How does Sup Forums feel about the fact that we'll probably get ANOTHER remake of these games within the next 10 years?

How does Sup Forums feel about the fact that we'll probably get ANOTHER remake of these games within the next 10 years?

Just don't buy it, is it that hard?

I wouldn't mind. There needs to be a Kanto update anyway.

There's still at least two more generation remasters before they loop back around again.

I don't give a fuck.

Feels good man.

They should just make a new game that takes place in modern Kanto instead of rereleasing R/B. Kind of like the post E4 of G/S but more fleshed out, updated, and unique with some new Pokemon as well.

Sinnoh at least right? Black/white had a sequel so I'd presume thats out of the question, for a while at least.

I need the Best Pokemon game that I can emulate.
I played yellow only

That's the best one.

I think that

Too bad they'll put the awful new exp share mechanics in that took all the challenge out of the recent games

It would be great to see Kanto in the 3d style of the newer games, since all we have is the eagle eye view with less detail versions.

Pokémon Pinball


is it even possible for them to loop around? assuming they keep making pokemon games, they shouldn't be able to, because after s/m they'll remake d/p, then after the next mainline they'll remake b/w, and so on.

deciding between playing blue, gold, or emerald. which one should i choose and which starter should i pick?

They've broken the Pokémon cycle now, so there's no saying what they'll necessarily do next.

I personally think the current engine is the one on which we will see the next Kanto remakes.

Nostalgia sells at the moment, and remaking RBY would be a good business decision.

That'll make it a TRUE REMAKE since genwun introduced the exp all first, before it turned into exp share in gen 2.



Pogeymon black

Emerald. Treecko

Gold, based Totodile

Dude. DUDE!

>latest games lack standard gyms
>you're island hopping all the way through
>ice level to play a big role
>Near the end of the game
>You have to go to mainland to fight the Elite Four
>you take a boat
>and somebody tells you
>"Do you know what you just did? You just took your first step into KANTO! Check your map!"
>And it was Sevii Islands all along

Heart Gold

>Browsing a board that openly role plays, admitted most its users are under 18 and uses xD unironically

Sup Forums is the only place to discuss Pokemon /vp/ is a shithole

It's not going to happen, stop deluding yourself. We won't be leaving Alola unless it's for one unspecified-location-island to get a legendary, or something.


Mystery Dungeon to be quite fucking honest with you my good famparino.

Don't forget romhacks. Playing through storm silver on my phone right now and having a blast.

We won't. Those remakes fixed almost absolutely everything.

Pokemon my ass version.
I'm not even kidding.

either BW2, Platinum, or HGSS. Take your pick.

>remake rby for a newer handheld/console
>add in new features kind of like alola form

I would honestly welcome it desu fama lama ding expand dong.

>Believing in cycles
Nintendo will do what sells. If they think a 3D Kanto will sell more than a 3D Sinnoh, they'll sure as fuck do it.

Everything's fair game at the moment. Each remake, from FRLG to HGSS to ORAS, has deviated further and further from the source material. They rereleased RBY on the eShop, which is the first time they've ever re-released a mainline game in emulated form rather than remaking it from the ground up. Gen 7 is also the first generation to entirely break free from the shackles of grid-based movement and area design, not to mention throwing out concepts like gyms, so traditional remakes like the ones we've already had might not even be strictly feasible anymore.

I personally believe we'll get a Sinnoh remake anyway, but there's a lot of factors to consider now.

So we can all agree that Emerald was the peak of the series, right?

It'd be fucking amazing if they made one with every region though. Might have to create plus 100 level Pokemon to compensate for all the gyms. Or you could just re-set your team for every region.

>Nintendo will remake the game for people who don't want any post-Gen.1 shit tier Pokémon within the next 10 years

I've been aching to play Red again and FireRed is horribly outdated, plus, I don't own a GBA anymore. What's wrong with this?

Platinum was, Emerald was until then

They need to be updated. Does anyone honestly want to play the old ones? It's torture.

They basically did that Ruby/sapphire

>plus, I don't own a GBA anymore
Just emulate it, and FireRed is fine.

Nah Gen 3 was kind of annoying until you start flying and even then

Sucks since based of the 3ds games it will be jaggedy ugly graphics.


I consider the above to be the 'holy trinity' of the series. Throw in a Generation 5 game if those are to your taste. Gen 1 was only good for starting the franchise off, and Gen 6 is just shit.

Im curious, in X and Y the framerate in the battles really chugged, and in general the battles felt very slow and cumbersome. Did they optimize the battling in ORAS?

That's just not possible on the 3DS. The games have trouble now as it is with just one region and all the pokemon to keep track of. Seven regions plus bonus areas (Sevii Islands, etc) would melt any 3DS. They'd have to risk losing a lot of sales and put it on an actual console, which would never happen either.

You have to consider that the screenshots are larger than the screen of a 3ds, downscaled it will be less bad

Definitely BW2 if you prefer offline contents.
I'd take grinding in Black Tower/White Tree Hollow over Battle Frontier anyday.

>Seven regions plus bonus areas (Sevii Islands, etc) would melt any 3DS
You don't really understand how games work, do you?

We'll get Lightning Yellow finally, followed by Spirit Crystal in like 5 years and Delta Emerald in a decade.
>new game
>rerelease of 3 gen old game
>rererelease of 7 gen old game
This is our life now.

are remakes easier to make than original games? if so why cant we have two remakes in one, or find a different way to go about it where you have multiple regions in one game
gamefreak seem to be changing things up, so i hope ORAS is the last remake of its kind, considering you can play gen 4 on a 3ds it will be pointless to remake it

To be fair, the XY/SM engine's moved on so much that a remake wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, would it?

>i hope ORAS is the last remake of its kind
It almost definitely will be. FRLG was incredibly true to the original games, HGSS deviated from GSC a fair amount, and ORAS removed, added and altered a fuckload of features. Each remake has slowly grown further and further apart from the original content. Combine that with the fact that Gen 7 is the first gen to properly abolish the grid system and you've got a situation where it's pretty much not possible for them to do a 'vanilla' true remake anymore.

What "grid system"?

Even though Gen 6 was 3D and allowed for multi-directional movement, most of the game was still designed on a grid, and most of the environments were built with this grid in mind, just like every generation before. You can clearly see it if you walk around with the D-Pad instead of the circle pad, or just by observing the design of the caves and towns and such.

Is there confirmation that the game won't have grids?

You can very clearly see it in the E3 footage and the overall world design.

In ORAS it's fine, as long as the 3D is switched off. If you turn the 3D slider up, the framerate drops to like 10fps or something stupid.

that guy is retarded but putting all 7 regions in one game would be a game design nightmare.

it really wouldnt . also gen 1 is now the only gen missing a game with the "definitive" gen 4 gameplay

Oh yeah, I don't believe it would ever happen - even if they had the resources and managed to make it work from a game design perspective, putting all the regions into one game would just be shooting themselves in the foot. If you make a game with that much content, how do you top it?

I just thought the "melt any 3DS" comment was dumb as fuck, is all.

I want them to go back to Japanese settings desu.

Am i the only one whos hyped for a Diamond and Platinum remake?

HGSS by far

Considering how long it took them to remake Rube/Sapphire we probably wont, hell you can still port Pokemon from GBA games to current still. They just rereleased the original Pokemon RBY that WILL be compatible with Pokemon Sun and Moon via Pokemon Bank. If/when they make a Pokemon game for the NX they'll just make Pokemon Bank compatible with that. It will be hard to justify a remake until Pokemon Bank dies.

Fuck no.

Although the ORAS remakes were just straight-up cash-ins, the FRLG and HGSS remakes were absolute necessities as the originals were completely cut off from Gen 3 onwards.
So no, I don't see them remaking Gen 1 and 2 again, especially with the existence of Pokebank.

Expecting it seeing the amount of genwun pandering Gamefreak is doing now.

Pokemon TCG for Gameboy Color

my fucking nigger

What I wish would happen:
>3D Kanto that actually looks good
>Newer Pokemon in Kanto


God you faggots are getting annoying. Gen 1 has always been the best. Deal with it faggot.

theres no guarantee theyll make them, considering you can play them on a 3ds

Sexy beautiful asian girl

we will never have a Pokemon game that spans across all the regions

why live

It'd be shit.