Why does v hate bioshock infinite?
Why does v hate bioshock infinite?
I liked it. I thought it was fun.
Ok yes the gunplay is a bit meh, but it's not terrible. I enjoyed killing enemies for a bit. The ending was totally awesome and I disagree with the people who didn't like it.
I think it's the best Bioshock and Bioshock 2 is the worst.
The ending is just bad, (even if you like the plot twist stuff this is kind of lame), if you know how time travel and multidimensional theories it doesn't work either; bad guns, bad upgrading system, the shootings are basically cover and peakaboo; hard difficulty ? enemies with more health !; Big daddies replaced with cinematics action with big dodo.
Sincerely, the only thing I liked about the game, was the ''memories'' auto-replacement when dimensional-jumping and the characters; DeWitt, Elizabeth, Lutece brothers, Comstock, even the enemies where very well designed. Thank you very much and good nights
Of course this is my opinion and doesn't needs to matter or ruin your experience user, I dislike mainly because of personal taste
It was one of the worst shooters I've played and I've played a LOT of shooters including obsuce russian shit like You are Empty and Meтpo 2 Stalin Subway.
You didn't think the setting was nice, user? I'm playing it for the first time and the overall atmosphere is blowing my mind. I'll concede that the combat is a little janky but everything else is so good I almost don't care.
Yes I forgot that, the setting of city in the skies and that weird happy yet empty atmosphere is amazing, I love that tho. and the powers where very cool to play with
it's a bastardisation of the series
stock standard modern shootan
story is interesting up to the point where it just shits the bed
god tier art direction and level aesthetics though
Because it's a good game and Sup Forums hates good games because other people like them and Sup Forums is king of the edgelords
Bravo Levine. Spend all your time not researching the shit you ARE GOING TO BASE YOUR ENTIRE GAME ON so the story doesn't make any fucking sense so you can have spend all your time writing dumb shit like this into the game. Take one part stupid another part ego put them together and wa la you get the steaming pile of horse shit that is bioshock infinite. Also what a retard
>set in the sky
the fuck
I liked it better than Last of Us, the sky rail thing was pretty cool.
Do you think sperging out and ranting like a druken idiot is an actual argument?
Levine calls it 'writing'
*cough* *cough*
So, in what retard land do you think bio has anything to do with sky, ocean or any other biome?
Wait a minute, that key!
The fuck are you on about. Bioshock 1 and 2 were both under water. Infinite is in the fucking sky where there is no water. How is that considered bio
OP here, I've been stuck on this for an hour before I had to look up a let's play for the solution to this mindboggling puzzle.
Hahaha are you being serious m8 you know there's water in clouds, right?
The only reason I posted it is because I was hoping for help. I still can't get past it.
its gay lmoa
>Made out of water
Because it's a brainless corridor shooter wrapped up in an overproduced Disney-shite package. It's nice to have beautiful environments and great voice acting but they conveniently forgot about things like fucking level design. Even Bioshock 2 got it more right and that shit was farmed out to a b-team.
That demo they showed for this had me so fucking hyped and it was quite literally all a lie.
lol I remember this meme XD
When the game started and I was looking through Booker's box and saw that card, I got all hype because I thought I'd have to remember it for some puzzle much later
When I got to the bells I was a little disappointed that it came so quickly, but oh well
When "wait a minute, that card" happened I was extremely disappointed.
That said I liked the game overall. I thought the themes were great (even though the writing was very pseudointellectual) and thought the world was gorgeous. I thought the combat was underwhelming (like everyone did) but it was fun at times
All that said, I never played Bioshock 1 and 2, and it seems like a lot of the criticism towards Infinite is based on it shitting all over the series before that point
>You must be 18 to use this site
>Alan Moore's Watchman
why do people keep posting this, I don't get it.
Overated game that makes stupid people feel smart. I still enjoyed the atmosphere.
No one linked the video?
I liked it, most criticism is more or less valid, but I don't have it in me to take any shootan game as seriously as other people on here tend to do. I don't expect a plot involving dimension jumping to be completely devoid of holes.
The escape from the statue is one of the GOAT set-pieces, and the anachronistic soundtrack was brilliant.
>That demo they showed for this had me so fucking hyped and it was quite literally all a lie.
I went to midnight opening for this shit and what I got was nothing like the trailers. Fuck this shit indeed.
I think it is literally the best video game ever made. No other game amazed me so much and had me thinking about it long after I finished playing it. No other FPS is as deep or as fun to play.
I never wanted to dream about a video game before. I never got so much inspiration to make my own game before.
Also the DLC makes me glad I played through Bioshock so that's also incredible.
Just finished Bioshock 2 with DLC, is it worth playing Bioshock Infinite? Or just the DLC? Tell me pls.
Apparently, you and I are the only ones
>less customization
>less interesting weapons
>almost no exploration
>time travel story with no consistency, little to be invested in
>basically just a shooter
It wasn't an awful game, but it wasn't particularly good and doesn't contain most of why many people liked Bioshock 1/2.
Also development hell and nothing like the original trailers and "gameplay"
I only really liked the setting and the old timey remixes of modern songs
COD styled gameplay
Two weapon limit
Ridiculous story
It had no depth, you were just shooting people in pretty hallways
>active abilities not checked for System Shock 1
This always triggered me
Play infinit if you have the time. Its pretty sometimes.
Because it was an incredibly mediocre shooter with some nice visual direction, a shit story, a waifu, and got praised to high heaven for literally no reason at all.
Skyrails are fun
2 weapon systems was retarded
awful level design
the rhythm and pace of the game is bad, they squeeze in "cute" elizabeth moments that just seem awkward
the game overstays it's welcome so it can drop the "big bomb" at then end of the game and it's retarded
overall it's a "play once and forget about it game"
people praised it as the evangelion of videogames, with an intelligent story and it's nowhere near that.
I thought Sup Forums loved this game? They wouldn't shut up about how great it was when it came out. It was annoying
That wouldn't be bad if the shooting actually was decent, but it wasn't.
>bullet sponge enemies
>awful hit feedback
>awful AI
>boring weapons
How you can fuck up a FPS so bad with such massive funding is beyond me.
It's a smart game for smart people. Sorry user, you're a fuckwit
Easily the best part about the game
And I don't mean JUST the porn. The 2nd part DLC was pretty good.
>People not knowing that this is a meme
How new are you faggots?
>skinny bitch number 20044405
Cause most Sup Forumsirgins here fetishize muh shooting mechanics over compelling narrative. As if the biggest games of the past 5 years haven't all been story games with average shooting gameplay.
plot retroactively made Bioshock 1 shit and adds stupid columbia shit to rapture like drinkable plasmids
gameplay is shit. stealth was even shittier than thiaf
>The bit where he jams out on the bells
every time
>tfw you never played it but you fap to SFM porn of it
who here too?
I don't hate it at all. I consider it as good as the first one. That being said, I wasn't that fond of the first one so that's not saying much.
There goes the thread
Because it's story, characters and gameplay were all shit.
Picture was already posted in the thread
Because the game is just Bioshock in title. It didn't have the same gameplay freedom as Bioshock 1 and 2 where you could be a wrench specialist, for example. It was all just pewpewpew and not even the powers were that important to break the monotony. Also, the story just gets interesting thanks to the dlcs.
IMHO, it's essentially Bioshock 1 in the sky with pretty mundane, uninspired and mindless shooting.
Because Sup Forums couldn't figure this out
its objectively a pretty well made game even if its not to your tastes. taking the time to type in russian letters is hardcore autism even for Sup Forums
More linear than Bioshock 1
Worse shooting than Bioshock 1
Worse plasmids than Bioshock 1
Worse customization than Bioshock 1
Worse setting/worldbuilding than Bioshock 1
It's like they looked at criticisms that Bioshock 1 was too casual and streamlined compared to System Shock 2, and decided to ignore them all and go further in the same direction. If all these sacrifices had been made in the name of telling a truly brilliant story then it would almost be forgivable, but the story isn't very good.
Ultimately it was a good thing for the industry because it was largely responsible for gamergate happening.
Bioshock 2 is still the best game in the series