Scam people with your crooked CSGO lottery site

>Scam people with your crooked CSGO lottery site
>Taking shit from all sides
>Everyone is sucking his dick again
>Comments section literally swarming with sympathy and people screaming if anyone mentions the fact he's a piece of shit scammer

Yes I know he's eceleb trash and I shouldn't care, but the guy ripped people off, stupid people but still, and I want to see him crash and burn.

Also his full retard actions will mean Gaben has even more license to lock down Steam APIs, which is never a good thing.

Other urls found in this thread:

>crying "men"
Is there anything more disgusting?

he can cry all he wants once he goes to jail

Sorry, the tears card is a female thing only no matter how much of a sissy you are.

>Run an illegal lottery in the USA
>Don't pay your dues to the tax man
>Not in federal jail


who cares? it's not like you got ripped off.
Literally the description of this ENTIRE situation

>12 min of a bitch crying

Why the fuck would anyone watch this? That pic alone is enough to make me entirely uninterested in this shit.

People need lives man. They are way too bored if they are watching this shit.

It harms the marketplace when fraudsters are allowed to run rampant, and especially when online shit is involved harsh restrictions that affect everyone who uses the service can come into play.

I don't buy gold in MMOs but I'd love to see the fuckstains selling it hanged.

I actually suffered though some of it, the first entire like 8 minutes of it is just him vlogging AKA something I can't believe anyone on Earth is amused by. Then all the sudden he jump cuts to him crying and telling a story about one of the several kids who asked to meet him for their make a wish dying of cancer three days ago.

>People are eating this shit up

These people could sit on a jury one day.

>all those good boy points

I don't want to give him views. What happened?

Some kid who met him with their make a wish foundation wish died of cancer, and he has the gall to turn it into sympathy points for himself and take some of the scammer heat off.

People actually fall for it.


>someone dies
>not a family member or a close friend
>some random kid who wasted a make a wish to meet an e-celeb died
>cry like a bitch
What a faggot. I wonder if he will cry like this in his jail cell?

>cod players unironically killed csgo

economy is already tanking, viewership is going down, this is the end

>Not using your Make a Wish to leave your mark on an MMO

This kid had the right idea.

You guys are pretty edgy.

Have you seen my dog?

Fuck off before I cut you.

So how many dead people are immortalized in WoW at this point?

I'd rather make-a-wish of my favorite JAV model to come suck my dick

How so? The only person disrespecting the dead is the cocksucker using them to get sympathy and smokescreen his fraudulent activity.

8/10 good bait, I need to wash away the anger.

He's not going to jail and neither is that martin guy

ripping off retards is a time honored tradition

the stupid should ALWAYS be punished for being inferior

holy shit this guy speaks like a fucking Made in Essex/Chelsea/Other Shithole wannabe cunt. i hope he kills himself.

>Cheat the IRS
>Stay out of jail

Pick one.

There's nothing the government cares more about than money.

Even if he had owned up, they still would have raped him for doing it at all and he didn't own up so you can bet he'll be well fucked by the end of this.

literally amazed that this guy isnt facing any sort of charges for essentially gambling fraud.

>using the death of a child to push your agenda

Man, this guy should work for the clintons.

Oh he's going to cry alright.

wtf i literally cant believe people commented like that even though i am a softie but holy shit what about all those kids who were killed by their parents because of losing 2000 dollers and its not really sadness when he is even streaming his feelings on youtube like wtf why not just everyone stream themselves about all those people dying everyday like WTF !!!!!!!!!!!!

why the hell would some kid want to meet this particular person, exactly?

They'll get him in due course, they're just biding their time and seeing how many retards they can snare in this net.

My guess is they have people picking through the law to see if they can gouge Valve as part of this debacle, since that's where the big money is.

Back to your safe space user, faggots on here can't trigger you there.

>not hiding YouTube comment section completely
You don't value your sanity much, do you?

Sometimes I need to feel that anger, it gets me pumped for playing competitive games.

Please take your keyboard and break it in half.

Sometimes I get great satisfaction from people bashing the shit out of retarded videos like that one ERB video with the tranny and hulk.

i am on phone and still getting nuclear

Why the fuck do MAKE A WISH kids choose such retarded things nowdays?

Why the fuck would you want to meet an ecleb when you could meet a real celeb like Johnny Dept, John Cena, etc.
Or ask to do something crazy like be in a movie or game.

It's like asking for a subway sandwhich from a Genie.
Wasting a wish.

>There are kids that wish to spend a day with a Youtuber before they die

I mean sure but REALLY?

I love this guy, i respect his not having the slightest amount of shame for anything he does

Kids are stupid nowadays

because kids are dumb with no ambitions or thoughts of their own anymore, all they do all day is watch youtubers scream into the mics

Kids idolize ecelebs nowadays because kids spend more time online and on youtube than on TV or in the cinema. To them, youtubers are the Hollywood they care about.

>there are kids that wish to spend a day with a youtuber who ran an illegal gambling site that duped retarded people out of millions of dollars

Pick both desu. Look at all american capitalists ever.

>implying their private rich people prisons are actual prisons and not just vacation areas away from society

>Not wishing for a Turkey Sandwich on Rye Bread with Mustard

I think John Cena is the most requested Make A Wish Celeb I think. It's great that something like him acting as a character can do that without leeching the dying kid for YouTube fame and cheap clicks.

>Ron motherfucking Perlman went full Hellboy make-up for a dying kid

They're kids, anything in the limelight seems cool to them.

Well, john lennon beat his wife!

>Someone not something

a whole graveyard

Humans are so stupid. It's the same situation as with a bullied kid hanging himself, everyone at school including the bullies suddenly pretends to care about him because it's suddenly the "cool thing" to do and they can get free likes on facebook if they post a pretend post, whereas normally he was ostracized and laughed at every day. Next day absolutely nobody cares again.

I really fucking hate those people. None of them have a shred of morality or compassion inside them.

I guess that true, but kids/people like to share experiences.

>Dude I went on a date with J Law!
>Woah! That's so cool!
A story you could tell forever.

>I meet this guy I watch on youtube!
>idk who that is.
>o-oh.. he plays games and makes videos from them

>mfw reading the comments on any video involving the science of space travel, NASA or the ISS

Those people come from wealth and power. They're playing the game and they pay their dues to the right people.

These are some internet kids who aren't playing the game. They're going to the hole.

Throw away your phone. Remove anything that could allow you to type. Reading your 14-year-old-girl babble is painful.

>Turkey's a little dry

>>Ron motherfucking Perlman went full Hellboy make-up for a dying kid
I know Johny Dept does it often with Jack Sparrow.

John Cena, and John Dept both look like they'd be cool to be with, and could tell you cool shit about the business and how to achieve your goals.

Youtubbers would say untrue shit, with the real reason being pure luck.

>A story you could tell forever.

I'm not sure you understand how the Make a Wish Foundation works.

That's pretty cool tho.

>witnessing Sup Forums argue about physics and math

Are you retarded

I don't really care because he destroyed normies and thats good

Something tells me that make a wish kids dont care much about telling stories to their future children.
Also you probably are out of touch with the current generation of kids, youtubers are hot shit now. Not that you should be ashamed of it, its fucking cancer.


Not everyone dies from make a wish you know

My friend was in an animated movie from it, and she got better.

I think that other tmartn or whatever guy is even better.

That dude would sell his own mother and tell you that you're a horrible human being for judging him doing so.


Meant for

*starts to unsheathe katana*
Say that again

>Not that you should be ashamed of it, its fucking cancer.

And Sup Forums says youtube commenters are cancer


What if I told you, that you're a normie?

Those two things are one and the same, though.

>kids are soon enough going to use make a wish on something even lower than youtubers
It will be awful.
Kids will be able to TIP in person!!!

I can see the titles of streams now

>'Making a girls/boys dream come true!'
>Click streamer. Girl sitting with bald child
>"Hey guys. Make sure you tip to cheer up little Jimmy! For every dollar tip, Jimmy will get 30% of it!!!"


If you were a dying kid, what video game wish would you make?

I'd have some horseshit rare mob on a disgustingly complex spawn condition and weird timers that can only be killed in some incredibly cryptic fashion, that has a stupidly low chance of dropping something as stupid looking as this.

It shows even more that Ron Perlman absolutely hates wearing the makeup with a passion.

Wanna try that again?

Are children wrong, or are we just getting old, Sup Forums?

I'd probably wish for my nephew to get something cool and rare that he'd appreciate. If I'm gonna die, I want to be known as "that guy who used his wish to make someone else happy".

>falling for the obvious CS:GO scams
>wasting make-a-wish on shitters
Yea, I'd say they're wrong.

These faggots don't even know how to wish.

They should wish for something like August Ames or Tori Black or something to come give them a blowjob and sex.

I can't wait for the day some kid requests a pornstar.

They're so god damn wrong.
If I was starting to get a stiffy for the first time I'd order me up the biggest, floppiest, tittiest fertility goddess to have sloppy sex with me.

I remember one kid got a pornstar to say yes to being his prom date.

I just want to know when the fucking market is going to crash and everything becomes cheap.

His viewership is declining anyway

After the CSGO bust he's gonna get more desperate to keep his Youtube shekels coming in

how is this guy and the other dipshit not in jail yet?

this guy seems to think he's in internet trouble when all it takes is a sad story to get people to like you again.

He's in real life trouble.

soon and i mean soon.

valve are going to be forced to lock down the API which is going to have a huge effect on the economy.

i know this is really lame but see: habbo hotel as an example.

if you have any valuables id start selling soon as you can.

Unrelated, but does anybody have the link to that turbonerd crying while talking about Iwata after he died? Not Chibi's funeral service.

>economy is tanking

no it's not

it wont tank but its definitely going to devalue. mark my words user.

>Chibi's funeral service
Is it worth suffering through it? I don't feel like I hate myself quite enough right now.

It's always fun to laugh at Chibi.

Takes a while to go through the motions for big cases, plus this is all kind of new ground for the courts with videogame gambling. It'll happen, it'll just move slowly

>They should wish for something like August Ames or Tori Black or something to come give them a blowjob
Seriously user? I wouldn't have sex with literal whores even if they paid me. Nothing but fake, shallow, worthless whores.

They're literally kids.