Is it worth picking up Day One?
I don't know its not out yet
If you like clash of clans art-style, sure.
No Civ game has been worth picking up before at least one expansion
That said, this is made by people who made good expansions, so who knows
they need to add sex and rape
It's Civ, pick it up when the GotY comes out.
i'm not kidding, bro
rape is a thing during wars
It won't be but I'll buy it anyway because I'm a schmuck and Firaxis has my number.
I bought civ5 when it came out and got all expansions on release and enjoyed it each time since its a new experience each time, with that said vanilla is always weakest and game of the year edition is best option for most.
Civ 4 vanilla was twice better game than Civ 3 and is infinitely better than vanilla Civ 5.
>Muh art-style
>never Muh gameplay
You're the reason game are so shit nowadays
Because of mod support, which Civ VI will allegedly have over V.
>Day one
No. plain vanilla Civ 4 is a great game on its own.
I am playing Civ since 1999. and have played every game in the series, with Civ 2 being my most played.
Civ 4 has the best solution for infinite city sprawl and is overall the best game by far.
Dude this is Civ. You will spend a thousand+ hours looking on it so you should expect something that is relativly pleasing to your eyes and not this mobile tier shit.
The Civ games have a long history of being buggy and/or incomplete feeling at launch. Takes them a while to fix bugs and expansions usually add a tremendous amount of depth.
I've already bought it but if you're a casual fan of the series I would let the game simmer for a bit first .
>t. Civ 5 was my first Civ game
I like the new direction.
It's definitely a lot more detailed than V.
I already preordered, since I know for a fact I am buying it on release anyways.
Might as well spend now, get Monty for free.
The logic behind the artstyle makes sense, they reviewed how people played V and realised that everyone always fully zoomed out, so they made the visuals cleaner and less cluttered.
Go look up Civ IV visuals, this looks like a HD version of that which is fine with me.
>when you build that brain wonder thing and everyone on the map declares war
The Civ games have ONE game that was really bad on lunch, and I still enjoyed it initially, only later found it to be lacking.
IV & V both bad botched launches. So no.
this would be more interesting if anyone gave a shit about BE
What mong would not zoom out max? YOu need to have an overview of the map and whats happening around you
This goes for you too
>Not picking Purity and Harmony for those sweet superhuman soldiers cleansing the alien filth.
No. Just play 4, it's still objectively the best Civ.
>Atlas holding a rock shaped like earth
Or maybe earth is shaped like that rock
Right, so what's the point of having super-detailed terrain textures then?
Earth is a rock shaped like the Earth
yeh i know?
How do you know who atlas is and nothing else about him?
Bummer they got rid of sacrificial captives for monty.
Teddy Roosevelt is best president. Glad we didn't get shitters like Lincoln or Kennedy.
France seems wonky.
China is Trumptastic and I can't wait to play an isolationist nation.
I just hope we get the iption of not being in the World Congress. Shit was annoying.
>Piss off 10/12 civs on the map because they kept fucking with after I clearly stated "Don't settle near me, shove your embassy up your ass, and no I don't want to be friends."
>Still invuted to World Congress and have to obey the Nuclear Proliferation Act.
Fuck this.
Found Kim Jong-un
Not likely
I've reached the conclusion for myself that the Civ series will never work out its problems, unless it scales back. Cities being one tile and a worker being one tile is never going to mesh with military conquest tactics. Stacking or no stacking.
but that's literally what they're fixing this game, cities are spread out and you can bombard and pillage specific districts
It looked more like the same exact map scale, but there's now mandatory hexes dedicated to other things you can attack, other than the city. Which isn't really the same thing.