Who's idea was this?

Who's idea was this?

Disgaea thread

Post more maps.

Loved that map where there's like 15 enemies in a really small space. Happens in ike chapter 5 or something?

Let me boot up for a screenshot.

If you mean this one its chapter 6 not including the tut.

I always felt like there were some "Grind here" maps at some points in the campaing.
One was that.
There were a few with exp/HL geo buffs too in a couple of fire areas iirc.

I'm going to combine up a couple mobs to cap and others to level up on then again. I want an easy way to level to 9999 but I don't want to be a pleb and use a guide or exploit.

Fuck Sup Forums my post isn't spam.

Whats the proper way to use my geo dude? Seems like he changes geo on cleared maps on item world but mine is a power house.

Also still not sure how reincarnating works, I was waiting for lvl 100 but im tempted to redo everyone and play through all chapters again.

>level has several enemies boosted by geo panels, hard as fuck
>re-visit same level and the geo panels are replaced with +exp

It's the little things.

You're say spam revisit and the panels change?

>who is idea

I have no fucking clue what you're trying to say.

Fuck that map. If you aren't already one shotting everything in a 9x9 area, you're fucked.

Drinking early, whose. Happy?

Were you under leveled. Just line them up with 2 mages in the back and take them on 1 by 1. You should have that Overlord spell by then.

Is there any character more based than Vyers?

I mean, I beat it ages ago but you were more than likely going to get raped since you couldn't spread them out and they would all rape a single guy the next turn so your only option was to clearly outclass them.

So, did Flonne showed Laharl the meaning of hot, steaming "love"?

She tries anyway.

I don't care much for japanese games usually, and I love strategy and tatical rpgs games in general, reason why I'm into PC gaming. But I really didn't expect to have such a nice experience with this game.

You Disgaea fans usually say that the first one was the worst gameplay wise, but I'm having a blast with it. It's only getting me hyped for the possibility of other versions getting a port.

Its not bad but its hard to go back to after playing the others with their improvements like Monster magic weapons for the INT based monsters.

>having sex


Someones got to take over the throne once he is gone. Might as well make it his child.

Mid Boss

I'm starting to understand that, since I wanted a cute succubus and there's no good INT weapon for her.

I'll never get over how cute devil Flonne is.

Easily one of my favorite character designs in the series.

She at least has Hip Attack, which is physical based, so she is better off then some of the other INT monsters.
It is a good look for her.

I started Dark Hero Days on PSP. I played 1 and 2 on PS2 back when.
What classes should I use? I'm still in the tutorial stages so I haven't made any pupils yet. Gonna trash these first three after I build up mana on Adell/Rozalin

Red flonne is whore flonne. Blue is cute and naive and precious. Red flonne is ready to sell her body on the street just to piss off laharl

what did you guys think of 5?

Just use who you want, though if you want the most broken unit I'd go for the Magic Knight. Her ability strengthens elemental spells and her lover innocent can boost that ability further.

Red Flonne is pure.
I haven't gotten too far in it but the maps are solid and make for a good solo run.

the maps were godtier, i agree

Its the fang