What are you playing right now, Sup Forums?
What are you playing right now, Sup Forums?
The lost Vikings
prison architect, pretty frickin fun
some dotes and pillars of eternity
Actually been enjoying pillars this time around. PoTD difficulty makes the game actually challenging. Shame all the story NPCs are complete garbo in terms of stats.
>playing games
i can't bring myself to get out of the first area of grim dawn holy shit this game is boring
I like it quite a lot desu
Haven't played in a year and wanted to get back into it
> tfw it's dead
shadowrun hong kong and invisible inc
tfw nobody on Sup Forums gave a shit about invisible inc even though it was great
how's we happy few?
It looks nice but gameplay is a pile of shit
I just bought a GTX970 so it's my first PC game in a few years. It may well be my last for a few too. Really disappointed to see the new Anno is future based again.
is it a walking simulator?
looked like a Bioshock Infinite/ Dishonored Sequel to me
Not worth it in current state. Right now survival aspects exceed story and world, there's also shitton of bugs that won't allow you to finish quests. IF they won't abandon it I'd expect game to be in fun-state (fun as enjoyable game, not youtuber-HAHA-WHAT-A-FUNNY-GLITCH tier of fun) in ~6 months (they've got quite a lot of cash already on steam - like 4x or 5x of their total funding up to this point).
populous the beginning
Final Fantasy VI
Blood and Wine. W3 and the expansions have been almost all I've really played at length since it came out. Once I'm done with B&W I'm gonna start Tokyo Mirage Sessions. Should be a nice change of pace.
a visual novel called Miagete Goran Yozora no Hoshi o
games always disappoint me
cute girls cant disappoint me
The new Star Ocean
Squad. VEHICLES SOON, for real this time.
GOG Bros unite. Supporting consumer friendly practices.
Also, playing Witcher 3 for the first time and also working on my NES/SNES game backlog.
Mad Max
Why the fuck did they put the V8 at the end of the game...
This is GOG? It looks pretty nice. I was in the Beta so got the basic freebies but never bought anything on it.
I like the gog client a lot more than steam.
I don't use Steam out of choice. I've only just come back to PC gaming and I've been playing Total War: Warhammer and Hearthstone and unfortunately they both require their own thing.
Why shouldn't they ? The game is about the quest of Max's black machine. If you had the V12 since the beginning, that wouldn't be the same story after all.
Sup Forums
some training in The King of Fighters and trying to 1cc touhou 7
it even auto detects your pirated gog games and lets you play them
Replaying MGSV from the start. I fucking love the hospital intro.
Dragon Age Origins and Hearthstone
Recently, monhun gen, EDF, The Last Remnant and I am Setsuna.
Fucking disgusted at what you fags play.
What do you play then ? Dota ?
>tfw NMS on gog
fire up that transmission-gtk boys
I didn't expect AAA trash from 5 months ago to be what almost everyone here plays.
TWW for me too. WAAAGH!!
you forgot to post what you're playing
Star Ocean 5, used to be able to beat a game like this in 2 sittings. Now between all the over time i'm pulling down and house chores I can get in like maybe 5 hours a week on it.
thisJust bored right now, was playing monster hunter last week.