It's out and reviews are coming in. Is it worth it or should people wait for Scorpio? Opinions Sup Forums!
It's out and reviews are coming in. Is it worth it or should people wait for Scorpio? Opinions Sup Forums!
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Is this the scorpio? It just came out already?
Wait for the scorpio. I mean 4K still isn't viable yet since the pricing is horrendous and HDR is still a mess. Wait a year, and get the console that does native 4K, and I bet you'll be able to get an actual decent 4K HDR TV for the fraction of the price they are now.
The Scorpio is gonna cost out of the ass, so probably get the S you want an Xbone.
>same innards
>just smaller
>100bucks more expensive
>1.5TB extra storage
>4K disc drive
>Slightly overclocked CPU/GPU for HDR
>New controller which has bluetooth in built
That's why.
It's 2TB instead of 500GB, that and it has a new bluray drive for 4K discs.
None of these things make me want to buy one. I'd rather save the 100 bucks and get a regular 1TB model.
Am starting to actually like the original design of the xbox one. I don't like consoles being too tiny. When i finally recieve a decent pay check i'll buy the original xbox one but i'll have to get a ps4 first.
Then do that. I don't like it either, and I'm waiting to see what the Neo/Scorpio are like.
Can anyone explain to me what exactly is the Scorpio that everyone is mentioning on here please
All i ever heard was just xbone and xbone s but no Scorpio
He needs to take the sticker off the front of the console. Hate when people leave it on.
>already has 4K media way before the ps4 NEO and it will be $200-$300 cheaper.
>A midrange Xbox that's still $50 cheaper than the original ps4.
Also the anniversary update rolled out today what do you guys think of it?
Super powered Xbone.
Scorpio is the new Xbox console. It's a native 4K gaming machine that's 4x more powerful than the base PS4/Xbox One. It comes out next year, which is why the Xbox One S which just uprenders to 4K is pointless for the most part.
Not really. Itll play 4K blurays which makes it the cheapest 4k bluray player on the market.
Cortana is useless, I defaulted back to Xbox commands
>She doesn't know what Forza Horizon 2 or My Games and Apps is
>Constantly takes 1-2 seconds to think through what I say instead of doing it immediately
I do like how she can type messages for me while I'm in game, and tell me precisely what my friends are doing. But overall she's incompetent right now. The new Games and Apps design is top notch though.
I'm going to wait for the Scorpio to come and then buy an S once it's cheaper. I guess I could just buy a Bone right now since they're so cheap but the slim versions have slightly better performance so at least I won't get as many drops.
>Hey Cortana, what's Dan doing?
>Dan is playing Destiny, in Crota Raid
I love that, no more pausing my game to open the guide she does it as a play.
I'd still rather just stream them to my TV, it has that stuff in built anyway. Even then I could wait a year easily to get a better deal.
>Opinions Sup Forums
It's what the xbone should have been back in 2013.
True. But folks who are into that 4k movie shit might bite. Hell people bought the ps3 just to play movies cause it was the cheapest at the time.
To be fair 4k blurays have a much higher bitrate than streaming, so if you're an image quality whore than than getting a 4k bluray player is beneficial. I don't think most people care though.
naw, fuck that
wait for the Scorpio s
I'm not a common visiter on here and I'm going to sound stupid but would the xbox 2 (scorpio) basically renders the xbox one games unplayable and you be forced to play xbox two games only?
Why get the xbox one if they are just going to release another console that will require another different disc to play on considering that sony is going to lay out PlayStation five as well
Or will the next console still play xboxe one games or no?
the 1tb model costs 350
I beg that you stop perpetuating this, its not true, Intel has had 4k Hardware decoders in their iGPU's since Haswell, you could have built a cheaper 4k video player using those all the way back in 2013
It's probably the cheapest 4k player on the market right now. If there were good Xbone trade ins I would do it. But I'm just waiting for the Scorpio
Why buy an xbone when the PS4 is better in every way for the same price and actually has games?
I guess. I do keep forgetting M$ like pushing Xbox as a media system too. It's just from my view, if you care about 4K, you probably already have a 4K player or bought a TV that has it streaming in built. And from a gaming stand point, why buy the S for uprendered 4K, when in a year you can get native 4K? Price isn't a real issue if you can already afford/want 4K.
I'm waiting until there are games.
Microsoft have said all games developed for the Scorpio will also be playable on the regular Xbone. I'm guessing it won't be long before Scorpio starts rolling out exclusive games though, even if it's just VR type stuff.
You will wait till you die.
This is what I was thinking. I need a 4k player, I just purchased a 4k TV. So why now.
>4k HDR TVs are still >$1000
Eh I think I'll wait until next year.
t. sonycuck
I've made peace with that.
Thank God I didn't fall for the Quantum Break meme.
but xbone still has no games except dudebro gears of war and shitlo
That's why I'm getting PS4 : Ratchet and Clank, Jrpgs, Bloodbourne
Shame PC gets no quality exclusives like the consoles get. They either get the best version of the multiplats or worst, and then shitty f2p grind games.
>inb4 gmod and tf2 le meme games
yea I played them when I was 12
>Still don't know if HDR10 or Dolby Vision will adopted
Biggest reason I'm waiting.
>all xbone games are coming to PC
what the fuck is the point then unless you're a pleb?
She's a female (female) and always been one from birth. Stop with that trap meme shit.
Meant for
I have $100 down for the 500gb version coming in later this month I think. I'm planning on getting that money back and waiting it out until Black Friday gives me a bundled deal with games included.
Also I don't really get the appeal of 4K just yet. I know it's better than 1080p in terms of looks but I've never really had an initial problem with 1080p while playing video games, and I'll be fine with that for another year or so.
>taking pictures of your screen
>buying consoles in 2016
lmao desu
It won't run anything besides some indie games at 4k.
If you want an Xbone (you really don't) just get the 500GB version. It's not like the Xbone actually has enough games to fill up that 500GB anyway.
>Lol you actually think she's a male.
What im asking is will scorpio allow you to play xbox one games on it instead of exclusive games for the Scorpio
If that is the case then by god that is way too early for a new next gen console at least with the xbox 360 it allowed people enough time to enjoy it before they released the first xbox one
Is it just going to turn into xbox one games for xbox one only and scorpio games for scorpio only or will scoprio still be used to play xbox one games on it?
Wait till Black Friday 100%. Every year M$ have given them a discount and thrown in games for free. Heck the Elite console dropped 75$ two weeks after launch and included GoW UE, Rare Replay and Ori.
Why buy an xbone when the PS4 is better in every way for the same price and actually has games?
Yes, all Xbone games past and present including the BC game will be playable on the Scorpio.
>no 4k streaming for PC
>no 4k bluray drives yet
Might just pick one up so I can stream 4k Netflix.
It'll have been 4 years, a year short of a gen cycle, and the exact length of the OG Xbox cycle. Last gen was a fluke in terms of length, due to a recession and hardware fluctuations caused by it.
The Scorpio is literally a 1060 to the Xbones 750ti. Games should work like they do on PC, just lower res/graphics. Framerate has to be the same for any online experience though.
Whatever user. If this makes you feel better.
PS4 NEO will target 1800p/30. If Xbone is more powerful than it could conceivably run at 2160p/30.
>puppet master sasori
>Is it just going to turn into xbox one games for xbox one only and scorpio games for scorpio only or will scoprio still be used to play xbox one games on it?
Xbox is literally a PC now. Think of the Xbone as a low end PC, and the scorpio as a mid range PC. Everything works backwards and forwards. Same OS, same architecture, same hardware family.
the One S is actually between 4% and 11% faster than the original One.
Stating facts now make people cucks?
Stay retarded.
>4k becoming the new meme
>Games will still run and look like shit because of it
What's wrong with 1080p 60fps while also making the games look amazing? I hate this fucking industry sometimes, it's one step forward two steps back.
Normies don't game on PC. Why don't people on Sup Forums not get this?
PS4 Neo will be 1440P 30FPS at best. Digital Foundry didn't account for the overclocked Jaguar CPU or only 5.5GB of RAM being available (6GB is possible using the "Paging" file) but 6GB RAM is only good for 1440P and starts choking hard when you push it above.
Sony's going with what's called a "checkerboard uprendering" technique on Neo but god knows what that will do. Probably add more film grain and noise.
this thing actually has increased specs from the xbone huh? here I was think it was just a HDD upgrade and felt like I heard xbots bragging ages ago about the one having 4k if your TV supports it.
>and actually has games
I wouldn't go that far.
t. Ps4 owner
Wake up at 10 AM (opening time of gamestops), live in rural NC.
Call local gamestop over 30 mins away. No xbox one s.... MAYBE ill have 2 tomorrow but you know I cant hold them for you.
Call next closest gamestop, 45-50 mins away. No xbox one s....
Closest fucking store that has one is in Asheville.... Talk to guy, tell him I will reserve online, him: "Well bro I cant really hold new consoles on their release date, if someone comes in before you and wants to buy I will sell it to them."
Ask him why the option to reserve/hold is even available if it means literally nothing. He just repeats a version of the same.
Local walmart has them in stock, "local" bestbuy 50 mins away has them in stock. Call bestbuy, they will do $125 for console and $18 for controller almost as good as gamestop trade offer and I have a $15 reward cert for bestbuy anyway. They go ahead and hold one for me in the cage. thanks bestbuy.
I wouldnt even bother to get this new xbox except for that fact that my refurb 500 gb is on the fritz and has disconnected me for the last time during R6S ranked.... and I have a 4K TV.
Why is gamestop so shitty? No xboxs on release(NONE shipped to my closest stores)? terrible customer service? Remind why I even give them the time of day.
>I don't like consoles being too tiny
get yourself a original xbox then
>Why don't people on Sup Forums not get this?
You mean pathetic sonycucks that have a toaster pc at most?
It doesn't have better specs. Phil confirmed it at E3.
>Why is gamestop so shitty?
Why is any corporation that has a monopoly so shitty?**
FTFY. Tried the M$ Store? Over here they're not to bad, but I guess you'd have to ship them your Xbone which might taake a while.
it has better specs on paper based on clock speeds.
Because casuals think resolution is more important than framerate
It does. 4-7%, most games run an extra few FPS higher, not much. But it's definitely an overclocked Xbone.
Sunset Overdrive and Halo 5 are exclusives. Of also consider Forza 6 to be exclusive since the PC version has demo level content and no online.
>B-but these don't count because [Insert stupidy here]
They count and the fact of the matter is the Xbone does have some good exclusives.
>tf2 was out when I was 12
Underage b&.
It's a useless cash grab before they release Scorpio.
Did you like all the HD remasters we've been getting? Hope you enjoy a new wave of 4k remasters!
I need the new xbox TODAY(because I wiped mine last night thinking one of the 8 gamestops around me would have one....) and the trade deal for $150 is pretty much exactly what I would get from ebay after fees for an xbox with a controller. In fact id probably get less on ebay and be taking a risk selling it. I also have $25 giftcard to gamestop and other stuff to trade in so its basically free to me.
A store dedicated to games literally doesnt have them on release. what the FUCK? How is that acceptable? God damn walmart has them in my shitty small town except I would have to pay full price and sell my xbox separately.
whats even the point then? just so they can call it an upgrade and trick people who don't know any better?
Isn't halo 5 multiplayer on PC ?
>name games box
>Xbox One
For what purpose?
Forge is.
are you dense? the One S isn't supposed to be an upgrade at all. it's supposed to be a slim Xbox and that's it. the "upgrade" is the One Scorpio. nobody would have even known the One S was slightly overclocked if the Gears dev didn't mention it.
The meme is over. It's OK to like the Xbone now.
At the rate Sony is bleeding Jap PS4 and Vita games to Steam they're set to have three exclusives by the end of 8th gen.
is this a good deal?
It doesn't change the fact that Xbox is just a heavily locked down underpowered PC running a customized media center Windows 10 that doesn't have access to any other app store but the Xbox store.
It's Forge. You can test the levels but it's not real multiplayer.
Not him, and I really want a reason to buy an xbone because I always try to get everything in a gen, but for the life of me I'm having a hard time thinking up reasons to justify buying one too.
AMD isn't just going to solder the new 4k UVD onto old GPU's, they are going to use equivalent spec GPU's fabbed smaller, this will increase power efficiency and less heat which means they can run at a slightly higher clock
the reason they wouldn't make it a selling point is because the additional performance is not worth the potential bad PR, afterall if they were going for a "stronger xbox one" they wouldn't have picked a GPU so similar to its previous gen model they would have went with something stronger like the PS4k did.
As of this moment it seems to be.
You dont have to pay tax and you essentially get $25 back.
A savings of $54 in NC.
Historically the slim versions of Microsoft and Sony consoles get slightly better performance, no one should be surprised about the 4-7% figure.
Buy Bone S now.
Trade in for Scorpio later.
Based backwards compatibility.
If a console doesn't hold any appeal to you there's not much point in buying one. Different strokes for different folks.
Wait for Black Friday you nerd.