Combining the nintendo console and nintendo handheld game libraries + playerbases

>combining the nintendo console and nintendo handheld game libraries + playerbases
You all realize that this is fucking genius and will save nintendo even if we all hate it, right?

no one hates that.

All we hate is the gpu, cpu and controller.

A portable handheld console!

I meant hate the console, not the combination

Nintendo handhelds have been declining in sales and quality

I feel apprehensive toward the NX

>combining nothing with more nothing

Might as well combine the Ps4 and Vita. It'll do you the same amount of good.

that looks like a portable handheld gamepad, not a portable handheld console

That aren't officially released yet, and are all based on speculation.

The NX will actually have games that aren't weebshit.

>The NX will actually have games that aren't weebshit


Uh. Why?

Vita TV is a console version of a handheld, hence a handheld console. DekaVita7 turns it portable.

>implying all of Nintendo's IPs aren't weebshit besides Diddy Kong

Increased development time for every handheld series because they've actually got to deal with with not prehistoric tech means it's going to have about nothing for some time.

>The NX will actually have games that aren't weebshit
Fucking kek. It'll have nintendrone games and weeb shit and nothing else.

I know. Nvidia has zero custom design wins no idea how anyone can believe can it's tegra x1 or x2.

but nintendo has the best weeb games

Zelda: BotW + Pokemon Gen 8 + Smash 5 + Portable and Console Mario games, portable/console metroid + third party portable support

This is genius

>Nintendo shit that is now portable


Nintendo's going to fuck it up, you watch

>cartoon mascots for 6 year olds as their IPs
>only 3 IPs for grown ass people, 2 of which are weebshit


>Nintendo targets mature people and not the family/casual gamer

but it's going to also have weebshit, just heavily censored weebshit.

>thinking Fire Emblem is for adults