Oh shit is this a Genesis Sonic/Mania hype thread?
Sure as fuck LOOKS like one
Oh shit is this a Genesis Sonic/Mania hype thread?
oh boy, more sonic spam from that one autist!
+9 completely new zones. Stardust speedway, flying battery and death egg are brought back with heavy changes. Metal sonic can be unlocked as a playable character. Exclusive routes for each character and different bosses. A soundtrack better than CD
Delays, few new zones, the game is a rehash
Around 3 to 6 new zones. Stardust speedway will be back. Different routes for each character only on very specific sections. Different final boss for each character. Delays, we won't get it soon
Loads of original stages
Being longer than Generations is vague
Two or Three original zones not really being any better than Sonic 4 which had only 2 original zones White Park and Death Egg Mk II
Solid 8/10 game with an amazing soundtrack.
cut desert level confirmed
how would you feel if Mania adds Sonic Advance Chao Garden into the game itself?
S3&K = Sonic CD > 1 > 2
I would literally give no fucks. Get that casual shit out of my sonic
So is this thread going to have an Amy lewd dump or a Rouge lewd dump?
Let's find out...
Fuck that geometric design looks sexy
As long as it's also a legit Amy Rose Appreciation Thread.
No, no, no, I mean she keeps fit, is extremely loyal, doesn't take bullshit, and is overall on-point to get the relationship and man that she wants. Too few women do that nowadays - most are just trash and make excuses to get fat and lazy after getting into a relationship. Amy should be appreciated for being awesome.
>implying it's just one of us
But i don't want waifu shit right now senpai.
I just wanna talk about video games.
No thanks. That Chao garden only existed to serve as a replacement for VMU chao garden. It's meant to be paired with something larger
I wonder what Knuckles' sprite will look like.
That's what I said - it isn't waifubait shit.
Besides, we've talked Sonic Mania to death, what little we know.
Do feel free to dream, though.
Have we even seen Tails?
Nope. But I expect him to be Sonic 2 style with more frames, like Sonic
>Nintendo fanboys still clamoring for it to be released on NX despite the fact that Project 2017 is coming anyway
>It's coming out at the same time as the NX! That means it's a launch title!
>No you fucking idiot, if it was it would actually have mentioned the NX alongside the other platforms
>b-but they can port it later on! Yeah! I'll just wait three years like the time it took for the Lost World PC port!
I'm ashamed to own a Nintendo console right now.
Those don't even look the same.
Just in time's for Chris Chan's demise due to his infected asshole.
great stage but it doesn't fit the little planet aesthetic
You could probably run it on a laptop. Don't know why they care so much
Soyrce or artist name? Cany google it right nao.
Let me tell you how it will be...
Oh shut up - nobody's even posted anything, good or bad.
I'm a bit torn about that. There's a little desert on the thing while in the D.A. Garden but I get what you mean at the same time. Well, whatever, I don't see how they could've implemented this level anyways. It'd require 4 new music tracks & I'm pretty confident they wouldn't be able to get the original composers back and getting new ones (even if it was someone like Tee Lopes) wouldn't be able to get the right sound for the stage that matches the rest of the game. I do wonder what they had in mind for the Past, Bad Future & Good Future aesthetics though.
Yo what's the sauce on that pic? I love that Sonic Battle aesthetic.
Thanks user
What if the Special Stages in Sonic Mania are based on the little known unused Bonus Stages from Sonic CD's beta?
>dat Amy
>Sonic Mania thread
>OP is modern Amy as a boxer
Fuck that.
I want something like the SA2B Chao Garden, but in 2D.
>Sonic Advance Chao Garden
No. Cancer.
Also, Classicfags don't care about Chao, only Adventurefags do. Just keep that in SA3, SEGA is bound to break in a couple more years by fanboy bitching.
>compression shorts and sports bra with a little cleave
every fucking time
Seeing other characters and some of the more modern levels in classic 2D format
dlc for anything, also cheap level design
A good call back to fans of the original games
Also some awesome fucking music
blaze is muh waifu
But wasn't Desert Dazzle supposed to be on the normal planet instead of the Little one? Isn't it the part that Sonic runs around in the opening for a while? Unless I've been wrong all these years.
Thank god Sega didn't allow this
>It's disrespectful to history
>It doesn't fit with Little Planet/Miracle Planet's aesthetic at all
>The level design doesn't fit with the rest of the zones either
To top it all off it didn't even have music composed for it by Hataya/Ogata
She's 12 years old, she's a girl not a woman
>But wasn't Desert Dazzle supposed to be on the normal planet
Desert Dazzle was an original creation by Taxman
It was never a scrapped level from the original version
While I am glad it wasn't in the game, I wish it was finished & playable through hacking means similar to how the Egg Gauntlet was in Sonic 2's mobile remake.
But she isn't even human. Or real. ;_;
Level design falls on its face, too many rehashed levels, rehashes are the exact same bullshit we keep getting over and over instead of anything different (Green Hill, Chemical Plant, Stardust Speedway, Sky Sanctuary) and Sega insists on a shitty slapped together port for the NX launch.
Puffy shrubberysow
>I'm pretty confident they wouldn't be able to get the original composers back
Hataya still works there so they might have been able to get him, but at the same time that level was not in the original version nor was it scrapped(like Hidden Palace was from Sonic 2) so fuck that noise. I'm glad it didn't happen in the end
Yo, is that some fucking Sonic Battle I see?
I mean, that's not the actual sprite, but you could recognise the linestyle and inspiration behind it anywhere.
Fuckin' loved that game as a kid.
Maybe this will make people realize how much of a joke journalism is.
Or some sort of hybrid of different special stages?
Picture Sanic running along the surface of a giant checkerboard ball that is etched with deep half-pipe grooves, all while the ball is spinning inside of a rotating sprite maze located inside the twinkle of Yuji Naka's eye.
Big the fat girlcock
Someone draw it
Sure thing, furfriend.
Your move, Capcom.
The comics have been the only good thing in so long I practically now prefer it. The comics are going to follow the games after this arc, so I'm going to miss the FF'S.
I'm glad we got to see Based King fight for 2 pages tho.
I can roll with that
But in the main game it feels out of place
Who knows maybe he reworked that level(hopefully with more graphical flair) in Sonic Mania
post the next one pls
>didn't even get released
Fuck Capcom.
I know he's outnumbered and it was a poor showing, but I didn't count on him to be SMASHING
>It's disrespectful to history
It's a Sonic game, not the Declaration of Independence. Sonic 4 Ep 2 trying to tie in to Sonic CD has done more """""disrespect""""" than a bonus level in a re-release ever would.
He probably will/has if is a thing.
I've been having intense liquid shits all morning
Are you saying that this comic about a side character of a side character from a comic book based on a TV show is not Sup Forums related? Because the guys he's fighting are actually from games.
This is an official game, not a fangame
The Desert Dazzle level was not a scrapped level from the original game, it was brand new original content which didn't fit in with the rest of the game
>Sonic 4 Ep 2 trying to tie in to Sonic CD has done more """""disrespect""""
2 wrongs don't make a right and everybody pretends that piece of shit """""""game"""""" never happened anyways
Kill yourself
>This is an official game, not a fangame
Okay? I didn't say or imply anything about it being a fan game.
>The Desert Dazzle level was not a scrapped level from the original game, it was brand new original content which didn't fit in with the rest of the game
And? It was just a bonus level. I don't see anything wrong with extra content. It worked for Hidden Palace.
>It worked for Hidden Palace.
Hidden Palace was scrapped content from the original game which is why it worked you autistic frogposter
Desert Dazzle wasn't and furthermore it completely clashes with the aesthetics of the other zones
I would've loved to have a new level to play, that's a good incentive to buy a game I already have. It fit fine with the 90s pop art aesthetic, it just looked newer and foreign cause you didn't grow up with it. It would have been a pretty cool zone and I hope it comes back for Sonic Mania.
needs more lewd blaze
I feel you
Sonic never hesistates to help when he sees injustice,heedless of the dangers involved.
Let's look back on some of Sonic's most impressive moments in action!
>It just looked newer and foreign cause you didn't grow up with it
Nice projection there I didn't grew up with CD
>It fit fine
No it fucking didn't
A desert level feels way out of place in comparison to the other levels in the game period
>That like/dislike ratio
That is fucking terrible
No, it was a concept derived from another concept left on the official disc.
Nah it looked cool, maybe you should ask /ic/ for improvement on your art taste.
I know those symptoms. If you don't go to the hospital you will die.
No, the little desert(which barely looks like a desert) in the Little Planet icon doesn't count
There was no pre-existing zone art for it whatsoever...there was never a planned zone based on a desert theme
It didn't fit in you mega autist
The melody is kind of a mess.
I wish we could get a Sonic game with the Freedom Fighters.
most people have known that since the late 00's
It was just a mockup, no need to be autistic about it.
>The official Sonic Youtube channel commented on it.
That's funnier than it should be to me.
Fucking Bark.