Do you see iMacs as being a viable videogame platform?

Do you see iMacs as being a viable videogame platform?

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lel someone post his comic shitting on PC for being "unreliable" and comparing it to McDonalds.
Bonus points if you also post the comic showing him enjoying McDonalds.

yes, it isnt right now though. same with linux

>in b4 "Calm thy tits"

>Do you see iMacs as being a viable videogame platform?

No. For a shit load of reasons.


Absolutely not. I owned a Mac when tf2 and portal were released for it. Im trying to find games for my girlfriends laptop.

In both eras the Mac just has shitty selection

he actually did this?

why is dobson such scum

He's wrong, Apple stopped making PowerPC Macs in 2006.

Wait, this fucker is using an iMac from 2008?
Holy fuck this makes everything a thousand times better.

>Wait, this fucker is using an iMac from 2008?
He claims he is but he's definitely not, Apple didn't make an iMac with PowerPC CPUs in 2008, they stopped in 2006. He's also wrong about being on the latest OS, Apple hasn't provided software updates to PowerPC Macs since 2009.

He did, and then came the half-assed apology. It really seems like he didn't understand why people were mad at him.

That's how people with autism are

He has legitimate autism and didn't realise that people would take offense

All of the day bro..

Don't tell me that was after Robin died.

Post his apology


What do you think?

Well, older iMacs have PowerPC as their architecture, so in theory, it's easier to emulate PS3 games on them than it is to on modern computers. But that would
>imply that Macs can play gaems

I'm not the one who said he apologized, I have no idea what he said or when he said it. Dude clearly has autism though listening to

And why exactly people were mad? I hate you fuckers who skip all the context assuming everyone is familiar with the topic

Telling robin williams' daughter (whose father had just died) to 'calm thine tits' is idiotic from a perspective of basic human decency

You'd have to be a complete moron to see them as anything but glorified working stations.

see It's okay to be new, but please get used to reading the thread before asking shit

>And why exactly people were mad?
Someone posted a screencap dumbass, he tweeted at Zelda Williams to calm down when her dad died

Sorry, I assume you knew what the other guy was talking about

Anyway, anyone has a screencap for something?

OP not really for many reasons:

1. It's not focused towards it. GPU drivers are pretty terrible, even those that Nvidia provides officially
2. Most releases are either indie games or big titles from -old- with wrappers. I mean, what's the latest big title? Tomb Raider 2013? MGR:R? Those run worse than they would under wine. It's disgusting.
3. And what else you get? For emulation you -have- to rely on RetroArch because everything else is crappy.

I'd like to know how people responded to this

The human eye can't see past 2 fps anyway

this, therefore this thread is invalid

It's not a matter of becoming a viable platform, that happened long ago. It'd be more interesting to discuss if it will ever equal PC

It's not saying he's using powerpc, it's saying UNDERTALE uses ppc and his pc can't run it.

Not our fault you live under a rock, but I'll humor you:
That's Robin Williams' daughter mourning her father's suicide.
Son of Dob told her to "calm thy tits". As in he told the girl who's dad just killed himself to "get over it, it's not a big deal".
I can't be arsed to find Dobson's apology for the tweet, but it was half-assed, as if he couldn't realize what he did wrong.


Im retarded when it comes to technology. How can a game run better on wine or a second OS, than the native OS?

Wait, why would Undertale support PowerPC? You're right about that, also that Finder icon is from Yo-semite or later.

Did they seriously release Undertale as a PowerPC app in 2015, 6 years after Apple completely dropped PowerPC support?

Wasn't his apology that he was so autistic he thought "calm your tits" meant "don't worry everything will be fine"?

If the wrapper they used is shit and out of date, maybe. These are not "native" titles. Deus Ex HR is terrible on mac.

I thought he just said he'd delete anything people were bothered by. I don't remember him apologizing at all. Maybe a bit of both?

my personal dream PC is a 5k retina iMac to use it for work, web browsing and Internet pornography and as an external monitor for a Windows 10 gaming PC.

Because they aren't quite running natively on OSX, they're using a compatibility layer.

Hurr durr, my computer is 10 years old and can't run the latest games

>my personal dream PC is a 5k retina iMac to use... as an external monitor for a Windows 10 gaming PC.

Is that possible, to use an iMac's screen as output for something else? Or would it involve some Unix pipe shenanigans?

It's not. I had one and i tried. No input video, only output

Give one reason to buy an iMac

They're pretty comfy if you don't know shit about computers

It's literally the opposite.

The new version of OS X stops you from running applications made for older versions of OS X.

Imagine if you are running Windows 10, installed a game from Steam, and then got an error saying "ERROR: Windows XP programs are not supported".

The developer's at fault here for distributing a binary of the game targeting such old platforms, and not modern ones.

>Unix pipe to display picture on an iMac screen
Explain your reasoning.

That's coming though. It really is.

Not until DisplayPort 1.3 becomes standard will that be possible, and Intel keeps delaying it, it was due last year, now its due in 2017

If you're into audiovisual/graphic design, they're pretty handy compared to PCs, but for the rest it's pretty much an Internet browsing machine.

Still, my Macbook has been pretty handy notebook for university.

How exactly does Apple profit off Macs when there's just so much shit incompatible with it?
It's almost absurd, why such a huge gap?

>the developer is at fault for making a game that can run on older OS's
>apple isnt at fault for removing program compatibilty for no reason

Pretty much the best display available on the market with a resolution of 5120x2880

Windows 10 actually cut support for 16 bit applications on a 64 bit install.

They're mostly used as work machines in creative/software fields. I've used one at every web company I've worked for

>The developer's at fault here for distributing a binary of the game targeting such old platforms, and not modern ones.
But not really. How's a developer supposed to know if big brother apple or microsoft are gonna drop support for older binaries?
At the time they wrote/compiled their code, they just did it for the latest and greatest version.
If anything, it's apple and ms's fault.

Not until Apple uses decent GPU's outside of their professional-tier computers. Is the Oculus dude still right about there not being a single Mac powerful enough for VR?

eth0/[VIDEOSTREAM] | /dev/video

or something.

Mind you, I don't know what I'm talking about.

Guys, Undertale was developed by a guy who didn't know jack shit about coding or developing. For real. I get your discussion but if Undertale won't run on the newest OSX is Toby Fox's fault because he's a fucking hack

It was like a week or two after he died. I think that was the first public post she made. It's hard enough losing a parent, but it being mainstream attention makes it harder. Dobson is quite a dick for making a post like that.

iMacs are slightly less viable than the Archimedes in modern gaming.

Apple makes the tools available to produce new versions month before the switchover happens. No excuse really.

Yes, he's still right, but that will change with Thunderbolt 3. There's already plenty of companies (including Razer and MSI) making TB3 enclosures that you can chuck a GTX1080 in

So is every other program that lost compatibility coded by hacks?

Name another 3 games that have had this kind of problems that were released in the last year as Undertale

Every game will eventually stop running if it's not maintained by the developer, that's hwy DOSBox exists. Thankfully compatibility isn't as much of an issue as it used to be where games straight up wouldn't work with some sound cards or graphics cards or had sped tied to CPU frequency.

It's not possible, I have a 2014 5K iMac and it has no video input, only output via thunderbolt / DisplayPort.

I don't use it for games but I did install windows because I was curious and even old games like FEAR look pretty fucking ridiculous at native 5K. Can't wait until GPUs come out that can actually drive this resolution in modern games.

Apple moved away from PPC in 2005 or 2006, before the PS3 was even released.

The most powerful PPC Mac is the G5 mac pro if I'm not mistaken.

On top of that the Cell has lots of unique features and all those 8 co-processors.

PS3 emulator will run like shit on a PPC mac.

Undertale came out 6 years after Apple stopped software support for PowerPC Macs, 9 years after they stopped selling PowerPC Macs

Didn't MGSV not work on older AMD CPU's? EDF had the same issue as well, at this point I wouldn't be surprised if many companies just drop AMD support entirely aside from Zen.


How exactly is it better than a PC with that? I keep hearing that argument but everything I can do on a PC I'm pretty sure you can do on an iMac

That's not what I expected him to sound like at all.

>Didn't MGSV not work on older AMD CPU's?
Yes, but Konami dropped a day one patch that fixed it. Because they aren't hacks developers. They may be shit at a lot of stuff but that isn't one.

>Didn't MGSV not work on older AMD CPU's?
If so it's because the AMD CPUs weren't fast enough, not because they were wholly incompatible. The old Macs use a completely different architecture so they couldn't run the x86 code even at an unplayable framerate.

Ah. I understand now. Sorry for being retarded there.

You must not have a Mac or know anything about them. The computer that this person is trying to run Undertale on is literally 10 years old and has a completely different CPU architecture, it has nothing to do with the OS and completely to do with outdated hardware.

How long until dobson declares ximself a tranny?

I'm not good with such shit,so can you explain if there was a reason to use macs instead?Can't you do what you want on a cheaper computer?


I think it could be, but it isn't. I've been away from PC gaming since about 2010 because I bought a MacBook. This month I finally built another desktop, and holy shit I've been missing out. Xcom and Rocket League are great, and I can't wait to try Planet Coaster

Buyers for large companies bought into the dumb-ass "it just werks" shuck-and-jive, effectively making Mac-exclusive software suites industry standards.

Post the fat fuck edit


Generally have good displays, reasonably reliable, proper terminal, etc

like, the 5K iMac is a great machine for visual work as it's a 5120x2880 IGZO display with 100% Adobe RGB gamut coverage

I dont have it

I think Dobson got a fake pirated copy. I played through the whole of Undertale on a 2015 MBP, and there was no PPC

Nintoddlers ladies and gentlemen.


He is full of shit.

He made the game in gamemaker, its pretty obvious he doesn't know jack shit about coding

But that's wrong
I've been using Sup Forums since 2007 when I was a little fag 12 year old and I am empathetic to people with genuine problems, I'm just not empathetic to sjw retards whose lives are so idle that they create fake problems while people are being beaten to death over a grain of rice in China

That doesn't even make sense in the context.

I think the error has the wrong text.

I think it's trying to play a non PPC game on a PC Mac.

But I thought they stopped releasing OSX updates for PPC Macs.

The 2008 thing is probably because Dobson bought it cheap at some reseller or stock clearing event at a tech store.


He bought an old computer, new, in 2008. Was probably the cheapest option to become a macfag.

Or he is misremembering the year.



Exactly. So why is it a PowerPC app, according to that error?