this.

I'm a victim!

Well yes, because I suck at life.

Sauce you mother fucking OP

self pitying is a lot easier than solving your problems, breh

"just b urself" is good advice but most of Sup Forums is too spineless to go through with it

>ND had to add a "Japanese Easy difficulty" that was easier than "Easy difficulty" for the japanese Uncharted

Google image search

Batou Shoujo 18

so does this get lewd or what i dont want to dig through all the pages just for panty shots

If you don't play on the hardest difficulty you might just as well watch a Let's Play because it's equally casual.
Really, just don't play games then.


only Omega males get off to this shit

Will you fuck off with these stupid images. Leave the election to Sup Forums. I see you in every thread posting election related images and derailing perfectly good threads.

This is Sup Forums - Video Games

>Play Hard mode
>Enemies merely have higher HP and defense but the AI remains the same

>Play on hardest difficulty.
>Enemies have 10000 health.
>Weapon only deals 2 damage.
Yeah real hardcore challenge there.

I play on normal because it's usually the way the game is meant to be played right?

Except for Stalker of course