How is this remaster...

How is this remaster? need some advice here i'm tempted to buy but i need some pros/cons to help make my mind up due to the high price.

110% worth it

Almost everything regarding game mechanics is different and better.

It's my GOTY so far. Blasted straight through the 40 hours story in less than a week.
Cornelius best.

I loved the original for its simplicity, but if you aim for a decent remake with lots of add-ons and more options to customize and develop your characters, this is for you.

I never played the original, but I'm playing the remaster and I really enjoy it.

Why is Gwendolyn a best. I used to hate her, but not anymore.

Much replay value? anything similar you would recommend?

that's not how percentages work you dumb shit

You might want to try Dust: An Elysian tale. It's a 2D sidescroller with combo-heavy gameplay.

>anything similar you would recommend?
Murasama Rebirth. Each character has three story paths, and the DLC actually involves full stories for four other characters in the same setting. Same company, too.

Valkyrie Profile is something I'd recommend if you enjoyed the psudo-mythology setting and the extended story each character gets. I'm not sure how the various sequels and spinoffs to VP turned out, but the first one was really great.

Grand Kingdom was put together with some of Vanillaware's former staff. I've not played it, but you can at least look it over to see if you are interested.

why so mad?

I just wanted to bring the point across, that the game is more than worth it

I'm mad cause it isn't worth it.

It's fun for a first few hours and then you realize it's all the same fucking shit.
Fucking monotonous eye candy

And no OP, there's no replay value whatsoever

OP here thanks guys, i was saving money for NMS but i think it would be better spent on this.


I thought it was the same game with a lot of refined and expanded systems

But each to their own!


Why not emulate the PS2 game? What's the point of paying $60 for a game that you can get for free with much higher settings.

>But each to their own!

no, I'm right and you're wrong


Vita game has different (Muramasa-like) controls, from what I understand.

Near-flawless. I usually end up hating most remakes because they tend to fuck up things I liked about the original and shit on the original music/artstyle, but this one is incredibly well made. They jammed in tons of new content without ever stepping on the old. They even have the original version of the game still included, complete with HD graphics.

Combat is extremely fun, there's tons more variety in level design, all the new music is amazing and so are the new minibosses.

And of course, if you haven't played the original before, it's an absolute must-buy. It's literally a 10/10 game.

The only nitpicks I have are

1: The completely redone combat breaks some old bosses a bit and make the game a little too easy even on Hard - which in the remake is easier than Normal in the original. Stuff like everyone being able to block and dodge and stay airborne infinitely.

and 2: They fucked up some of the carefully designed resource management systems of the original by streamlining stuff like alchemy and food. Original had a bit of roguelike in it, but in the remake you never have to think about your inventory.

But like I said it's hard to complain when you can just play Original mode if you want the old hardcore experience.

Grand Kingdom is really fun, but I'd suggest anyone who's potentially interested to go and play the fan translation of Grand Knights History, which GK is very much the spiritual successor to.

ADHD. The story is good enough to keep anyone hooked if they have just a smidgen of patience.

But the gameplay elements are

It's fun comboing at first but the level design really hurts the game

No it doesn't. The characters all play differently and you move on to a new one just when the current one is about to overstay its welcome.

Unless you're talking about the original, where the complaint is definitely justified since it literally has no level design and every stage is a flat circle.

>Unless you're talking about the original, where the complaint is definitely justified since it literally has no level design and every stage is a flat circle.

That's exactly how the remaster is too.

90% of areas are circles, except rest areas and a few exceptions where you jump to discover new areas.

Don't be one of those guys that straight up lies
You're not a dev

dude, I left the original game unplayed for ONE year because of the fucking slimes, i was stupid so I didn't grind for the right materials (looking back on it I can think of it as playing something similar to a nuzlocke challenge) so when I got back to the game I already knew where i got stuck, and also planned my shit way better, I believe the remake did well on taking that load off, if only because there were too many complains about it, i mean, i can't believe how frustrated I got to leave the game and then not coming back for a full year, and I LOVED IT since the start

Are you fucking retarded?

Tell me how anything I said is in any way even remotely a lie. Go ahead.

Or just fuck off and kill yourself, preferably.

You're even contradicting yourself in your post, and how the fuck does being a "dev" have anything to do with this?

Wow. Maximum autism.

Not a remaster, more of a remake.

It's good.

are you sure you aren't talking about the original game?
THAT was a heaping pile of monotonous crap, but i liked the story.
if this game is more like muramasa now, then it's probably worth a shot

>loved Dragon's Crown and Muramasa
>bought this game's CE day 1 on PS4 having only played it briefly
>that inventory management
>that pointless levelling system
>all those spells and shit that cost too much mana to every be worth using over more spammable ones
>that dull level design
>that gardening shit that destroys the pacing of the game
>only managed to play the game 5 hours since I got it since I find it so boring

I really wish Vanillaware would just drop their shitty RPG mechanics and focus on making beat 'em ups because they're always the absolute worst parts of their games..

That broken Slime stuff was only in the American version, they already fixed it in the original PAL game.

I was thinking about stuff like how the remaster constantly showers you with items, and all the overpowered alchemy potions are super easy to make and available from the start, whereas in the original you had to find recipes first, plus ingredients and bottles were much more rare, and the requirements were much stricter since you needed exact numbers on the bottles. Same with seeds - in the remake your inventory quickly fills up with useless seeds, but in the original each seed was valuable and never went unused. The restaurants were also better, they incorporated several systems in one, while in the remake those systems get split up and are less elegant because of the redundant traveling Pooka chef. It's just game design nitpicks though.


wait the slimes were broken?

you mean being indestructible except with fire wasn't by design?

>Tell me how anything I said is in any way even remotely a lie. Go ahead.

"The levels aren't just circles anymore"
They fucking are you god damned fucking illiterate shitfuck

All you're doing is circle around the stage to find paths to another circles.

Go fucking die you miserable shit

theres no need for this hostility friends

You would have loved the original, since all your complaints are things that the remake actually fixed and were a hundred times "worse" in the original.

It had far less inventory space, two different character levels for each character, the gardening was much more important and you had to do it IN BATTLE, spells were even more costly and you had to manually absorb each phozon by standing still and holding R to recover mana, normal attacks ran on a stamina gauge and you had to stop and rest every few seconds, and the level design was nonexistent.

I say "worse" because gameplay focused around resource management and slow strategy isn't objectively bad. It was just very different.

It probably was by design - poor design - but they fixed it for the PAL regions. You could use any magic or potion to kill them. Not physical attacks though. The PAL version also didn't have slowdown and had a bunch of other improvements.

Today, we teach this autist about geometrical shapes. If you look at this image, you'll find that only a few of the shapes are circles. And those circles are all battle stages, where platforming would be annoying to deal with while fighting waves of enemies. Meanwhile, all the rectangular areas have proper level design.

So remove yourself.

the way the game scrolls probably confuses him

I iike how the circular stages are good for long juggling combos so they look more dynamic than just staying on the corner of a room, well, at least now with the improved fighting mechanics

Because the PS2 version is objectivley inferior in every way.

>I used to hate her


>only a few
>6 circles
>3 rectangles excluding the rest area

>much higher settings
>2D game

You're an idiot.

There's still a shitton of circles compared to other geometrical objects in that image.

I'll grant you one thing tho. It seems circles aren't as frequest much later in the game, but by that time you're already bored out of your mind when every area is exactly the same.

They're exactly the same even in your image, just not so many circles.

Don't reply to me anymore unless you're contributing to the thread.

Often the assets used in Vanillaware games are actually higher res than the output resolution can display. Run Muramasa in Dolphin and you'll see what I mean.

Anyone here manage to beat this game on heroic no ice spirits or killer cloud potions allowed?

I can't beat the ooze trial in Velvet's story with all the super evil eye and wizards spawning fuck.

Muh father

Only I've already emulated Odin Sphere years ago and I know for a fact it doesn't look better than the PS4 remaster.

Muramasa still looks like ass stretched beyond its native res which is why there's custom textures made for it.

So you know then that Vanillaware games can be run at higher settings.

Than the remaster? No.

you are fucking retarded

yes, i shared the same feeling, she was too much into getting approval from Odin and you start pitying her right before she frees herself from that, and she becomes really cool when she starts fighting for her own wishes and not as a proxy of someone else's

>I'll never be this good

Those webms aren't impressive, that's just normal gameplay in this game. My friend who had never played the game pulled off better combos after 30 minutes of practice. If you can't do at least that much, you pretty much suck.

Those aren't actually that good, just kinda flashy.
You can keep juggles going for far, far longer than that, and it's not terribly hard.

The number of moves is a bit too overwhelming and I don't like using up pp and when I do It's usually just one or two moves. The most impressive thing I've accomplished is stunlocking the two fire bird rider 0-death with basic ground attacks and 2 special moves in quick succession repeated until they died.

On a completely unrelated note. Do you get more out of your leveling if you spend points on abilities for the bonus early on or was that just weird wording in the menu.

There aren't even many moves there

You sound like a girl.

No you don't get more out of the leveling.

Guess my no food run for cornelius didn't have any pay-off then. He really felt OP toward the end too despite being under-leveled or maybe that's just how his character is

It's fantastic. If anything, it's a bit too easy but there're some challenging fights and encounters. I finished it few days ago and started new game+ right away. Shit is addicting.

mustard race XD

the actual gameplay is still repetitive and boring

The remake should never be played on anything less than Hard. It's too easy even then but not by much.

Of course I played it on hard. I even played original on hard but surrendered half-through Velvet's chapter and switched to easy.

all you have to do is spam the attack button and you literally stun lock every enemy till they die and always get an S rank because it what absolutley impressive what you just did.
The gameplay is even more fucked than in the original since they didn't even bother with changing enemies so they can actualy do something about the increased mobility of the player.

>they didn't even bother with changing enemies
New game+ actually changes enemy encounters. Dealing with bunch of elven paladins is not as simple as just hitting attack button.

I'm level 45 with cornelius right now and don't even know that spiral air move he uses here. Do I have to backtrack for abilities? just hold attack in the air.

The other spiral move genius. When abilities are used you see a flash of light and it cancels any other action at any given moment.

The drilling move? That's one of the first abilities you get with him.
The sommersault? That one's pretty early too.
The game straight up tells you which stage they're in.

assign controls as you see fit, there's extra commands, check carefully

What are some tips to beat the sorcerer asshole as Oswald? I keep getting my shit wrecked. Should I completely ignore that big monster he spawns with him? Everytime I kill it, he just spawns another.

My only complaint is that it's a little too repetitive and long. I did the 5 books, but when I found out there was still another book I dropped it. Gotta take a small break from it before I do that. Burned myself out.

I liked this game, but you have to agree that it's pretty monotonous. There's almost no unique enemies/bosses for the characters. It looks fantastic, but the combat is basically the same thing over and over until you get to the next character, then you do the same things over and over with them. Only one that really broke up that monotony for me was Mercedes, for better or worse.

that's a pretty common thing with vanillaware in general.
especially dragons crown.
i like the game, but it really needed a bit more variety

Final book is just boss fights for the apocalypse. You get to choose who fights what and it determines the ending.

Book 6 is just the final bosses, user. There's no levels, just bosses. Might as well finish it up. It's just 5 bosses, no levels.

Try to figure out what order you're supposed to use characters for the good ending, it is practically spelled out for you.

Yeah, I absolutely adored the game for it's interweaving story and beautiful visuals. But man, it could have done better with about 6 more bosses so some of them felt original.

Weird, usually people complain about double snow giants fight.

The one where he spawns the ghost thing? I killed two of them and then he never summoned another one. Just shadow form that shit like everything else in his book. Once the sorcerer is alone it's easy as fuck.

That fight is one of the worst in the game especially with Oswald who isn't really an aerial character. I needed alchemy to ease the pain on that one. Killer Cloud just fucking melts everything in the game if you can keep them in the cloud.

I don't know, I did it for S on the first try. The key is to throw blaze potions right under their noses and stay close to them so they won't roll around. Was really easy.
> isn't really an aerial character
Just activate devil trigger and LET 'ER RIP. His jump combo do enough damage.

is the game easier to deal with now?
i remember having massive trouble with this lady.
i was either underleveled or i didn't spend enough time farming and eating

There's a good ending? Oh that's fantastic. Another reason I was reluctant to do the last book was because I thought only two characters would live in several separate endings. Made me a bit sad. I'll get to it soon.

Yes, game is easier now and grinding is almost non-existent.

Really? That's weird, I've fought him a few times and always go straight for the big ghost thing. Once it goes down, another one immediately appears.

Velvet is so satisfying to play. Did the boss rush as her. Whip movement is so good

also best girl and jap VA by a mile

Just buy it, its goty.

Or carry on just playing overwatch like every other faggot on here

Blatantly false, at least on Hard, which is what I played. You can never stunlock enemies other than the cannon fodder ones unless you're juggling them, and you have to be pretty good at using your special moves correctly if you want to keep juggling the enemies for longer than a couple of seconds because you'll be knocking them away. And bosses can't be juggled anyway.

Most of the enemies also do have some new moves or AI to compensate for the overpowered player characters, though in the end it's still obviously far easier than the original.

Really? She's my least favourite character to play as.
Her range is neat, sure, but she just feels slow and weak compared to everyone else.
Best girl for sure, though.

Good ending is if you use all the correct characters for the correct fights. You'll know if you used the right character, cause the char you chose will have a short cutscene before the fight. If the character you chose doesn't say anything before the fight, quit out and try another one.

>bosses can't be juggled anyway
But they can?

There's a prophecy text which quite literally explain which character should fight in those battles.


Seriously though the remake kind of fucked this part up by just handing you the book with the correct choices that you only got by fucking up in the original.

Yeah the game is much easier now. Your characters are much stronger and leveling up is streamlined compared to the original.