Remember when we use to get pissed off at stuff?

Remember when we use to get pissed off at stuff?
Remember when we got outraged and pissed at Fee 2 Pay, DRM, money grabs, and stupid greedy cowardly shit that insulted the lot of us?
What happened?
Why did we all become so fucking apathetic?

Other urls found in this thread:

Absolutely, the problem is that Sup Forums isn't shitting themselves over sheer autistic rage enough.

>Why did we all become so fucking apathetic?
Influx of normalfags and Reddit.
There are people who get pissed at all the things you're talking about, but they're called "autism" or some other meme term in order to silence them.

>give a shit about consumer rights
>get called autism or poor or sour grapes

The biggest issue in games right now is day one DLC, early access paid beta testing, microtransactions and various other shamelessly immoral business practices that gamers just seem perfectly happy to roll over and take. (I don't even have to mention how every gaming "boycott" is a farce, since everyone just ends up buying the fucking game anyway.)

It absolutely fucking sickens me how much time is completely wasted getting assblasted over SJWs who write shitty stupid blogs that nobody fucking cares about while the actual business of games is allowed to run rampant. Look at the replies in this thread alone. Look at how many fucking faggots genuinely believe that the biggest threat to games right now is some whiney genderfluid shitbag with a tumblr account. They honestly believe this is a threat. Gone Home getting a bunch of 10/10s is not actually going to make your shitty realistic military shooters go away, so stop fucking crying about it.

If the amount of time and energy wasted on making the millionth goddamn anti-Anita thread was put into actually trying to effect change in something that mattered, the ACTUAL VIDEOGAME INDUSTRY, then maybe, just maybe we could have made waves and shown there is a huge amount of people who won't take this shit.

But we do, and we don't even bother complaining anymore, because it's more important that we all complain about one fucking tranny who says something dumb on twitter or some shit.

You can blame "stupid casuals" "SJWs" and "feminazis" all you want, but maybe you should look at yourselves you dumb niggers.

50℅ of the threads on v RIGHT NOW are whine threads.

Nostalgiafags kys

Sometimes I wonder if this 'influx of normalfags and Reddit' isn't just all in our minds. And by creating this image in our mind we start behaving accordingly without us even realising.

That's 50% down from what it use to be.

>care about ownership of digital goods
>get insulted
Every fucking time

People got older, and moved on to real life. And the younger generation came and replaced us. They've grown up their whole life with DLC and all that bullshit in games, so they just think it's fine.

It's real.

I feel like a lot of these methods were developed to stop or at least minimize the losses caused be piracy. I'm not saying I agree with them but still.

What are you talking about?

Every other thread here is bitching and moaning about something. Half the time it's something completely innocuous.

>fee 2 pay

Hi Jim

In all probability that's just someone trying to bait people into getting mad.


Go snort some anthrax.

Retro games have none of these problems.

Either way, these shitposters are probably the same fucks who complain about how other people are retarded for not spending money the same way they do.

No, its real look at all these buzzwords, meme posting, generals, Sup Forums shit,/r9k/ shit, blatant falseflagging with 500 responses.
Its clearly other board cultures being shoved down our throat. Im not saying old Sup Forums was any better but its vastly different than todays Sup Forums in not only content but shit thats accepted

Is there someone we can see the numbers of this website? As in actual usage?

>Just get over it user, it's not so bad

lurk moar.


Are we ready to mass villainize this mother fucker?


You must not have been here for Undertale then.

Undertale was the most cringeworthy meme fest this board has ever seen since GG
Literally every newfag and their braindead friends crawled out of the woodworks to prove that they also were "Sup Forums as fuck"



gaming has just been steadily declining to shit. longer dev times so hardly any games come out. every game trying to jew as much money as possible through microtransactions. preorder bonuses are bullshit. and most of all, every complaint is ignored because casuals (90% of gamers) love this shit. so yeah, why complain

It's just that games are becoming more and more expensive to make. So it's more like a business then it was 20 years ago.

Because the industry is dying and we've been shown that nothing we do will stop this train of shit from crashing

I hardly buy new games anymore at this point and just stick with checking out older titles, hell I've spent $300 on gamecube games this year while I've only gotten a couple games on my 8th gen consoles.

>So it's more like a business then it was 20 years ago.

It was always a business, user.

The business has not changed, the consumers have.

I don't buy shit I don't want. I buy stuff I want. End of story.

I don't waste my time campaigning to try to change other people's opinions. I find those people annoying.

The problem with sjws is that they have huge influence on the indie game scene due to having a lot of their people in high places.
When you're a small guy, people refusing to give your game publicity because they don't agree with all facets of your politics, no matter how good that game may be, can be the difference between whether you sink or swim.

im doing the same. im still playing and getting new games for my ps3. i haven't even gotten an 8th gen yet. it feels as if they just came out. i cannot think of 5 games i want

>titanfall 2


Actually it's easier to get publicity if your politics are different to theirs.

Also name 3 indie games which are really good but didn't get press coverage because of the wrong opinions.

>I have an investment in the welfare of the culture of a board on Sup Forums

I've got plenty of hyped games for the future on my PS4 but they aren't coming out for another year or so, only one I'm really hyped for this year is The Last Guardian.
I'm getting games for my 360 and wii too, been thinking about picking up Vanquish and Red Steel 2 from Gamestop.

I'm pretty pissed off at the Overwatch jew bullshit. I thought the loot box system was completely fine, but making exclusive items that can only be received in the next 20 days and you basically need to pay out of your ass to have a proper chance at gaining them is retarded.

Not gonna play Overwatch anymore because of it. First they give me a game with barely any maps and then this shit. They were lucky enough they jewed me into buying the game to begin with.

Nintendo started doing it.

>tfw friends tried to get me to buy Overwatch for over a month
>tfw they'll finally stop harassing me after this

I don't even own overwatch but if it's all cosmetics then who cares?

They can charge 100 dollars for cosmetics and it's still fine, they're fucking cosmetics.