Buyfag thread

Buyfag thread

Keep it vidya

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what the fuck is that thing



>guaranteed replies

What are these things and how do I avoid them?


I've got a six pack of tenga eggs on the way.

>here's that gameboy you wanted, user.

>Starts a buyfag thread with a fucking Funko Pop of all things
Here's your (you), this thread is now gonna be filled with easily baited people who think these things look like total garbage. Funko Pops are bait tier buyfag thread OPs at this point in time.

Thanks dad. I always knew you had good taste in anime.





I wish I had that so I could sell it on eBay for $350.

these are honest to god the most low effort fucking things ever designed

>people pay real money for funko pop figures

kill yourself

They're not that bad

How good are they? I figure I'll want to get one of the reusable ones.

The sensation is good, but if you want reusable, get a Tenga 3d. There's no loss of suction like with the flip hole, it has textures, and it's cheaper.

It's also reversible so you can leave it on your desk when you're not using it like some sort of avant-garde art piece.

I liked the Spiral.

I think the eggs are awesome. If you wash them and take care of them you can still get a dozen uses out of them. I might start exploring the other ones but the eggs are trusted and true by me so it's hard for me to get something unknown.

>tfw silky looks like the most boring one, but it's incredibly intense
>Like 'thigh twitches and kicks up' intense
>Also tfw twisting the clicker over the tip

I just got a pack of the silky this time around. I'm hype.

How different are these to just wanking? I've never used any sex toy before

tooth paste sculpture

At the end of the day it's still just jacking off, but it's still different textures and sensations. It's not the most epic incredible thing ever but it's totally worth exploring.

Why the fuck does Sonic have white eyes but Tails and Knux have black eyes?

also to add to
Get a glass plug. I fucking love my glass plug.

Thank you. I've been stalking that on ebay for like a year.

>not a proper dildo or at least an aneros
fucking homo


I got an onahole and it feels better than a real vagina.

>tfw no pleasure from anal stimulation
i just wanted to be a butt slutt

Latest addition

I want my fig already...

>Held at customs

They're laughing at and jerking off on it


>tfw no keyholder to train me into a buttslut

At least it wasn't a loli doujin.

Hope you like NTR.

I quite like my butt plug. A long ass dildo doesn't really do much for me and glass is so much easier to clean

I would like a proper prostate stimulator, but I really really really like my glass plug.



How does the glass feel? I'm thinking about getting a glass dildo soon.

Any of you ever ordered lewd doujins?
Ever got it stuck on costums?


People seriously buy this shit?

It's pretty rad. Smooth and slick and unyielding. I know that last part will turn some people off glass but I think it's one of the best parts. I'm very happy with my little glass plug.

It's also neat too because it retains it's temperature for a while. Stick it in the freezer for a bit or drop it in a hot water bath and it'll stay like that for a little while.

I like mine cool. It gets curiously chilly in my closet where I keep it and I like it at that temperature.


It's worse when you are traveling by plane and decide to take a toy with you. The material they are usually made of easily gets noticed in the X-ray, and they once asked me to take them out of the bag to show them what they were. It was a mixture of hilarity coupled with embarrassment (mainly because of a guy having to show a dildo, and you know normalfags are judging all over that) when I had to do it.

I know the pain. I had to wait a few weeks for this fucker only for it to get stuck in customs.

Bretty gud

Great figure. Pain in the ass to get that rifle to stay in her hand properly though.

looks like the guys at the customs are 'her' customers

Lots of people. The price has a lot to do with it, most of them are 10$ each.

I hate most of them but found myself wanting to collect the power rangers ones. Turns out the Red,White and Pink rangers are worth about 100$ each now, so fuck that.

Some of the non-human ones, or ones without solid black eyes look okay.

Yep. Just a slight nudge and the whole thing falls apart too since nothing is attached to anything. Same with Marie here. Look at the hat funny and it catches fire.

Nendo Cyan on the 22nd

I just had to get sleepy Reapy and Soldier 76. They are so cheap.

That looks like it's made out of toothpaste...

>Show by Rock
>tfw no Retsuko figure

>use Unregistered SAL
>still slapped with a £8 handling charge for just £4 VAT

3 more months.

Are those Pop! "figurines" some kind of meme I have been left out of? They are so fucking awful maybe people like them ironically or something and I do not get it.

Mine could be a bootleg, but I don't care since it looks alright. Missing a little bit of stuffing in its tail though


Theyre for normies and poorfags who arent actually fans of the thing theyre buying

I wish psycho version could get one too

Where I live anime, game, comic and whatever figures or any merchandise for the matter are non-existent outside of very, very few independent shops and yet Pop! Dragon Ball Z and Batman shit managed to find their way to book and home appliance stores.
I was dumbfounded the first time I saw it and one of the store employees told me that they achieved a popularity they never expected so they where taking orders from a catalogue to import them.

cheap last minute gifts since they cover so much shit.
Garbage in terms of quality but there's a lot so people collect them.

Got this today. Everything from Ebay.

Spoon figure
good user

Thumbs up on the metal gears

Please. Nobody has a dad this good.

These are the most recent games I've bought.

>That middle toe

The only comic books character I like so far. Plus, Mcfarlane's figures are so good.

Thanks, bro. I'm trying to build up a Metal Gear Solid collection.

Ys and gundam look good but foot is very veiny

I just know it from SCII
fun character, cool axe

People who buy these retarded giant-head things need to be shot tbqh famalam.




>gold/silver/crystal/clear variants of things

Seriously, why do these exist? They almost never look good, and only seem to be cheap ways to get cash from collectors-

Wait, now I understand.

>Everyone buys said variant
>Price doesn't go up after production stops