Why are traps always the best girls in vidya?
Why are traps always the best girls in vidya?
Is that even a question ? of course they are. Boys make best girls
I want Gwyndolin to fuck me in the ass.
Damnit, I should have gone to bed already.
Vidya traps thread, post your favs
>traps always the best girls in vidya?
small shoulders, visible hips, small torso, long legs.
that's a real woman. hormones don't change your bone structure.
Dominant traps are best traps.
There's no debating this.
Flea counts, right?
Well, there are guys with those genetics too, it's not reserved for girls
Flea always counts.
but that will NEVER happen!!
thusly do your desires become delusions!
she is best boy.
Does your wife know that you're bi, Martin?
That won't stop me from wanting him to rail me for hours on end.
>no dick
Then I'll go with Flea, specifically since it's the character that introduced the concept to me.
Eh, I'd never have sex with anything that has a penis, but I can't deny that traps/fem-penises aren't cute.
>He wouldn't let Flea plow his ass while giving him a reacharound
>He wouldn't even stick his dick in Flea
Personal favorite there.
Literally me. Same stance on lolicon and shota. The cute fantasy of it gets me hard, but I'd never act upon 3DPD.
>implying Flea is real
Don't do this to me user.
>The cute fantasy of it gets me hard, but I'd never act upon 3DPD.
Just wait for VR to become affordable and you'll be able to fuck all the 2D traps you want.
The idea of an attractive girl that's actually a dude turns me on, but I can't jack off to trap porn. I'm just not attracted to dicks at all.
Chihiro is for _____
Unrelated to VR porn, I'm already in the market to get a Vive.
Is there any good VR porn for those yet?
For me it's the smooth, hairless skin that gets me hard. Trap porn not so much, there are some cuties, but again 2D is always the way to go.
>there are guys with those genetics too
no there are not you deluded fetishist. stop this meme that can be refuted with high school biology. unless we are talking about some extremely rare gene related case that results in abnormally low testosterone. but then again, in that case, we are not talking about a HEALTHY person. and yes being able to produce healthy offspring is the biology definition of healthy.
Rukako is a good attempt at a trap. Erica isn't (I don't even know where she is referred to be a tranny and I've played the game twice.)
How much does it costs ? thinking on getting one
I'm talking 2D porn too. None of it turns me on, but the idea of it does for some reason.
I want a trap wife.
Did your trapboi left you ?
Dunno, but it seems like it's getting a lot more support and attention than the Oculus. And there's no way PSVR is gonna get porn.
About 800 burger dollars.
Not trap
Ah. Well that's alright, no judgment here.
Good point
Amane Nishiki is a vidya trap too, Bridget too
Which vidya trap has the biggest cock?
>biggest cock
No thanks.
does kaine count? she's fucking hot
I don't think I've played a game with a trap. They're always just really effeminate gay guys, like the weirdo from TTGL you see in the first few episodes and then he goes away.
She has a dick though, user.
>like the weirdo from TTGL you see in the first few episodes and then he goes away
You didn't watch all of TTGL did you?
Immediately making her superior to all girls.
She's transgender though
There's several hints throughout Catherine that Erica is a trap, in the Katherine true end it's confimed that Erica used to be known as Eric back in school.
>draw girl
>call it a boy
2D will never be real
All trannies are mentally ill, fucking ugly and will kill themselves the day they're turning 30
Plus they all want masucline guy and not you
Ron is in the entire series. He's the main mechanic.
This game is hella old, why is this a meme now?
Post obscure vidya traps
>can't suck her girlpenis
no "she" doesn't, toby didn't notice when he lost his virginity to her
>Still no h-games where you can choose to bottom to the trap
Trap is a catch all for gender benders of any kind, crossdressers and trannies included.
I'm sick of these newfags who think it only refers to crossdressers.
Are there ones where you can top them?
What did you mean by this?
There's hundreds but I'm not interested in that.
She's only a trap half the time though.
How's that ?
I meant he doesn't have a plot like the 4~5 main characters. Just existing as a background character shouldn't count as "being in the show". He MIGHT get a line between episodes 10 and 20 but I doubt it. The story just doesn't concern him, which is fine, but he's still not around as often as even the three sluts
Well tell me some other than shitty untranslated VNs.
>Trap is a catch all for gender benders of any kind, crossdressers and trannies included.
are you fucking stupid
I think there's some listed in the h-game thread on /vg/
kissing feminine penis
She's not a trap in japan and Capcom has all but officially retconned her trapness over in the us.
fucking your ass
>Trap is a catch all for gender benders of any kind, crossdressers and trannies included
>I'm a retarded newfag and you guys can't stop me!
then she's a tranny, not a trap
traps are exclusively effeminate boys that have not undergone any surgery or HRT. or at the very most a minimal amount of HRT
ftw called it newtype yesterday
>Not wanting a trap with a big, fat cock for you to suck on
Shit taste.
>wanting the /m/ audience
You were that desperate for attention? Sasuga tripfags.
Are you?
How the fuck are trannies not included, the whole point is it's a trap and you're falling for it. Hence the name. I can see the argument that post-ops should be excluded from the name, but it's not just crossdressers. If it has a penis and appears female, it's a trap. Period.