So is Starbound good now that its out of Early Access? Some people I know keep saying its better than Terraria now, but that doesn't seem very likely.
So is Starbound good now that its out of Early Access? Some people I know keep saying its better than Terraria now...
I actually had a dream last night that someone gave me a starbound key.
It was shit.
it's terrible but i haven't ever played it
It is pretty good.
>Some people I know keep saying its better than Terraria now
It isn't, it's somehow ended up with even less content (as well as this content being mostly fluff and pointless) than it had back in Early Access, even inane shit like different ship AI for the races was cut.
Maybe you could enjoy it if you didn't play it during it's beta stages and you never ever heard of it.
It's boring and repetitive as fuck.
Okay for the first few hours until you realize you already experienced most things the game will have to offer.
Terraria has been and will always be better.
It's a decent game with some really dumb design decisions (who the fuck makes a sandbox digging/building game and then locks most of the content behind linear mission levels where you can neither build nor dig?). If you can deal with the shitty missions it's a fun game, but its biggest flaw is simply that Terraria is still better.
I like it because comfy space stuff, but it's not very good. It's not bad either, it just isn't good.
It's worse than Terraria in pretty much every way.
- gear progression is completely linear and over before you collect the 2nd McGuffin for the mainplot (1-2 hours into the game)
- the mandatory EPP makes having a light-source and breathing irrelevant, it's one of the first things you craft
- one of the first tech unlocks you get allows you to double (quadruple) jump and roll along walls and ceilings indefinitely, making any kind of platforming or terrain irrelevant
- the EPP upgrades for radioactive systems etc. are just arbitrary level restrictions (can't land on those planets until you upgraded, then it becomes irrelevant and like any other world)
- those affixes also have no influence on 80-90% of the planets in radioactive/frozen/fiery worlds, where npcs run around unprotected and the vegitation is the same as on a "safe" garden-world
- base-building on a planet is pointless and upgrading your ship to allow more rooms requires you to grind pixels
- racial weapons have been removed
- racial origins have been removed, everyone has the human starting event now
- terrains are static and never change, differences are entirely cosmetic (i.e. a biome filled with eyeball-trees only has differently colored dirt, nothing else)
- there are no sloped or half-height blocks, so no waterfalls or fluid dynamics
- incidentally, you can upgrade your tool for next to nothing to absorb fluids, making lava and poison also irrelevant
I could go on, but basically, there's no reason to play Starbound if you have Terraria already.
>Maybe you could enjoy it if you didn't play it during it's beta stages and you never ever heard of it.
Yeah, I tried playing at 3 different points in development and they were mostly the same. I thought that these new missions would make it cool.
Guess not.
>I could go on, but basically, there's no reason to play Starbound if you have Terraria already.
And to add to this, there's no reason to buy Starbound when you can get Terraria for cheaper.
>no waterfalls or fluid dynamics
That part isn't true.
The rest is, though.
The problem is that 90% of the people that own Starbound now do so because they bought it WAAAAAY back in early development. which has taught me to never back anything else again
This cept the fluid one times a thousand, no wonder why they cut and changed so much stuff.
>Cut techs
>Cut vehicles
>Cut biomes
>Cut blocks
>Food no longer stackable
>Weapon overhaul just made them cut a lot of them too
They even changed the female sprites cause oh no boobs, pic related
I really wanted to like starbound but I have to admit, terraria is much better, I can only hope they keep updating starbound and that one day it can get to the point it was supposed to see, but I can't see them unfucking the lore and the racial stuff even with updates.
It was better in early access
It's fun
I don't know how anyone can prefer Terraria, Terraria is boring bland experience with retarded art-style. I played Terraria and I was bored after 30 hours, now I am 50+ in Starbound and I am not even half done yet with the main plot.
No they added a hunger meter. All that work and they ruined it with chores.
I pirated it a few days ago, still havent found the 20 gems needed. Have no idea what to do besides build some gear which is also limited as fuck. I'm sitting on a shitton of pixels and nothing to do with it. It's too much intro imo.
I am enjoying it. Its super cheap too even if you didn't buy it for a dollar 2 years ago. Most of the salt comes from people who bought the EX and wanted it to bee Terraria 2 or don't like the changes.
I mean i paid full price for rimworld which was great but i still kind of ripped off. But i have spend 10$ on a lot worse than starbound.
I'm playing it and spent some time on /sbg/ recently asking for mods and what not and all I can is that it's mediocre.
There's nothing fantastic about the game. The pixel art for the background, objects and enemies are nice but the player character themselves is garbage. Movement is floaty as fuck which I can forgive if it's planet/gravity dependent but it's not. Planets are small and there's no mechanic involving ships which is a missed opportunity here. Ships are basically your own planet that you have to expand yourself where you teleport to and from.
Seeing how mods immediately improved the game at release, I'd say if you still have mild interest in the game, wait for 5 years.
>Grinding for pixels
You can just mine a load of diamonds and throw them into the refinery whenever you need more pixels. Not that there's anything to buy once you upgrade the ship.
You need to dig straight down until you hit lava. There's always tons of core gems near lava.