Is this best or THE BEST shooter in mankind's history?
Is this best or THE BEST shooter in mankind's history?
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Obvious question is obvious
UT2k4 was better 3bh famiglia
2k4 was a casual shitfest
pick one
It was always about the mods. UT2k4 blows UT99 out of the water.
nope, quake is better
>Quake elitists can't stop themselves from shitting up Unreal threads
best sounds
quake is just a better shooter fundamentally
UT does have more content and variety out of the box though and i can understand why a lot of people prefer it
quake 3 > UT
but UT03/04 > quake
double enforcer tho desu senpai
We like to pretend that UT2003 doesn't exist
It's solid and fun. Not innovative as UT, but still a pretty memorable game.
nigga we still playing
objectively wrong opinions
Still best.
Q3 is nowhere near this games level
when was the last time these niggas set up a 2k4 server?
I'm setting up a 2k4 server right now...
no its not
If Call of Duty is casual counter-strike
Unreal tournament is the casual Quake
>Quake babbies can't stop themselves from shitting up Unreal threads
Quake 3 > UT2004 > TF2 > Overwatch > CS1.6 > CoD > Playing LoL with and ADC
Also, the playerbase gets unironically bigger the lower the rank on this list LMAOOOO
Unreal Tournament pre-alpha is actually very good.
it is but nobody wants to have to sign up and use the epic games launcher
>Tiberian sun thread today.
>UT99 thread today.
When did Sup Forums suddenly get retaken by oldfags with taste? What the fuck?
Spotted the underage.
Does/did anybody play this?
there was a tiberian sun thread and I missed it? Aw man.
this, Ballistic Weapons mod is incredible in UT2004