Have you ever lost a friend to a video game?
Have you ever lost a friend to a video game?
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I spent the last 2 years of highschool playing WoW and lost 3 friends, They are still a round but in the back of theire minds they will always rermember how I ditched em for 3 yrs to playthat game. sry bout typos im drunkj
The hell is that?
the 80s
I lost a group of friends to LoL for the last 5ish years.
We'd use to chill irl and play other games but they went mega try hard and wouldn't do anything else. They don't really play it much anymore thank fucking God, we've started to play OW together again and shit is cash.
Is that his fucking mom?
It's Demi Moore.
i broke up with my previous boyfriend cause he spent too much time playing shitty trend games like overwatch or mmos
how can i get as cool as this kid
and why is demi moore kissing a 14 year old kid?
You were born too late. Just like you posted too early for trips. You missed out on the 80s when even nerds got mad pussy
when will u grow up and understand that being part of the counter culture for the sake of being cool just another way of conforming
Because you can't be a pedophile if you are a woman or a gay guy.
what is the context of this?
My online bro left me for some chick he met in a game. Does that count?
>Then 19, Demi was filmed locking lips with her General Hospital co-star Philip Tanzini as they attended his 15th birthday party.
>19 year old Demi Moore before she ruined her tits
Was his 15th birthday. This was back before literally being within a 10 mile radius of a child, whether you knew it or not, made you a pedophile.
3D ss is just painful to watch.
I want 19 year old demi moore to be my mommy and sexually abuse my boipussy.
also lost a friend to wow once. It sucked.
Yes. And it wasn't even a good game is the worst part
What game was it?
Do you have a feminine penis? If not show tits or gtfo.
Never mind. I don't want to see your feminine penis.
I would lose just about anything to be part of a video game where primetime Demi Moore is putting the lip lock on me
jennifer connelly giving a nice birthday kiss
>demi moore was already married during this
>getting cucked by some rich jew kid
Truly a great honor.
irl friends or online friends?
When I moved from Xbox360 to PC, I lost my console friends
i used to play on 360 and we all got pc eventually
tfw those fags still play on 360 instead of pc
Join Hinduism, pray you get reincarnated as a rich kid between 1960 and 1990. and then kill yourself.
>tfw 3d /ss/ porn isn't a thing
A time when the world wasn't one giant pussy
>its perfectly acceptable for a woman to be a pedo.
Why the double standard?
you can't rape the willing
Knew a guy who got hooked on ASSFAGGOTS and MMOs. He stopped all social activity, and I haven't talked to him in years.
>Then 19
She looks 29.
But I thought the law in the USA states that you don't know how to be willing until the second you turn 18 years old.
I introduced my friend to Gears of War which began his transformation into a normie.
I just wanted him to play something besides fucking Mario and Zelda.
Nigger that's Demi Moore.
In most states it's 16 actually
what a fucking pedophile
I was the back-up friend.
>kissed by demi moore
what a lucky bastard.
19yo Demi Moore is fucking hot
Women can't be pedophiles. Mentally they are still children.
It is in the right (or wrong) part of the web.
I've tried looking and all's i've ever found was pics of young boys
post em
wow. so this is probably why demi moore only goes for the younger guys.
Pedophile! That woman is a pedophile look at body language and way she caresses that boy sick fucking bitch.
The fuck I was 5'11 when I was 15 what the hell is wrong with that kid?
There are women in prison who will tell you the opposite.
I don't have any friends OP, so I don't get caught up in trivial stuff like losing them. I'm too busy playing games like Aria of Sorrow.
wtf am I watching?
i lost a friend to schizophrenia, alcohol, drugs, prostitutes and welly yes gaming
plot twist: it was me all along [/along]
So he was still underage and she raped him with her mouth. She should be serving a life sentence.
It so is in asia
Holy fuck
She looks like 25 and the kid looks like 11
Anyone has a youtube video of this with sound?
I lost a friend to ouya, he was shilling it FOR FREE literally every time someone mentioned emulation, indies, or PC gaming. Good riddance.
Something innocent and pure that makes my dick diamonds.
I think he's because he's an actor and they picked him because he looked a certain way.
Men can't be raped you misogynist
I wonder if she is still bushy as ever.
yeah, I called my friend a fatso for stepping on my controller wire and I never saw him again
is that costanza?
Your post just raped me. I'm alerting Twitter.
>Caring about the sanctity of precious metals
This is the only friend I need.
I've never seen such a hairy clam. It's like she has hair panties.
If a pube falls off of Demi Moore's bush and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
is that michael jackson's hair
>Soul trade
>mfw pondering
>tfw 6'2
>tfw will never be a 15 year old manlet who gets kissed by a much taller hot 19 year old girl
why even live?
Clams don't have hair, dummy.
A vagina is called a clam because they're both lined with eyes on the insides
She's very fervid probably.
I lost all my friend 'cause I'm hairy and that's a big problem it seems
i'm not joking
>implying you wouldn't
>tall and trying to get people to feel sorry for you
>opens a shitty t-shirt
>everyone claps
>tfw still kissless virgin
>tfw 29yo kissless virgin
Im 1 year short of acquiring magical powers, and I will make sure you and all the other virgin anons on Sup Forums get the best wet dreams you could hope for
I used to have a good friend that I'd play everything with. He was also a huge weeb and we'd talk about anime and hentai all day. Went to cons and shit even.
Then we're having our usual conversations and I post a sadpanda link to a really good doujin and he flips his shit cause its loli. Goes into a fit about sexualizing minors and all that and wouldn't hear it when I explain that its just a drawing. Tried to point out the hypocrisy when he posted rape stuff all the time but he wouldn't have it. He got so worked up over it that it ruined our friendship.