Pistols can kill you in two shots, Why even use rifles?
Pistols can kill you in two shots, Why even use rifles?
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Because there's like 9 rounds you dummy
Not to mention body armor
rifles have better range, and ammo capacity
A knife can kill you in one. Why even use guns??
user. rifles have more ammo, rage, and optics
>rifles have more ammo, rage, and optics
>rifles have more rage
Only useful in cqc
>Why even use rifles?
Suppressive fire. Same goes with why shotguns are shit.
Shotguns aren't shit in this game if you have the slug attachment. They behave like shotguns do irl
They're still inferior for the reason that user listed.
>They behave like shotguns do irl
You're definately right. They can't be used to suppress enemies as effectively as a rifle can.
ya but you can't always have a rifle bud
well to be fair rifles are always angry as fuck.
>Not using Moist Nugget
>ya but you can't always have a rifle bud
Says who?
>rifles do less damage than pistols
Why do devs do this? Shouldn't the point of a handgun be that it's probably a better option in extremely close quarters instead of just adding some faux balance by just increasing their damage?
Distance and acuracy
You cant kill a guy with a pistol over a football field.
says the game.
sometimes you join a game with only one spot open and only enough points to use a shotgun
>rifles do less damage than pistols
I stopped playing insurgency when the M4 and AK74 was brought in but is this really true? I doubt it is but I wouldn't discount it considering the devs welcomed competitive gaming for insurgency.
Tell that to Jerry Miculek
>Tell that to Jerry Miculek
Not even. Hitting a man sized target out to 100 yards and even 150 isn't that much of an impressive feat. Anyone who shoots and gets deliberate practice at it can do it.
Pistols have range falloff, can't use AP rounds, and have small mags.
Unless you leg someone, they should go down in one shot with a rifle using AP rounds. If you have a rifle, and you're not using AP rounds, you're doing it wrong.
based heat
Interesting enough, the bank shootout has been shown when training soldiers in the army. It gives a good representation of shooting on the move and using supressive fire.
an AKM is literally free and the security also have a bunch of cheap rifles and SMGs
you're never stuck with a shotgun unless you want a shotgun
rifles are automatic
This is what I don't like about the game
everyone runs AP
everyone either runs armor or doesn't run armor
No reason to gamble on using HP to do more damage to non-armor targets especially when you already kill in 1-2 bullets anyway.
So AP is the only right choice and whether you wear armor or not is a throw up between a guy having or not having AP
Who /SecondWartoEndAllWars/ here?
I can't wait for the russians, italians, the FG-42, Model 43 grenades and more maps
wearing armor or not is a choice in mobility and points. Security get half armor for free and armor is more expensive for the jihadies and it slows everyone down
Insurgency is my favorite multiplay shooty tooty run and rooty game
that's not true if you play on custom servers
shotguns with slug are literally point and click kills at medium range. not everything is about muh supression
How is it my man?
I really like Insurgency and I've been thinking about picking this one up too, can you tell me how much content there is?
I know nothing about how many guns, maps, modes and stuff there are
Also, does it have the weapon customizing stuff from Insurgency?
I was wondering how they would handle that since it seems to make sort of less sense in the WW2 setting
You can't shoot with a knife so technically you can't kill anyone with a knife shot.
>he doesn't
I really wanted to go grab this, but I hear it doesn't have much at the moment.
Just like early days Insurgency I guess.
>you can't shoot with a knife
Yes you can you fucking retard, haven't you ever heard of the ballistic knife? It's a spring loaded knife that ejects the blade forward like a bullet. The Spetsnaz use them.
>heat and way of the gun webms
methinks an user here has amazing taste in gunfights
I think 6 maps, not too many weapons just the basics, sten and enfield, thompson and bren for brits, Garand BAR thompson a springfield sniper and .30 cal for americans, krauts feel the most fleshed out with kar gweher stg mp40 and sniper kar
and all sides have flamen werfers
they have Push and Firefight equivilents and also new modes like a double push sort of thing where you go back and forth until one side destroys enemy radio
they did keep the same point system but obviously there's a lot less to do with it, mainlly stripper clips or not or making room to take a pistol with a rifle
the most interesting new mechanic is the radio, by default chat is only proxy unless you have or are near a radio and the officer class can use a radioman to call in artillery strikes
I never use slugs and they're great in the game. I almost never use anything but a pistol or shotgun in Insurgency.
Thanks user
I heard about the radio that seems like it could be very fun
It's probably time for me to finally buy a new microphone
I might just pick it up soon and watch as it develops just because I have confidence it the Insurgency devs and Insurgency itself didn't have much content in the early phases of it's early access cycle
There's a very big difference between target shooting and combat shooting. There's a reason pistols are only issued as a last ditch weapons, or to the police.
I heard HP is good if you use an SMG and spray legs. Makes for one-hit-kills with a controllable automatic weapon.
yeah, I can dig it. Gameplay so far is literally insurgency with less firepower overall
the maps don't feel as good as the refined INS maps, they seem to funnel you into a few paths instead of giving you options like, say, Verticality
Direct ports of insurgency maps would be great imo, there are already a couple new maps in the workshop
>Same goes with why shotguns are shit.
Shotguns are amazing on maps with lots of indoor areas.
man, why didn't they just wait for source 2? source 1 is so dated
I have been waiting for Source 2 for like a decade
game does look really good for source to me at least
Is this edited footage of different cars put together ? If not, Mann is autistic.
Are those as efficient as in CoD ?
yeah but the animations are such trash. i suppose that's more of the developer than the engine though
Also that guy has a strange face
>There's a reason pistols are only issued as a last ditch weapons, or to the police.
The application of that video is for conceal carry and duty use.
This is not what he was refering to tho. Because he talked about a knife.
>concealed carry
>they decided not to dub over the gunfire
Thank god