Best zombie games of all time?

Best zombie games of all time?

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That's got to be purposefully annoying.

everybody wants to kill zombies, you fucking retard.

That image is fucking retarded.

hello summer newfag redditor, looks like you need a history lesson. xenophobia is absolutely normal in humans and animals and people love to go on a witchhunt all day erry day. thats why hitler did nothing wrong.

I've never cringed so hard before

I love Clementine.... so I'd have to say L4D2.

Dead Rising thread? Dead Rising thread.

Who /hyped for doing the 7 day cheevo again without burning out their machine/ here?

hello, you must be new here. trips should only be used when it is necessary for a discussion, otherwise it is highly frwoned upon, to the point where people install addons that filter posts of people that are as fucking new and stupid as you are. lurk more.

I'm filtering you

Bow every time.

I want the magic tube

try it, you fucking faggot. you summerfags are the cringiest fucks on the whole internet. go back to fucking you're mom or some shit, whatever it is you redditors do.

>No waifu

I'v been here longer than you, you cringeworthy piece of shit.

Quit embarrassing yourself you try harding degenerate

Even though I can still easily play Dead Rising on my Xbox I'll probably buy it again. It's just that good.

Dog sounds most useful. If things ever become desperate he can always find a way out and be relied on not to abandon you. Seriously the ignored by zombies factor sounds OP as hell.

Why? You've never fired a bow. It seems like a poor choice.

Zombies ate my neighbors


>posts anime pics

>I've been here longer than you because my trip has 'Old' in it


It has zombies in it, and is unrivalled in combat.

Fuck off faggot.

You've been here for long, but not as long as me.

Fuck off you fucking tripfag, go hang yourself, faggolar.

>posting in an anime imageboard
>complaining about said anime

You kiddies need to get off your basements and get laid

Any good zombie graphic novels? Don't say Walking Dead.

Howleee fuck.

Pretty sure the dog can be female. Posh british isn't to bad as long as it isn't squeaky. See the worgen human form in WoW.

>Giving up the knot for a female dog too tight to even stick it in

>this thread

Are you the console war poster? I remeber you from some threads ago. Also, filtered

I can't hear you over the sound of you sucking dick you degenerate fuck.

Quit pestering me, I'm busy contributing to threads.

>Anime poster nonironically insulting others about needing to get laid.


Please don't use awoo for you filthy trip fagging pleasure. She is pure. Use chen if you really need to shit post with an image everytime. At least that is amusing.

>get laid

Wooow, who invited leddit?

Nice presumption about a stranger there, stranger.
Been using recurve and compound bows since I could walk. Joined my archery club, my highschool club then my college club. Got trophies and medals across my wall in archery. Just because you sit at home fapping all day doesn't mean every user does it.
I could shoot the Doritos and Mtn Dew out of your hand from 200 meters away blindfolded. For fun I'd send a third arrow your way and knock the fedora off your head. I could do it in a fucking thunderstorm. I could skewer zombies all day in a zombie apocalypse. You'd be dead in 10 seconds, you worthless faggot.


>Lying on the internet.
Well post the medals and trophies dipshit.

Contributing with tripfagging and slurs?

Oh yeah, you really contribute something florishing to this community.

If you really wanna contribute, why don't ya hang ya self?


>being this needy for attention
Look, I'm aware your parents failed at raising you and neglected you your whole life so you look elsewhere for the same attention but you're silly if you think I can give each one of you attention, I'm only one person.

Pls stop asking me to give you attention and ask your parents for some of it, I have things to do I have a LIFE

Stop posting her mate. I just jerked off.

Dead Rising series
Left 4 Dead series
The first 3 Resident Evils and Code Veronica
House of the Dead series
The first Prototype game
Zombies ate my Neighbors

State of Decay is okay for what it's worth, and 7 Days to Die isn't bad from what I hear

Oh and I know it's just a flash game, but the Last Stand series is pretty neat

>I've waited for this my whole life *points gun, smirks devilishly*
Nah, I'd probably run to the nearest 7-11 and stuff my face with Slurpee.


Do not reply to any tripfag on any board for any reason. Even if you are right, even if they are completely demonstrably wrong, you just can't do it. They live for replies, either good or bad or accidental or anything, the entire reason they have this fake persona is for attention. Once they stop getting it, they take off their trip and post like everybody else.
You cannot "win" or "reason" with them, they do not care about that. All they want are replies.


They're plastic.

and yet you still havent figured out avatarfagging and tripfagging is the biggest attention whore move you can make.

nobody cares about your kooky personality tripfag.

Alright, sorry.

It's been long since I've seen this kind of butthurt.

>Y-y-your parent neglected you! I say this because I can't come with a rational counter-argument.

I think this old scratch should be polished.


1991 you must be old m8

Evidence? I'll decide that...
Even if they're implants, they're tasteful.

Ahahahaha, you literally can't come up with anything else than argue that my picture is ugly?

Wow, you really need to get laid, slugger.

Looks just like Google images. Good show Hawkeye.


I have.



>you really need to get laid
Everyone on this board does

> (You)
>How does it feel to be so lacking in a personality that you are forced to post lewd women just to attract anyone's attention.

Could say the exact same thing about you, you contradicting faggolar.

And now you're calling me ugly, wow, no you sir definitely won. What will you do next in your grand scheme of destruction?

Call my grammar lacking? Oh no! Please boo hoo hoo

About time you left, bitch.

>Not doing the fucking
Shit picture.

To me it looks really obvious in all pictures, I have a particular dislike for plastic surgery.

>tripcoder got deleted

If by contributing, you mean derailing by being the biggest faggot piece of shit in them.

>tripfag got deleted
What a glorious day to be alive.

They're still pretty normal sized and have a slight sag to them.

W-what the fuck happened in here?

How does it feel to have such a cancerous personality that people go out of their way to insult you? Or to be so delusional that you think anyone wants you here at ALL? Fuck off back to /foolz/ with the rest of the cancer.


Tripfag went full retard

Needs more dominant traps.

Timestamp it Fagolli

Stupid trip poster pulled the old fag card and get laid card in order to prove he is superior. Basic shitstorm fuel.

Heh. Us GAMERZ right? A zombie apocalypse would be so friggin epic!

If I pick the dog, can I pet him?

It's not a trap if you know there's a dick you faggot

People still use the term in this context, you faggot.
If it can put on a dress and confuse people then it's a trap.

The fucking mask and grab a shotgun. You won't draw any attention so you can completely clear an area without alerting anyone/anything

He would be extremely cheerful

He's a good boy.

Fur you.

Zombies + Lemmings
It's great