I'm still FUCKING mad

I'm still FUCKING mad.

Other urls found in this thread:


>instead of a decent looking horror game we get to see norman reedus butt naked and not even knowing what the fuck the game is going to be

let's get these memes out of the way
>it wouldve been shit
>kojima is a hack
>konami is fine, i don't know what everyone's complaining about

carry on

It'll probably bug me for a while and flare up every now and then. But eh, konami gonna konami.

>there are people on this board RIGHT NOW that did not have a ps4 to play this

that single repeating room was the best horror ive experienced in a game since sh1

>mfw i got a ps4 on launch
>no fucking games for a year and a half but goddamn i got PT, completely worth it
>can clone my HDD and resell as many PT-loaded ps4's as I want, could be reasonably profitable

are people really buying pt loaded ps4s?

Ok... Ito dump thread?

Stop fucking reminding me he was going to be involved with the game

>There are people think Kojimjams wont take the ideas he had for PT and put them in to DS

I thought konami was taking down eBay and amazon sellers that were selling them?

>Wanting Silent Hill to die

Part of the reason why it would have been good was because Kojima would have had to follow the lore/concept of the originals.

Death stranding is going to a clusterfuck of ideas since Kojima has 100% control



Why would that mean anything
It's just a color change jesus christ

>Why would that mean anything

The demo is fucking nuts and people are still finding multiple ways to beat it.

Certain things work for certain people, i remember having to whisper the name of the dead person into the ps4's mic.

>tfw still have PT
how much is my ps4 worth

Hopefully baby simulator delivers after this

>Have P.T. installed on my PS4
>Neo coming up

What's Neo?

i think you could add 20 or 30 bucks onto the typical used price of the ps4. That seems like a fair amount.


Still have it on my PS4, never beat it though.

in the immediate aftermath, yeah. but they can't still give a fuck after all this time

I honestly don't care that much.
P.T. was full of lame jumpscares and that turned me off.


In that case I'll just keep it as an artifact, I guess it's technically the rarest game I "own"


never forget

>get a console, you don't have to upgrade it for at least 5 years
Not trying to start a shitflinging war, I have a ps4 and a good PC but damn that's stupid

1:30 - 1:45 makes me feel incredibly uneasy

Didn't Konami say
>b-but we never left games!

Will P.T. come back?

>b-but we never left games!
They didn't. They are still making Pro Evolution Soccer games. Stay mad nerd, Konami is doing nothing wrong.

The best thing they can do is try to muster up the splintered "team silent" group to make another silent hill game. A lot of them are spread out in different studios but i'm sure they would jump at the chance to do so.

Just don't give it to a western studio and it'll be good.

the team members that worked on SH 1-3 are mostly working in the mobile division

No, their PR sockpuppet on Reddit said they never publicly stated they were leaving the gaming industry.

Different thing.

P.T and SHS werent Silent Hill. I'm glad they cancelled that shit.

>junji ito's sole foray in to videos games has permanently dissuaded him from trying again

This hurts the most.

OP here if you bros want to talk about the silent hill games more in depth

SHS was the best chance we'd had of getting a good SH-game since 2004. Anyone claiming otherwise is a literal brick.