Why isn't there a good first person game where I can experience this

Why isn't there a good first person game where I can experience this.

I want to be hailed on by arrows and shit

Mount and Blade

Mod Mount and Blade to increase battle size beyond the default limit (1k battles are doable with high-end hardware)

I said good.

Oh no, you have shit taste, I'm sorry

Why is Mount and Blade bad?
If you don't like the original game, then download a mod.. there's plenty of them out there that will change textures and everything.

This, you a faggot. Mount and Blade is top tier shit and exactly what you're asking for

Mount and Blade

Mount and Blade is good, but far too rough around the edges sometimes. I can't name a single game where I've enjoyed melee combat though.

>insulting Mount and Blade
You won't make any friends here that way

>Modded out the renaissance aesthetic for generic medieval plate

You're actually a disgusting person OP and I hope you die a painful death

There's no warfare in M&B. It's just mobs against each other.

The gameplay feels decades old bro. It is a good game but the fighting mechanics are showing signs of dementia.

i.e. how warfare largely worked in the time period

In the base game with the battle AI turned down sure. Even vanilla had rough formations/skirmishing, Native Enhanced/Floris took that even further

Mount and Blade

Poofs are not important.

>The gameplay feels decades old

this doesn't even mean anything. Should it just have batman combat where you smash the a key until you win?

Fuck off, mong.

Lots of mods actually make the AI not retarded, and have actual formations and ways of attack. Obviously if you're just a shit commander it'll become a mob vs an actual army.

No, medieval warfare was more complex than that, though the formations weren't as rigid as in TW games.
>Native Enhanced/Floris took that even further
Form a line, chuck projectiles for a bit, and then charge in all-out melee. It's not much better, really.

Floppy hats prevent Chaos corruption, it is known.

Your kind is not welcome here, normie scum

Mount and Blade

>Form a line, chuck projectiles for a bit, and then charge in all-out melee. It's not much better, really.

you just described total war

>Form a line, chuck projectiles for a bit, and then charge in all-out melee
And remember kids, if you want to get fucked in the arse when engaging late game armies, this is the way you get fucked in the arse

>Armored state troopers mod

Yep, shit taste

Anyway now that we know op is a tasteless faggot. Who is looking forward to M&B 2?

Geeze you mean like Medieval warfare? Have you played Total War?

Uhh, we like Mount and Blade here.

Total War combat isn't good. But at least TW has different unit types group together. Warband mods just have everyone form one big block while they do this.

This guy has the right idea. I'd rather have a game like Mount and Blade where I feel in control of combat. Movement and swing direction being factors to consider in a fight.
Stuff like Batman or Shadow of Mordor certainly looks nice, but it's just click a button to lunge attack an enemy from ten feet away.
Closing distance on an opponent in Mount and Blade is tense every time. Have to time your release just right to get the first hit in.

>terrain issues like getting stuck on random foliage or horribly generated maps
>only 4 ways to attack
>assuming he is looking for single player then the AI is horrible since they all funnel when they charge attack instead of a nicely spread out divisions
>movement feels clunky and irresponsible jump once to know what I mean

Give me the fucking game you Turkey shits. I don't want to play Chivalry, I'd play Mordhau but that's late 2017. WHERES THE MELEE GAMES AT

My jump is so irresponsible as well.
I caught the little shit smoking that reefer with some filthy Kerghits the other day.

>only 4 ways to attack

What are you comparing this to?

>mounted units are ass when they funnel through like retards
>horses are perfectly fine standing still in heavy battle but approach it calmly and they get startled

Why? The devs are in jail. Game's not coming.


The directional attacks; left, right, up, and stab.
>Best weapon usually revolves around what has the longest range+ no dead zone which is mostly claymore type weapons. Damage types don't matter with enough power swing and high enough initial damage.
>OP probably doesn't want to manage troops or any other bullshit that mnb takes on

Turkey coup meme

Turkish dragnet after the failed coup. They got caught apparently because of their ties to foreigners. Hopefully they'll be cleared but the forecast is dim.

Raid peasant towns, acquire gold, purchase fast horse, challenge any Lord's army by yourself, ride around and around in wide circles until all units have exhausted their arrows. The entire army, including their horsemen will chase you in a big cyclone like pattern, hit everything as you ride past. It takes about 10 minutes, but you just solo'd an entire army.

Look at this bunghole.

12 year old spotted

Because the consoles can't render it.

I mean what other games are you comparing Mount and Blade's "only 4 attacks" to?
And obviously the weapon with the longest range is going to have an advantage.

Can someone recommend me a mod that only improves the AI in battles ?

wait for mordhau

>not liking M&B


Mount and Blade: Warband and Bladestorm.
The latter I would suggest playing on a council as the PC port is horrendous.

>not using Sultan Hakim instead
Way to ruin a perfect joke.

I never said there was another game all I'm pointing out is that mount and blade feels really aged.
I wouldn't want batman style fighting either. All I'm saying is that mount and blade mechanics would suck for what OP is looking for. If anything came to mind would be a fusion of dragons dogma and mount and blade. It would get rid of clunky movement but also not have fights become 10 minute grab onto an opponent and pummel it.

Brainy Bots. It works with any mod.

Source? I'm not doubting you, I'd just like to read more about it since I like TaleWorlds. Not finding much in the way of Google about them and the coup aftermath.

It's bullshit. They're fine.

Sounds like every modern total war game


You spelt Sanjar Khan wrong.

What's this another Chivalry clone? I rather play For Honor desu senpai.

enjoy your lockon casual garbage that will die faster then destiny


What were the others? Mordhau looks great fampai

What game is that?

gotta use unit order hotkeys but once ya learn it ya can line'm up and order them not to fire til ya see the whites of their eyes

Pretty sure Khan is a mongol thing. The Sarranid Sultanate is supposed to be a reflection of the middle east.

Mount & Blade

I know it was a joke.

Mount and Blade.

It's bullshit.

>not picking the feast beast

I just checked the forums again and the post of an admin admitting that 4 of TW's higher ups got arrested 12 hours ago is gone. Maybe they're free now? Who knows.

reminder that nords are op as fuck online

shields? FUCK your shields we got axes for days son!

Totalwar warhammer. It's pretty good.

I've heard that Mount and Blade is pretty good.

My bad, I can be a bit of an aspie sometimes.


Fug, it looks that good? Might have to check it out, I liked Rome and Shogun II.

Mount and Blade.

Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord

No likey? You're shit outta luck

>Axes will protect you from the full brute force of a swadian knight charge.

The only shot aspect are the sieges so be prepared for that. Everything else is probably CA's best to date.

Right, I'M the normie for liking Mount and Blade

that's what the throwing axes are for

Thanks for the info user.

Fuck you faggot.

I will drink from your skull, fag


Kys shitter

Butterlord devs got executed in the coup guys sorry

>not liking M&B
Literally how is this possible, it's one of the best games I've ever played

So, what;s the apparent release date on MB2?

I have SLI 780's and feel it's going to run hot with that game. I want to set up a budget for a new card, so I need a deadline.

>playing this neat mod that has a bunch of other mods in it
>choose swadian for the first run since I don't know exactly what everything does
>go to war with rhodoks
>find count mathaes with count falsevor wandering around; proceed to battle him
>have 100 knights to rush them with
>as soon as we hit his veteran spearmen, a lot of my knights are de-horsed and killed
>have my horse hit by one of them
>"Your mount received an extra 62 damage!"
>mfw one of the mods makes horses take extra spear damage
>mfw lost 60 dudes and managed to retreat

double nigger

No release date yet, but most likely not 2016.

>Mount and blade not good.
People will post anything on the Internet.

>no butter in the second frame
I can't tell if whoever made this was just lazy or if the joke was that Harlaus ate it between the panels

Everything in that picture is crafted with care.

This sounds like heresy son. You should delet the mod IMMEDIATELY!

>sell video games
>ties to foreigners

Holy shit this is such a stupid way of thinking.

I'm sure he had plenty of time to eat it reading angry posts from this