ITT: Games you replay every now and then to remind yourself why you love vidya
ITT: Games you replay every now and then to remind yourself why you love vidya
The Wonderful 101, like once every 4-5 months since release
Bayo1+2 (back-to-back)
To remind myself of times when I was a happier man
Terranigma every year and Maplestory on rainy days.
I dunno, nothing fills the void.
But TTYD is a terrible meme game
bad game
eww retarded tripfag
Delta was good dad he dindu nuffin, bout to get his life back on track
Surprised to still see you here, but also glad too, you remind me of the old Sup Forums.
Can you post your 3x3? I forgot how your taste looks like.
System Shock 2 for a decade
Ape escapuu
Or war of the monsters if I got friends over who wanna play some classics
There exist two universes.
One is where the remake is a faithful love letter to the classic and is just as memorable and fun as its predecessors.
The other is where they jsut milked our money through nostalgia again and the game sucks balls.
I wonder which one we're in.
Super Mario World and SSB4.
Are you fucking retarded, this tripfag was always shit and shouldn't be remembered
I agree with OP, not a perfect game, but god damn, it brings me back.
I'd also add Chibi Robo, Rocket Slime and Custom Robo.
There exist three universes.
One is where people play the original and don't care about remakes.
Two is where user cares about remakes is a massive flaming faggot.
Three is where user is the type of person to categorize two things like an idiot
This one, because games should be about blowing your hot sticky load in some unsuspecting bitch's face.
First game I played non-stop for a whole day, first game I played for hundreds of hours, I had a handmade map of my farm with crop layouts and pasture areas, drawings of my favorite characters and so on. Playing it really reminds me why I love videogames.
undertale, it's literally the best game ever made
>comfy arcade gameplay
>custom difficulty
>lovely visuals
>excellent sound design and memorable music
And you can beat it in an afternoon. It's a breath of fresh air while every game is trying to be 50-hour grinds or multiplayer ratraces.
I really couldn't get into Bastion, I tried a few times but I just couldn't enjoy the game with the annoying ass narrator. I thought the setting and combat was very bland as well.
San Andreas
Sengoku Rance
I replay all these pretty regularly since they all released
Like it or not, pic related was a good video game in almost every aspect and a reminder of why still play the vidya.
If want a not so salty response, then, Rabi ribi. Fun and hard metroidvania with comfy areas and good music.
If you want a nostalgia response, then i'd go for Donkey kong country 2.