I dare you to post a better Pokémon than my nigga
>aesthetic, original design
>is THE psychic type
>only gotten better every gen even after its typing got nerfed into the ground
>fits into almost any team
>great move pool
>still competitively viable after 20 years
>not tainted by nostalgiafags or furfags
I dare you to post a better Pokémon than my nigga
Other urls found in this thread:
>he actually plays psychic Pokémon
>Aesthetic, original design
>is THE ghost type
>only gotten better every gen even after its typing got nerfed into the ground
>fits into almost any team
>great move pool
>still competitively viable after 20 years
>not tainted by nostalgiafags or furfags
>kicks Alakazam's ass
>meme pokemon
>meme type
nice try kiddo how about you go play with your ouija board you bought on the 99 cents store
>Aesthetic, original design
>Only gotten better every gen even after its typing saw no changes to it.
>Fits into almost any team
>Great movepool
>Still competitively viable after 20 years
>Not tainted by nostalgiafags or furfags
>Walls Alakazam and Gengar's ass
I liek mudkips tbqh
>Alakazam used Psychic!
>Gengar fainted!
No need to be afraid of best type user.
>Gengar used Destiny Bond.
Dies to any physical attack lmao
>Gengar held on using Focus Sash
>Alakazam held on using Focus Sash
Chansey can't hit Gengar.
>Alakazam going before gengar in turn order
Maximum Kek, enjoy being dead before you use your first move
Nice try kiddo
Alakazam has 10 more base speed.
>120 speed
>110 speed
>alakazam is megaevolving!
>gengar is megaevolving!
His design is ruined by the spoons.
The idea that "psychics bend spoons with their mind" is something I have never seen once outside of Pokemon, although I'm not much into magic tricks. It just looks dumb that he would constantly carry around two spoons, and that he somehow gained them when he evolved.
Pic related
He's mah nigga because he was one of the first pokemans I caught and he ruined Surge and Blaine for me.
Plus, look at him, he's a fucking badass.
I get him ASAP on any game he's in and trade him in if not.
And the spoons aren't even bent. In fact, when you look at his "thumb" placement you can see that he's merely a cheat.
Big Bud is best.
How do you feel now that he is also an Ice/Steel type user?
How anyone could like Sandshrew first gen is beyond me.
He doesn't learn any damaging attack except for scratch and poison sting for the longest time.
Christ, I never knew they could make a worse typing than Abomnasnow.
>10 resistances and an immunity
>only gotten better every gen even after its typing got nerfed into the ground >only gotten better every gen even after its typing got nerfed into the ground
Wrong. Alakazam is strongest in gen 1 because of how ungodly overpowered he is.
>not tainted by nostalgiafags or furfags
It's one of the most memorable and recognizable original Pokemon.
4x weakness to fighting and fire
Still the best
I hope you enjoy your Fighting-type Alola Alakazam
ohh I know you. YOU only had one decent holographic card and it was alakazam.
you probably even argued "he's number 1 he's the rarest!"
>>only gotten better every gen even after its typing got nerfed into the ground
Alakazam was shit in Gen 3 and 4, it took Magic Guard and eventually Mega Alakazam for him to remain relevant. His movepool is shit and was one of the reasons he was bad after Gen 2 in the first place.
>Alakazam with the elemental punches in G/S/C
We can all agree this is the best thing to come out of gen 7 so far, right?
>aesthetic, original design
>is THE Electric dog
>only gotten better every gen and has an amazing mega
>fits into almost any team
>great move pool
>competitively viable
>not tainted by nostalgiafags or furfags
>Not tainted by furfags
I want to fuck Chansey though
That's cool, like a KiwiBee.
>not tainted by furfags
What? Stop this. I want to fuck Manectric.
All of those except TTar have priority moves or are just plain fast on their own. TTar only has the quad weakness to Fighting and has the stats of a pseudo legendary to tank anything else.
This thing is already confirmed to be slower and "more tanky" than a regular Sandslash so unless it gets TTar level stats, it'll be shit.
Why is it Poison? Why are there so many Poison types in gen1?
I hate how everything is a meme to you people now. Just because people like it?
>All of those except TTar have priority moves
Yeah. Sandslash will get Ice shard. Your point?
I just noticed that it looks like he's wearing a diaper
My guess for Gengar is that if he was a pure ghost type, he would be too strong.
>have to trade to get it
>The idea that "psychics bend spoons with their mind" is something I have never seen once outside of Pokemon
The idea of bending spoons with your mind was popularized by Uri Geller. A popular so-called psychic during the 70's mumbo jumbo craze.
And yes, he's a total hack.
Abra's speed and sp. atk is comprable to 3rd-stage evolutions
This, honestly. The first time I saw a Ralts back in 2003 I knew she's going to be my buddy forever, and I wasn't even a furry back then.
have you never even seen the matrix?
Uri Geller was around decades before the Matrix.
so what was the trick?
Oh and Alakazam came before the Matrix as well.
I prefer Haunter over Gengar when it comes to looks
It was bent beforehand and he just relied on a basic trick to make it look normal.
Metapod is pretty much the best, I roll with a team of six of these badboys.
And fully evolved Alakazam's HP and defense is comparable to Caterpie.
What he did was bend them back and forth repeatedly beforehand to make the metal extremely pliable, so even the lightest movement would cause it to bend.
I think Gengar is the sickest dude ever but Psychic will kill Gengar in ten seconds, dude is poison
>aesthetic, original design
>is THE water/ground type
only gotten better every gen due to scald and unaware
>fits into almost any team
>earthquake, recover, scald, and toxic
>competitively viable after 20 years
>not tainted by nostalgiafags or furfags
>I don't like it
>must be a meme
Go fuck yourself
these all have furfaggotry art though
Pokémon pre-dates the Matrix by a couple of years dude.
He is the most glass cannon of all glass cannons
Twinned with grass types to stop them from being too strong. Either that or they felt that anything with poison moves needed to be poison type.
I like her porn
Same but I can say this about most pokemon
Snorlax-Hypno line was my Psychic pokemon.
As a young man who grew up obsessed with poket mansters, I started having weird dreams about being a trainer with a female Alakazam who'd mindbreak me into being her puppet and enacting her will.
It was a terrible portent of my fate.
Alakazam a best, no matter what gen.
>The invincible type in gen 1
>Those fucking punches in gen 3
He is never leaving my team, ever.
drowzee, user
WOW I'm a fucking dumb idiot
How the fuck did I type SNORLAX? I need more sleep.
>only way to get Alakazan is by trading
This needs to be fixed
>not based azumarril the dragonslayer
My favorite ever since I discovered her.
snowslash might get bullet punch or ice shard.
Ghost was never nerfed
Dragonite Looks so fucking stupid.
Who the fuck let Yellow barney ruin the dratini line?
I wanna be Braixen!
I wanna fuck a boy braixen dressed up in frilly girly clothes
The actual best.
OG pikachu is cutest pikachu
I wanna be a male Braixen dressed in frilly clothes!
That's hot too user!
Bow down before the emperor
Can I pound your boypussy?
It's called my foxhole user! And yes, but be gentle!
I like Heracross, his mega is a bit silly though.
>aesthetic, original design
>is THE slut type
>only gotten better every gen even after its typing got nerfed into the ground
>fits into almost any team
>great move pool
>still competitively viable after 20 years
>not tainted by nostalgiafags or furfags
Who doesn't love this little fucker? Also, Gen 3 = Best Gen
>great move pool
his movepool is fucking garbage
Mega evolution was such a mistake.
>Gengar used Sucker Punch
right here
Except alakazam is faster than gengar, so it wins 100%
>>Gengar used Sucker Punch
>Gengar with Sucker Punch
Mew is better than everyone at everything except a literal clone of herself.