Post your best
Complex Mindhack memes
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I don't have any more. More memes please
zero escape was a mistake
Understand now? This is my power... the power to post memes.
this is my favourite
For real, the burn of disappointment from ZTD is lessened by all these memes.
Having the necessary information to appreciate
Fresh from the previous thread
Did VLR get memed on this much when it was released? It was a less memed time I'm aware but still.
My personal favourite
>not shitter
It wasnt this fucking bad.
This is general run shit into the ground reddit tier shit.
Gold star.
>zero time dilema was a mistake
fixed you
Not ZTD but OC
Fuking box "puzzles". At least there was no game of fifteen bullshit.
We've gone off topic
You were born a shitter
Preferred those to organize these items into this box with these helpful guide marks half a dozen times.
Think back on your path to this VERY moment.
I miss pre-ZTD threads so much, lads
they were among my favorite threads on Sup Forums
2 great games build things up for 3rd game and he blew it. whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
We've gone off topic
ZTD was a good game.
How pre are we talking? Two months before release excluding the final week they were dead as fuck. At best we had a handful of people sticking around for the stream.
You can always put a gun to your head and shift back
I'm talking about when 4infinity speculation was still a thing and people could discuss the first two games without shitposting
Does anyone have that pic of Carlos carrying Junpei to safety?
this one?
yeah, thanks
the amount of gay fanart for this game has been pretty ridiculous
Damn brat, stop bullshitting me
I need more Carlos x Junpei stuff
for uhh... for reasons...
You are GEY
but that's incest, man
source film maker porn when?
In some timeline it happened
this one's pretty deep
honestly I like the 'rad6 was to prevent an even greater tragedy' twist, assuming it's to set up a ZE4
>tfw none of santa
I wish we at least heard him radio in to Akane or something in ZTD, I wanted to see how he had been
I'm glad he was even mentioned frankly, he and seven were the only ones to get a mention (which was especially weird since clover was in both other games) just occurred to me that clover's only purpose for being in VLR was to act as misdirection for the tenmyouji reveal
post yfw New Danganronpa game brings both series together. The nuclear war in ZE is actually result of The Tragedy and Junko is the terrorist Delta aimed to kill
A lot of people probably left after the trailer came out in fear of spoilers. I know I did
I find it unreasonable that Delta's abilities couldn't stop some random terrorist. I also don't think it sets up a ZE4 since it's just some random terrorist and not really a setup for another game.
I think just the way ZE works you have to have Zero fighting against some greater evil in order for anything to work. The players always have to be pawns that grow via the game, it can't just be an evil guy murdering some folks or there wouldn't be puzzle rooms to begin with.
Little of topic.
Can you remind me, who butchered Jumpy and put his head in the frige?
Desculpe pelo mau Inglês
my angel did it
Delta says so himself.
Really or trolling?
I literally stayed off Sup Forums entirely from when the game was released until I finished it
and I was still semi-spoiled in a danganronpa thread on Sup Forums
When or why did people start referring to edits / OC as "memes"
>Hagakure is just a really shit shifter
meh still wouldn't work too well, too different stylistically and thematically.
DR3 is about a killing game where the participants wear bangles that periodically put them to sleep while the traitor comes out and kills them while they're sleeping
The traitor was just revealed to be the character in a wheelchair who did not talk, and it's revealed that they're watching everything through a screen
It's uncanny how much ZE and DR copy each other at times
OC that's funny is a 'meme' in newspeak
Ok, another one. Why? Complex motives, for giggles? And how?
Sorry for stupid questions. Just curios and do not want to replay this piece of art.
wildly speculating
so trolling I guess
but it can happen
His motives are
1) to ensure his and Phi's birth
2) to release radical 6 and eliminate the terrorist
3) to convince the 9 players to stop the terrorist without the need of radical 6
How did Delta get back into the same timeline he was transported away from?
-Ensure his and Phi's birth/existence
-Establish the Radical-6 outbreak backup plan to stop the terrorist
-Try and enlist them to stop the terrorist
-He's an old man and he's bored
-He gets off on watching mom decide to shoot dad and save his sister or not.
Because she's a murderer by nature
and she may or may not have been in cahoots with delta, can't remember desu
I see.
But I was axing about The Tragedy and Junko terrorist thing.
That's not very complex
You know how reddit have meme threads?
Well we're the new reddit
Question was about psychotic bitch. But thank you anyway.
point being, since uchi and kodaka copy each other so much it's within the realm of possibility that they'll go all out and crossover
Couldnt he just tell everyone there is a lunatic on the loose after ensuring his birth
She looks pretty stupid with red hair.
Correct. Memes have convinced people that the game didn't explain them.
How? He can't shift and everyone else was dead in the timeline where he was concieved
Delta had to use the timeline where everyone survived to set them on their mission
Can't believe they ruined perfect waifu Phi
This is a series with clones, time travelling shifters and dead dogs and they couldn't just let Phi keep her white hair?
So everything about Brother was just forgotten? They namedropped him once, but that was it?
Not that bad thou.
It would be final nail in ze coffin.
delta is brother
the significance of that fact was not put to use in the game, since they basically go out of their way to not explain what FTS is
Delta is brother. In the Apocalypse end (VLR end) Akane goes to the Free the Soul meeting and apparently is assured enough there to start her AB Plan. Why VLR Brother's plans and Delta's plans seem so different I dunno. Delta did point out a few times that the hims in different timelines were to be kept separate since they couldn't share information. Perhaps in that timeline Brother Delta had different complex motives.